Laura Ingraham is dumb. Proof:

Lady Laura just hasn't been the same since Keith Olbermann broke up with her. :D

Laura Ingraham’s boyfriends have made for strange political bedfellows at times. She has not stuck to dating only conservatives, although she is known for her own right-wing views.​
In fact, Ingraham once dated the outspoken liberal pundit Keith Olbermann years ago, who later had his own television show on politics on MSNBC. Although they share in common punditry and the public eye, their politics are the polar opposite. However, Olbermann told The New Yorker that politics did not drive the pair apart. “Olbermann dated Ingraham briefly a decade ago,” the magazine reported in 2008.​
“There were a few problems,” he told The New Yorker. “There were a few things that I could see were going to be impediments. Oddly, they were not political things.” The magazine article did not elaborate, but it quoted Ingraham as criticizing Olbermann on the air. “I believe MSNBC really needs to bring in a medical team at this point. . . . I don’t know what happened to him. I really don’t. He didn’t use to be this way,” The New Yorker quoted her as saying.​

So she is "dumb" because she doesn't watch TV, I'd suggest that if you know about the show you are stupid.
Whenever someone scores a direct hit on libtards we get a thread like this the next how did she hurt your feelings snowflakes?....
You have 46,000 posts. I have 10% of that. I post at lunch and before and after my high powered overpaid job telling dumbasses like you what to do.
Yes, clearly you are a legend in your own mind. A superior specimen of humanity.
You have 46,000 posts. I have 10% of that. I post at lunch and before and after my high powered overpaid job telling dumbasses like you what to do.
You have only been here since 2019 dummy...I've been here 10 years longer than you have moron....LMFAO

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