Laura Bush Little"tramp"on the prarie"

So you and GOP Jeff have come to the conclusion that since our enemy has enough reason to attack us a little more fodder is okay? Geez... is this bright deduction or what!

As is the case with this entire thread, they are spot on, and you are way off, Arch.

What they are saying is that the terrorists are not attacking us because of Bill Clinton's blowjobs and Laura Bush's jokes...they are attacking us for real reasons...and using any excuse they can to make us blame ourselves and change our way of life, our freedoms...for the way of life they ascribe to. They do not need to watch FoxNews to find out why to behead someone...they behead someone then find some reason to say it is our fault.

By saying that Laura Bush isn't allowed to toss some jokes at her husband goodnaturedly because the terrorists might get mad is absolutely obscene.

Why don't all American women start wearing hijabs! Shouldn't we all do our part? The major news channels show normal people doing things on the news all the of people at the mall, or at the beach when they do stories about vacationing or the economy... so we, the average people might be on the news too...just like Laura!!!!

After all, maybe if I cover myself from head to toe rather than shopping for a new bikini for this summer the terrorists won't be offended by my female body and they won't blow something else up!!! After all...if the terrorists cells living in the US saw me buying a bikini and then phoned their pals back in Iraq and told them to explode a car bomb because they saw a young woman looking at swimsuits...why, that would be just awful.

As I said before, Arch...the terrorists are killing people because their way of life is threatened and they feel that by killing people they can make us change our way of life to match theirs....and you apparently, agree with them.

P.S. Bullypulpit....a BIT, just a BIT, of intellectual honesty here....Whoppi and her ilk rudely and crudely insulted the president in a deliberate attempt to be insulting and demeaning at an event that was not "supposedly" about bashing and insulting the President. Hence why numerous people (even liberals) felt that the jokes were off-color. Laura Bush light-heartedly poked fun at her husband, herself, and her friends at an event that was about just that...relaxing the often strained relationship between the White House and the Press...and remembering that we can all laugh at ourselves once in awhile. The difference is obvious and glaring.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Outside the box is fine, just try to stay in the solar system. Simply put, you're overreacting. They have this every year, it's not that big of a deal.

Tell you what, if there is an attack and terrorists cite this as a reason for doing it, I'll come back here and tell you how right you were. Considering the fact that it won't happen, I hope you will have the nuts to come back here and admit how wrong you were.

Now, take a chill pill, you uptight rockerless 70's reject.

You are correct I am a seventees reject...grew up during "Happy Days" the sixtees...You are on...and I expect you will do the same! :funnyface
Gem said:

As is the case with this entire thread, they are spot on, and you are way off, Arch.

What they are saying is that the terrorists are not attacking us because of Bill Clinton's blowjobs and Laura Bush's jokes...they are attacking us for real reasons...and using any excuse they can to make us blame ourselves and change our way of life, our freedoms...for the way of life they ascribe to. They do not need to watch FoxNews to find out why to behead someone...they behead someone then find some reason to say it is our fault.

By saying that Laura Bush isn't allowed to toss some jokes at her husband goodnaturedly because the terrorists might get mad is absolutely obscene.

Why don't all American women start wearing hijabs! Shouldn't we all do our part? The major news channels show normal people doing things on the news all the of people at the mall, or at the beach when they do stories about vacationing or the economy... so we, the average people might be on the news too...just like Laura!!!!

After all, maybe if I cover myself from head to toe rather than shopping for a new bikini for this summer the terrorists won't be offended by my female body and they won't blow something else up!!! After all...if the terrorists cells living in the US saw me buying a bikini and then phoned their pals back in Iraq and told them to explode a car bomb because they saw a young woman looking at swimsuits...why, that would be just awful.

As I said before, Arch...the terrorists are killing people because their way of life is threatened and they feel that by killing people they can make us change our way of life to match theirs....and you apparently, agree with them.

P.S. Bullypulpit....a BIT, just a BIT, of intellectual honesty here....Whoppi and her ilk rudely and crudely insulted the president in a deliberate attempt to be insulting and demeaning at an event that was not "supposedly" about bashing and insulting the President. Hence why numerous people (even liberals) felt that the jokes were off-color. Laura Bush light-heartedly poked fun at her husband, herself, and her friends at an event that was about just that...relaxing the often strained relationship between the White House and the Press...and remembering that we can all laugh at ourselves once in awhile. The difference is obvious and glaring.

I saw a man and a woman holding hands in the line at Starbucks.

I shot them.

How dare they - being obscene and perverse in front of everyone. Degrading everything we stand for.

Gem said:

As is the case with this entire thread, they are spot on, and you are way off, Arch.

What they are saying is that the terrorists are not attacking us because of Bill Clinton's blowjobs and Laura Bush's jokes...they are attacking us for real reasons...and using any excuse they can to make us blame ourselves and change our way of life, our freedoms...for the way of life they ascribe to. They do not need to watch FoxNews to find out why to behead someone...they behead someone then find some reason to say it is our fault.

By saying that Laura Bush isn't allowed to toss some jokes at her husband goodnaturedly because the terrorists might get mad is absolutely obscene.

Why don't all American women start wearing hijabs! Shouldn't we all do our part? The major news channels show normal people doing things on the news all the of people at the mall, or at the beach when they do stories about vacationing or the economy... so we, the average people might be on the news too...just like Laura!!!!

After all, maybe if I cover myself from head to toe rather than shopping for a new bikini for this summer the terrorists won't be offended by my female body and they won't blow something else up!!! After all...if the terrorists cells living in the US saw me buying a bikini and then phoned their pals back in Iraq and told them to explode a car bomb because they saw a young woman looking at swimsuits...why, that would be just awful.

As I said before, Arch...the terrorists are killing people because their way of life is threatened and they feel that by killing people they can make us change our way of life to match theirs....and you apparently, agree with them.

P.S. Bullypulpit....a BIT, just a BIT, of intellectual honesty here....Whoppi and her ilk rudely and crudely insulted the president in a deliberate attempt to be insulting and demeaning at an event that was not "supposedly" about bashing and insulting the President. Hence why numerous people (even liberals) felt that the jokes were off-color. Laura Bush light-heartedly poked fun at her husband, herself, and her friends at an event that was about just that...relaxing the often strained relationship between the White House and the Press...and remembering that we can all laugh at ourselves once in awhile. The difference is obvious and glaring.

You have missed my point entirely...It is not the sense of humor that put us at is the format and International news outlets..pandoring to the left...since the conservative base is at odds with GW's administration...example would be outsourcing of jobs,illegal immigration(open borders) etc etc...and by giving fodder to the enemy for a laugh from the this so hard to understand...don't bother to align yourself on this one don't like me so you will take anyones opinion to blast me..I will refrain from addressing never goes anywhere but round and round! : :shocked:
archangel said:
You have missed my point entirely...It is not the sense of humor that put us at is the format and International news outlets..pandoring to the left...since the conservative base is at odds with GW's administration...example would be outsourcing of jobs,illegal immigration(open borders) etc etc...and by giving fodder to the enemy for a laugh from the this so hard to understand...don't bother to align yourself on this one don't like me so you will take anyones opinion to blast me..I will refrain from addressing never goes anywhere but round and round! : :shocked:

I think you need a stiff drink or something. Lighten up.
All of those uptight individuals need to get off the rest of us have a chance to get on! ba dop bop. :rotflmao:
gop_jeff said:
I think you need a stiff drink or something. Lighten up.

Well Jeff it is a little hard to lighten up when your past history was serving in the miltary and had to answer the blast of the enemy rejuvinated by people who made stupid comments and gave the enemy the will to you know anything about combat or were you a weekend warrior as was GW and a fool as was Lt.Kerry..They seem to admire "Hanoi you?..also was it okay for Tokyo Rose to mock us in WWII...geez! :cof:
archangel said:
...don't bother to align yourself on this one don't like me so you will take anyones opinion to blast me..I will refrain from addressing never goes anywhere but round and round! : :shocked:

Jeez - you don't give me very much credit, do you? Hell, I don't know you. How can I tell whether I like you or not - and more to the point - what does it matter?

For the record - I disagree with your opinion, I think you're full of beans on this one and that in this case you are being both uptight and irrational.

And also for the record - if I wanted to jump on you, I can do that without having to hide behind anyone else's opinions or posts. I'm completely capable of speaking for myself and when I'm done, I doubt that there would be any question in your mind about what I think. So kindly don't take that fact that I disagree with you as a personal insult. It certainly is not intended in that manner.
archangel said:
Well Jeff it is a little hard to lighten up when your past history was serving in the miltary and had to answer the blast of the enemy rejuvinated by people who made stupid comments and gave the enemy the will to you know anything about combat or were you a weekend warrior as was GW and a fool as was Lt.Kerry..They seem to admire "Hanoi you?..also was it okay for Tokyo Rose to mock us in WWII...geez! :cof:

I was also in the military and I never once thought that my "enemies" were motivated by risque jokes or R-rated movies.

And comparing Ms Bush's remakes to Hanoi Jane and Tokyo Rose is more of a stretch that I can ever imagine.
Merlin1047 said:
Jeez - you don't give me very much credit, do you? Hell, I don't know you. How can I tell whether I like you or not - and more to the point - what does it matter?

For the record - I disagree with your opinion, I think you're full of beans on this one and that in this case you are being both uptight and irrational.

And also for the record - if I wanted to jump on you, I can do that without having to hide behind anyone else's opinions or posts. I'm completely capable of speaking for myself and when I'm done, I doubt that there would be any question in your mind about what I think. So kindly don't take that fact that I disagree with you as a personal insult. It certainly is not intended in that manner.

Merlin....I stand corrected...just got caught up in the passion of the moment...
We then agree to disagree...fair enough! :cheers2:
GotZoom said:
I was also in the military and I never once thought that my "enemies" were motivated by risque jokes or R-rated movies.

And comparing Ms Bush's remakes to Hanoi Jane and Tokyo Rose is more of a stretch that I can ever imagine.

Well golly gee Hanoi Jane said she was just caught up in the moment..just a girl having fun with the NVA..amazing how that pumped up the NVA too attack with such vigor...after all she was just kidding around...May I ask where you served and what your real experience was to debase my opinion? :D :dunno:
archangel said:
Well golly gee Hanoi Jane said she was just caught up in the moment..just a girl having fun with the NVA..amazing how that pumped up the NVA too attack with such vigor...after all she was just kidding around...May I ask where you served and what your real experience was to debase my opinion? :D :dunno:

USAF - Electronic Security Command - 12 years.
sit down, calm down, get out of the "moment" and think about your logic.

As was mentioned earlier (Cite ), tokyo rose and hanio jane made those comments to UNDERMINE "purposefully" and "maliciously" the US war effort. Mrs. Bush has not made any comments directly related to the war effort. Got it? I doubt it, so let me continue. Her comments were self depreciating fun designed to lighten up the moment (eh em). The were NOT designed to rial up islamo facists.

Seriously, I would like you to give a mildly detailed response as to your comparisons, and be direct with quote comparison, of how the First Lady words were anologous to the anti US speakers. Bet you dollar to pesos you can't do it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Gem
Yurt said:
sit down, calm down, get out of the "moment" and think about your logic.

As was mentioned earlier, tokyo rose and hanio jane made those comments to UNDERMINE "purposefully" and "maliciously" the US war effort. Mrs. Bush has not made any comments directly related to the war effort. Got it? I doubt it, so let me continue. Her comments were self depreciating fun designed to lighten up the moment (eh em). The were NOT designed to rial up islamo facists.

Seriously, I would like you to give a mildly detailed response as to your comparisons, and be direct with quote comparison, of how the First Lady words were anologous to the anti US speakers. Bet you dollar to pesos you can't do it.

Excellent point!
Archangel Wrote:
you don't like me so you will take anyones opinion to blast me

I know you "aren't talking to me" anymore and all...but I just had to address this little tidbit.

Perhaps you base whether you like or dislike someone on something as small as whether or not they agree with your every idea and whim, but I do not. I do not know you, I have no clue as to your feelings on numerous other issues...and therefore, disliking you would be ridiculous. I do not dislike you, I have no idea who you are!

As to my "not understanding your point." Thats bunk and you know it.
I simply disagree with you. So do, obviously, many other people here.

And as a final note...many people here have served or are serving in the military...I, myself, am a military spouse, with several friends in Iraq and Afganistan. So taking a "high and mighty" attitude that you somehow know more than the rest of us because you have a military background is arrogant nonsense. My husband found Laura's speech hysterical...and finds your opinions on the matter over-the-top. (Don't worry though...he doesn't dislike you either.)
GotZoom said:
USAF - Electronic Security Command - 12 years.

Interesting same as my brother USAF...although he does agree with me on most combat issues...US Army...7th Army Cold War East German Border...also Vietnam era 1st,2nd,7th Cav...aslo CEDEC combat experimentation tdys out of Camp roberts...Hunter Liggett to S/E Asia combat support and training!
Just four years two months and twentynine days is all I could take! :bang3:
Gem said:
Archangel Wrote:

I know you "aren't talking to me" anymore and all...but I just had to address this little tidbit.

Perhaps you base whether you like or dislike someone on something as small as whether or not they agree with your every idea and whim, but I do not. I do not know you, I have no clue as to your feelings on numerous other issues...and therefore, disliking you would be ridiculous. I do not dislike you, I have no idea who you are!

As to my "not understanding your point." Thats bunk and you know it.
I simply disagree with you. So do, obviously, many other people here.

And as a final note...many people here have served or are serving in the military...I, myself, am a military spouse, with several friends in Iraq and Afganistan. So taking a "high and mighty" attitude that you somehow know more than the rest of us because you have a military background is arrogant nonsense. My husband found Laura's speech hysterical...and finds your opinions on the matter over-the-top. (Don't worry though...he doesn't dislike you either.)

This was addressing Merlin...have since resolved the issue with him...we can agree to disagree...In the proper setting I too would have found Lauras speech funny...under the circumstances..and based on experience with people with high profiles encouraging the enemy to fight harder...well the rest is history...Vietnam fell because of the lack of support at home based on celebrity and congressional stupidy...if you get my drift...if not sorry...enough said...have a good one! :cool:
archangel said:
This was addressing Merlin...have since resolved the issue with him...we can agree to disagree...In the proper setting I too would have found Lauras speech funny...under the circumstances..and based on experience with people with high profiles encouraging the enemy to fight harder...well the rest is history...Vietnam fell because of the lack of support at home based on celebrity and congressional stupidy...if you get my drift...if not sorry...enough said...have a good one! :cool:


Yurt said:
sit down, calm down, get out of the "moment" and think about your logic.

As was mentioned earlier (Cite ), tokyo rose and hanio jane made those comments to UNDERMINE "purposefully" and "maliciously" the US war effort. Mrs. Bush has not made any comments directly related to the war effort. Got it? I doubt it, so let me continue. Her comments were self depreciating fun designed to lighten up the moment (eh em). The were NOT designed to rial up islamo facists.

Seriously, I would like you to give a mildly detailed response as to your comparisons, and be direct with quote comparison, of how the First Lady words were anologous to the anti US speakers. Bet you dollar to pesos you can't do it.

I agree Laura did not make any comments" purposefully" and "maliciously" however this does not excuse the same end result...anytime you feed the enemy, intended or not, the damage has the same end result...the enemy fights harder for their beliefs...this war is not WWII or Vietnam...we are fighting radicals who base their fight on the decadence of the west...therefore we must be vigilant to avoid pumping up their cause...with or without humor.....designed or out of jest has the same end result...anymore idealist logic to spew? :confused:
-=d=- said:

This is probably because I was talking to Gem...=d=,=d= or is that Dee Dee...can't tell ya change avatars so frequently..... :cof:

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