Laura Bush calls Trump border policy "cruel & immoral"

I'd love to believe that congressional Republicans will give Captain Chaos an earful on this issue tomorrow. But my better senses tell me they won't, and shall remain spineless lapdogs.

*Note - I can't get into WaPo without paying - If someone has a link to the full column somewhere else, please post a link.

Former First Lady Laura Bush, a figure popular among conservatives, spoke out against the Trump administration’s policy of separating children and their parents at the border with a Washington Post Op-Ed published Sunday in which she called the policy “cruel and immoral” and compared it to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

In the column, Bush said she “appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries,” but did not shy away from blaming the Trump Administration for its zero-tolerance policy, which she described as cruel and unjust. “It is immoral,” she wrote. “And it breaks my heart.”

"Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history."

"Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation, on being the nation that sends humanitarian relief to places devastated by natural disasters or famine or war. We pride ourselves on believing that people should be seen for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We pride ourselves on acceptance. If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents—and to stop separating parents and children in the first place."

Laura Bush Calls Trump Policy of Separating Families at Border “Cruel and Immoral”
Can’t wait to see how Trump insults her. Is he going to go with a 3rd grade insult? Middle school?
He's got low-intelligence trumpanzees here to do that for him.
She has no idea what she’s talking about… Current politicians are always stupid in that way
In that case Trump is the most current of all politicians
My bad... ~career politicians~
Nah most career politicians have to have at least a fleeting knowledge of the issues they’re working on or else instead of debate and negotiating, their only means of accomplishing anything would be with strongman tactics, ala Trump.
Unless you are politically Naive, this is kind of easy.

You have a sitting President that cannot run again when he orders the detaining and separation. This will be seen as an appeal to the center of the Democratic base and an attempt at luring some from the right as well.

While at the same time freeing up the left in congress to advocate loose borders, which appeals to the left and progressives.

It was a calculated political move. It failed of course, but is the reality of the situation.

Trump's new Zero Tolerance Separation policy is pissing off anyone with a heart including Republicans.

These Republicans have criticized Trump's 'zero tolerance' immigration policy - CNNPolitics

Proof will be the mid-terms. I'm not thinking that bodes well for the left.
The death penalty is also harsh.

But it, like separating families is effective and, like the death penalty, it prevents recidivism.
Hey it stops repeat offenders shit for brains… Maybe we should shoot first ask questions later at the border?
Hey it stops repeat offenders shit for brains… Maybe we should shoot first ask questions later at the border?

No it doesn't - There have been dozens if not hundreds of non-partisan studies over the past 20 years.

When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....

Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.

Sad :(

They’d had a plan: Elsa Johana Ortiz Enriquez packed up what little she had in Guatemala and traveled across Mexico with her 8-year-old son, Anthony. In a group, they rafted across the Rio Grande into Texas. From there they intended to join her boyfriend, Edgar, who had found a construction job in the United States.

Except it all went wrong. The Border Patrol was waiting as they made their way from the border on May 26, and soon mother and son were in a teeming detention center in southern Texas. The next part unfolded so swiftly that, even now, Ms. Ortiz cannot grasp it: Anthony was sent to a shelter for migrant children. And she was put on a plane back to Guatemala.

“I am completely devastated,” Ms. Ortiz, 25, said in one of a series of video interviews last week from her family home in Guatemala. Her eyes swollen from weeping and her voice subdued, she said she had no idea when or how she would see her son again.​

‘I Can’t Go Without My Son,’ a Mother Pleaded as She Was Deported to Guatemala
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.
Well presented.
The death penalty does not prevent crime and no one said it did. You made that up. What the death penalty does is prevent recidivism. That person will never commit another crime. Did you not understand what the word recidivism means?

In preventing recidivism, the death penalty is exceedingly effective 100% of the time.
Hey it stops repeat offenders shit for brains… Maybe we should shoot first ask questions later at the border?

No it doesn't - There have been dozens if not hundreds of non-partisan studies over the past 20 years.

It’s pretty hard for someone to repeat criminal activity if they’re dead… Dumbass
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.
Well presented.
Obama was all about hypocrisy
As a Trump supporter I just want to say thanks to the former First Lady for her concern. But Laura Bush is sorely misguided. Separating children from their families started under Obama. Kids are hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught. So in response kids are caught and separated - which started under Obama. The best way to prevent this is for Liberals to stop advertising open borders.

Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Ok so you say this started with Obama.

Yet you say democrats advertise open borders.

Do you see how illogical your statement is?

If Obama started this why would he want open borders?

How can a party that started this want open borders?

Either democrats want to stop illegal immigration and separate kids from parents.

Or democrats want open borders.

You can't say both because they contradict one another.

Stop with the lies. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.
Well presented.
Obama was all about hypocrisy
So is America.
Sad :(

They’d had a plan: Elsa Johana Ortiz Enriquez packed up what little she had in Guatemala and traveled across Mexico with her 8-year-old son, Anthony. In a group, they rafted across the Rio Grande into Texas. From there they intended to join her boyfriend, Edgar, who had found a construction job in the United States.

Except it all went wrong. The Border Patrol was waiting as they made their way from the border on May 26, and soon mother and son were in a teeming detention center in southern Texas. The next part unfolded so swiftly that, even now, Ms. Ortiz cannot grasp it: Anthony was sent to a shelter for migrant children. And she was put on a plane back to Guatemala.

“I am completely devastated,” Ms. Ortiz, 25, said in one of a series of video interviews last week from her family home in Guatemala. Her eyes swollen from weeping and her voice subdued, she said she had no idea when or how she would see her son again.​

‘I Can’t Go Without My Son,’ a Mother Pleaded as She Was Deported to Guatemala

Sad, but you don't post as to who the biological father is, whether she had permission to leave without the Fathers knowlege, nor why and how she got all the way to the border and have pretty much lost any Asylum argument when you stated that she was entering illegally to join her lover.

still sad, but we are a country of laws, and the first that immigrants should realize, from the beginning is the law that creates Legal entrance. Maybe she can spread the word when she gets home. That would be wonderful.
Sad, but you don't post as to who the biological father is, whether she had permission to leave without the Fathers knowlege, nor why and how she got all the way to the border and have pretty much lost any Asylum argument when you stated that she was entering illegally to join her lover.

still sad, but we are a country of laws, and the first that immigrants should realize, from the beginning is the law that creates Legal entrance. Maybe she can spread the word when she gets home. That would be wonderful.

There are no laws in Guatemala against spousal abuse and likely no requirement to get father's permission. Besides which, how do you know there even IS a father?
When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....

Catch up - MANY of these people are legally presenting themselves at the border requesting asylum. We are ILLEGALLY arresting them and taking their children.

And that is a lie...... the vast majority are illegally entering the country.....

It wasn't liar.


The truth about separating kids at the border

Rich Lowry has written a great article called “The Truth About Separating Kids.” Rich shows that the problem of child separation at the border stems from the decision of illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. illegally, for economic reasons, with their kids and then seek asylum.

They seek asylum to extend their stay, knowing that U.S. law — something called the Flores Consent Decree — says that unaccompanied children can be held by the government for only 20 days. Since asylum petitions take more than 20 days to process, the government must either release the adults and children together into the country pending the ajudication of the asylum claim or hold the adults and release the children, thereby separating them.

If the adult illegal immigrant is released while the claim is pending, it’s extremely unlikely that the government will find him or her again. Thus, releasing the adult is tantamount to allowing the illegal immigrant to live in the U.S. regardless of the merits of the case. The Trump administration is right to reject this outcome.
Rich Lowry? :lol:

"I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can’t be learned; it’s either something you have or you don’t, and man, she’s got it."

Does Laura Bush know that the current immigration law that separates kids from parents at the border was passed in 2008 and signed into law by her husband?

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border, explained

Those aren’t “Democratic laws” either; the law addressing unaccompanied children was passed overwhelmingly in 2008 and signed by George W. Bush, while the restriction on detaining families is a result of federal litigation.

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