Latinos Shifting To Trump Because They Have 'Internalized Racism,' Journalist Claims


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Jan 30, 2024

Latinos shifting to Trump because they have 'internalized racism,' journalist claims​

The Democratic advantage with Latino voters is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles, according to NBC News​

By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published October 5, 2024 5:00pm EDT

Journalist and MSNBC contributor Paola Ramos, daughter of Jorge Ramos, blamed "internalized racism" for why Latinos are leaving the Democratic Party and supporting former President Trump. Ramos appeared on PBS' "Amanpour & Company" this week to address the trend covered in her new book, "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means."

Trump appears to be outperforming his 2020 support among Latinos who prefer the Republican over Vice President Kamala Harris on handling the economy and immigration.

The Democratic Party's advantage with these voters is shrinking, according to NBC News, whose poll last week found the Democrats' edge is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles.


Trump is not afraid to go to the Bronx and talk to them

In discussions with Trump-supporting Latinos for her book, Ramos said she found that "tribalism, traditionalism, and political trauma" were the three driving forces behind this growing trend.

"Really understanding the sort of racial baggage that I believe a lot of Latinos, including myself, and a lot of us are carrying from Latin America. What it means to sort of been colonized for so many years, the weight of colonization, that, in of itself, I believe, creates a lot of internalized racism, a lot of colorism, that then manifests in American politics in so many ways," Ramos began.

"And that's then how you can explain the fact that even someone like Donald Trump feels so comfortable going to the Bronx, talking to a group of Black Latinos, and Latino Trump supporters, because he believes that he can sort of tap into a racial and ethnic grievance that is very familiar," she continued.

Latinos shifting to Trump because they have 'internalized racism,' journalist claims​

The Democratic advantage with Latino voters is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles, according to NBC News​

By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published October 5, 2024 5:00pm EDT

Journalist and MSNBC contributor Paola Ramos, daughter of Jorge Ramos, blamed "internalized racism" for why Latinos are leaving the Democratic Party and supporting former President Trump. Ramos appeared on PBS' "Amanpour & Company" this week to address the trend covered in her new book, "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means."

Trump appears to be outperforming his 2020 support among Latinos who prefer the Republican over Vice President Kamala Harris on handling the economy and immigration.

The Democratic Party's advantage with these voters is shrinking, according to NBC News, whose poll last week found the Democrats' edge is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles.

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Ramos is right.
I doubt you know what internalized racism is.

But you can ask Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Candace Owens or Byron Donald about it.
It appears God is working on all of this. God has everything exactly where He wants it at for now.

Wouldn't that be something for God to have the illegals the democrats ushered into America illegally; for them to be the one's God uses to turn against democrats at the ballot box. Talk about reaping what you sow.

Latinos shifting to Trump because they have 'internalized racism,' journalist claims​

The Democratic advantage with Latino voters is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles, according to NBC News​

By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published October 5, 2024 5:00pm EDT

Journalist and MSNBC contributor Paola Ramos, daughter of Jorge Ramos, blamed "internalized racism" for why Latinos are leaving the Democratic Party and supporting former President Trump. Ramos appeared on PBS' "Amanpour & Company" this week to address the trend covered in her new book, "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means."

Trump appears to be outperforming his 2020 support among Latinos who prefer the Republican over Vice President Kamala Harris on handling the economy and immigration.

The Democratic Party's advantage with these voters is shrinking, according to NBC News, whose poll last week found the Democrats' edge is at its lowest level in the past four presidential election cycles.

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To be fair that isn't all she said. She also suggested they were cowards and afraid of women. :lol:
Ramos is right.
I doubt you know what internalized racism is.

But you can ask Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Candace Owens or Byron Donald about it.
Oh, you mean real black people instead of one who pretends to be black on the internet? :)
Oh, you mean real black people instead of one who pretends to be black on the internet? :)
Another dumb ass.

You call them that because they hep promote the white racist agenda. You look at my picture evety day but your dumb ass thinks it's not real. Keep on believing that, idiot.
It appears God is working on all of this. God has everything exactly where He wants it at for now.

Wouldn't that be something for God to have the illegals the democrats ushered into America illegally; for them to be the one's God uses to turn against democrats at the ballot box. Talk about reaping what you sow.
Whats really happening is the people who are the relatives to those who are indigenous to this country are coming to take back what whites stole. Mexico once was what we call Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Callifornia, and Nevada. James Polk waged an illegal war against Mexico. The population of hispanics, who are actually related to the indigenous people of this country, are increasing in population. Whites are losing numbers. So yes, God is indeed working on all of this but not in the way you believe. God is punishing whites for their attempted genocide of the people who he originaly gave this land. Whites coveted what was not theirs and God has given whites over 200 years to get right. Instead whites such as yourself became arrogant and stiff necked.

So like you said, you reap what you sow. Whites tried wiping out the indigenous people of this land, now the indigenous people and their relatives are going to return to the majority they had once before.
Latinos aren't shifting to Trump. He'll get the same 30% of the Latino vote REpublicans always end up getting.

You're a fucking clueless ingrate.

But I was going to really go out on a limb?


Kamala voter?

Just a shot in the dark.
Sure I know what it is. It's a rhetorical device that lets leftists not have to deal with acknowledging people who they believe should agree with them but don't.

You really hate anyone who breaks free of the hive mind.

How are they even going to begin to process what's about to happen?

Their poor little broken commie brains.

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