“Law fare” of the anti-gun extremists…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The movie “The Devil’s Advocate,” explained this…….the law gets these evil people into everything……..the anti-gun extremists are using the legal system to attack our Right to own and carry guns. The suing of innocent people who obeyed the law is simply evil…but then, when have leftists been anything other than evil totalitarians………

The Biden administration has already put nearly 2,000 gun sellers out of business in just two years. Just a few years ago, a lawsuit helped drive the 200-year-old Remington Arms into bankruptcy. But activists won’t stop suing gun shops and anyone else that comes close to the industry.
Everytown for Gun Safety, filed a lawsuit against a shop that sold the gun used in the fatal shooting of 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York
Psychiatrists had previously evaluated the shooter without finding him to be a danger to himself or others — which is nothing unusual. Half of the mass public shooters since 1998 had seen mental health professionals. But if trained mental health professionals couldn’t realize this man was so dangerous, it’s hard to blame the parents. It certainly doesn’t make sense to sue them.

Unfortunately, lawsuits, such as this one by interest groups like Everytown, are more interested in punishing people they oppose or causing others to change their behavior in desired ways than seeking the truth. With billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s deep pockets, Everytown does not worry about funding its lawsuits. The same can’t be said for their targets, such as a small gun store. Social media companies aren’t going to be bankrupted by the lawsuits, but they may be even more likely to censor material that gun-control groups such as Everytown dislike.

Ah, let's take this bit of crazy apart, shall we?

The movie “The Devil’s Advocate,” explained this…….the law gets these evil people into everything……..the anti-gun extremists are using the legal system to attack our Right to own and carry guns. The suing of innocent people who obeyed the law is simply evil…but then, when have leftists been anything other than evil totalitarians………

The Biden administration has already put nearly 2,000 gun sellers out of business in just two years. Just a few years ago, a lawsuit helped drive the 200-year-old Remington Arms into bankruptcy. But activists won’t stop suing gun shops and anyone else that comes close to the industry.

You say this like this is a bad thing. The thing that put Remington into bankruptcy was that they sold the weapon used to kill 26 people and Sandy Hook to Adam Lanza's mother, by advertising in a way to appeal to crazy people.

Everytown for Gun Safety, filed a lawsuit against a shop that sold the gun used in the fatal shooting of 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York
Psychiatrists had previously evaluated the shooter without finding him to be a danger to himself or others — which is nothing unusual. Half of the mass public shooters since 1998 had seen mental health professionals. But if trained mental health professionals couldn’t realize this man was so dangerous, it’s hard to blame the parents. It certainly doesn’t make sense to sue them.

Then you think the gun industry should take efforts to keep people like him from buying guns.

FOR INSTANCE - when the makers of certain medicines found out that their products were being used in the manufacture of Crystal Meth, they took measures to make sure that these products were controlled. They stepped up and did the responsible things, as did the drug stores that distributed their products. Which is why I have to go the Pharmacy Counter to get Claritan D.

Unfortunately, lawsuits, such as this one by interest groups like Everytown, are more interested in punishing people they oppose or causing others to change their behavior in desired ways than seeking the truth. With billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s deep pockets, Everytown does not worry about funding its lawsuits. The same can’t be said for their targets, such as a small gun store. Social media companies aren’t going to be bankrupted by the lawsuits, but they may be even more likely to censor material that gun-control groups such as Everytown dislike.

Um, okay. Or the gun industry can change their standards and practices, that would help.

Let's be perfectly clear what happened here. The gun industry is not shocked, absolutely shocked that crazy people and criminals are GETTING guns. They want them to get guns. They want them to get guns because that creates fear so that other people want guns as well.

Well, as Rev. Wright once said, "The Chickens are coming home to roost!"
Ah, let's take this bit of crazy apart, shall we?

You say this like this is a bad thing. The thing that put Remington into bankruptcy was that they sold the weapon used to kill 26 people and Sandy Hook to Adam Lanza's mother, by advertising in a way to appeal to crazy people.

Then you think the gun industry should take efforts to keep people like him from buying guns.

FOR INSTANCE - when the makers of certain medicines found out that their products were being used in the manufacture of Crystal Meth, they took measures to make sure that these products were controlled. They stepped up and did the responsible things, as did the drug stores that distributed their products. Which is why I have to go the Pharmacy Counter to get Claritan D.

Um, okay. Or the gun industry can change their standards and practices, that would help.

Let's be perfectly clear what happened here. The gun industry is not shocked, absolutely shocked that crazy people and criminals are GETTING guns. They want them to get guns. They want them to get guns because that creates fear so that other people want guns as well.

Well, as Rev. Wright once said, "The Chickens are coming home to roost!"

Remington did not break the law, they did not commit a crime.....the lawsuit should never have happened......

Gun stores do federally mandated background checks on all gun sales....the gun store did the background check complying with all local, state and federal laws.......

Let's be clear........you hate freedom and the rule of law....you want to use the law to destroy people you hate.......and as a spoiled, vicious little child, you don't grasp the damage you are doing to our freedom and our society.

And, you quote a noted racist and anti-semite......as all you democrats do....
Remington did not break the law, they did not commit a crime.....the lawsuit should never have happened......

Gun stores do federally mandated background checks on all gun sales....the gun store did the background check complying with all local, state and federal laws.......

You don't have to break a law to be sued, just be negligent in your behavior.

The federally mandated checks are DELIBERATELY weak because the Gun Industry dumps a shitload of money on Congress to keep them weak, and sues jurisdictions like Chicago that manage to pass sensible laws. So, no, they own these mass shootings, and it's nice to see them get held accountable.

The tobacco companies were held liable, too... even though they didn't break any laws.

Let's be clear........you hate freedom and the rule of law....you want to use the law to destroy people you hate.......and as a spoiled, vicious little child, you don't grasp the damage you are doing to our freedom and our society.

Uh, guy, I'd be happy to live in a gun free society. Frankly, if I am having to put up with security guards, militarized police, key cards to get into my job, metal detectors in the schools, all because your gun fetishists can't control yourselves, I'm just not feeling the freedom.

And, you quote a noted racist and anti-semite......as all you democrats do....

Yawn, let me know when you have any substance.

You see, if I were running the gun industry, the simple solution is this. Don't wait for a government background check. Set up a background check system of your own. One that is thorough. The Credit card companies do it, and while it doesn't prevent all fraud, it prevents a lot of fraud.

But they won't do that... because if you lessen the fear, you lessen their sales.
You don't have to break a law to be sued, just be negligent in your behavior.

The federally mandated checks are DELIBERATELY weak because the Gun Industry dumps a shitload of money on Congress to keep them weak, and sues jurisdictions like Chicago that manage to pass sensible laws. So, no, they own these mass shootings, and it's nice to see them get held accountable.

The tobacco companies were held liable, too... even though they didn't break any laws.

Uh, guy, I'd be happy to live in a gun free society. Frankly, if I am having to put up with security guards, militarized police, key cards to get into my job, metal detectors in the schools, all because your gun fetishists can't control yourselves, I'm just not feeling the freedom.

Yawn, let me know when you have any substance.

You see, if I were running the gun industry, the simple solution is this. Don't wait for a government background check. Set up a background check system of your own. One that is thorough. The Credit card companies do it, and while it doesn't prevent all fraud, it prevents a lot of fraud.

But they won't do that... because if you lessen the fear, you lessen their sales.

The gun stores and Remington followed all the laws, and they did not pull the trigger...they are in no way connected to the shooters.....

You are truly evil....
The gun stores and Remington followed all the laws, and they did not pull the trigger...they are in no way connected to the shooters.....

You are truly evil....

Obviously, you don't understand how liability works.

Creating a situation where someone could get hurt makes you civilly liable, even if you weren't found criminally liable.

The gun industry knowingly marketed to unstable people like Nancy Lanza. So they bear responsibility when her nutty son went on a rampage.

Remington settled because they didn't want all their internal memos getting entered into evidence, like happened to the tobacco companies.
Makes you wonder what's in those internal memos.
The movie “The Devil’s Advocate,” explained this…….the law gets these evil people into everything……..the anti-gun extremists are using the legal system to attack our Right to own and carry guns. The suing of innocent people who obeyed the law is simply evil…but then, when have leftists been anything other than evil totalitarians………

The Biden administration has already put nearly 2,000 gun sellers out of business in just two years. Just a few years ago, a lawsuit helped drive the 200-year-old Remington Arms into bankruptcy. But activists won’t stop suing gun shops and anyone else that comes close to the industry.
Everytown for Gun Safety, filed a lawsuit against a shop that sold the gun used in the fatal shooting of 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York
Psychiatrists had previously evaluated the shooter without finding him to be a danger to himself or others — which is nothing unusual. Half of the mass public shooters since 1998 had seen mental health professionals. But if trained mental health professionals couldn’t realize this man was so dangerous, it’s hard to blame the parents. It certainly doesn’t make sense to sue them.

Unfortunately, lawsuits, such as this one by interest groups like Everytown, are more interested in punishing people they oppose or causing others to change their behavior in desired ways than seeking the truth. With billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s deep pockets, Everytown does not worry about funding its lawsuits. The same can’t be said for their targets, such as a small gun store. Social media companies aren’t going to be bankrupted by the lawsuits, but they may be even more likely to censor material that gun-control groups such as Everytown dislike.

And when the FFL is out of business the government gets the ATF 4473s.
Obviously, you don't understand how liability works.

Creating a situation where someone could get hurt makes you civilly liable, even if you weren't found criminally liable.

The gun industry knowingly marketed to unstable people like Nancy Lanza. So they bear responsibility when her nutty son went on a rampage.

Remington settled because they didn't want all their internal memos getting entered into evidence, like happened to the tobacco companies.
Makes you wonder what's in those internal memos.
Remington settled a liability suit for advertising and marketing to young adults. Yet, the weapons were the mothers, Lanza stole them, did not purchase them, and committed the crime.

Lanza himself had mental issues. If anyone besides Lanza should be liable it would be the mother who introduced the son to the gun culture and who knew there was something wrong with her son.
Remington settled a liability suit for advertising and marketing to young adults. Yet, the weapons were the mothers, Lanza stole them, did not purchase them, and committed the crime.

Lanza himself had mental issues. If anyone besides Lanza should be liable it would be the mother who introduced the son to the gun culture and who knew there was something wrong with her son.

Okay, here's the problem.

Adam Lanza was nuts. But if he had gotten proper treatment instead of being raised by a crazy mother stocking weapons like the Zombies were coming, he might not have been dangerous.

I actually thought the Remington suit was a stretch, but I'm glad it won. It needs to be repeated thousands of times. Then the gun industry will either clean up its act or go out of business, and I'm fine with either one.
Ah, let's take this bit of crazy apart, shall we?

You say this like this is a bad thing. The thing that put Remington into bankruptcy was that they sold the weapon used to kill 26 people and Sandy Hook to Adam Lanza's mother, by advertising in a way to appeal to crazy people.

Then you think the gun industry should take efforts to keep people like him from buying guns.

FOR INSTANCE - when the makers of certain medicines found out that their products were being used in the manufacture of Crystal Meth, they took measures to make sure that these products were controlled. They stepped up and did the responsible things, as did the drug stores that distributed their products. Which is why I have to go the Pharmacy Counter to get Claritan D.

Um, okay. Or the gun industry can change their standards and practices, that would help.

Let's be perfectly clear what happened here. The gun industry is not shocked, absolutely shocked that crazy people and criminals are GETTING guns. They want them to get guns. They want them to get guns because that creates fear so that other people want guns as well.

Well, as Rev. Wright once said, "The Chickens are coming home to roost!"
The words batshit crazy triggered you.
Okay, here's the problem.

Adam Lanza was nuts. But if he had gotten proper treatment instead of being raised by a crazy mother stocking weapons like the Zombies were coming, he might not have been dangerous.

I actually thought the Remington suit was a stretch, but I'm glad it won. It needs to be repeated thousands of times. Then the gun industry will either clean up its act or go out of business, and I'm fine with either one.
Her stocking weapons is no concern of yours stay the fuck in your lane
Remington settled a liability suit for advertising and marketing to young adults. Yet, the weapons were the mothers, Lanza stole them, did not purchase them, and committed the crime.

Lanza himself had mental issues. If anyone besides Lanza should be liable it would be the mother who introduced the son to the gun culture and who knew there was something wrong with her son.
Remington didn't settle the lawyers did after Remington closed the doors
She didn't let her crazy son get them. Her crazy son killed her and took the guns from her safe.

After she took him to the gun range, showed him how to shoot them, and left the keys to the gun vault where he could get them.
I should point out he'd have to remove the gun from the safe BEFORE he killed her. YOu get that, right? It means the safe was either open or he had access to it.

He didn't kill her to get the gun, he had the gun. He killed her because she was going to dump his ass into an institution because she couldn't handle him anymore.

So... she showed him how to use guns
Let him play first person shooter video games all day
gave him easy access to the gun safe
Filled his head with batshit crazy prepper nonsense.

It was almost like she was trying to CREATE a mass shooter.
After she took him to the gun range, showed him how to shoot them, and left the keys to the gun vault where he could get them.
I should point out he'd have to remove the gun from the safe BEFORE he killed her. YOu get that, right? It means the safe was either open or he had access to it.

He didn't kill her to get the gun, he had the gun. He killed her because she was going to dump his ass into an institution because she couldn't handle him anymore.

So... she showed him how to use guns
Let him play first person shooter video games all day
gave him easy access to the gun safe
Filled his head with batshit crazy prepper nonsense.

It was almost like she was trying to CREATE a mass shooter.
Irrelevant she didn't let her son get the guns he killed her and took them

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