Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid
$1.5 billion in U.S. foreign aid slated for Egypt is up for grabs.
Section 508 of the decades-old Foreign Assistance Act stipulates that “none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available pursuant to this Act shall be obligated or expended to finance directly any assistance to any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by a military coup or decree.”
A clause in the 2011 omnibus bill strengthens the provision, excluding from American aid any nation experiencing a “coup d’etat or decree in which the military plays a decisive role.”
Does the Obama Administration follow the law or ignore it? What will he do?

Committee Reports - 105th Congress (1997-1998) - House Report 105-825
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If he cannot do it legally, he will provide aid to terrorists illegally. He did it with Fast and Furious. He can do it here too.
When has the law ever stopped this man from supporting Muslims that support terrorism?

True, the law means nothing to this President.
They will either totally ignore it, or some how dis avow that is was a military coup in Egypt.
...or change the law by his executive "decree".
When has the law ever stopped this man from supporting Muslims that support terrorism?

How is this comment even relevant to this thread?

How would not suspending military aid to the Egyptian military government be "supporting Muslims that support terrorism"? The military just kicked out an Islamist president.
Do any of you actually believe for 1 second that the president of this regime cares about laws? Embrace the horror people.
When has the law ever stopped this man from supporting Muslims that support terrorism?

How is this comment even relevant to this thread?

How would not suspending military aid to the Egyptian military government be "supporting Muslims that support terrorism"? The military just kicked out an Islamist president.

Did Obama help kick them out? No

Obama to the Muslim Brotherhood.....I got your back.

If you cannot see the ties between the Brotherhood and terrorism then you just plain stupid or a liberal or both.
Mohamed Morsi was democratically elected, I thought Americans liked democracy? Well some Americans like democracy. Consider the gerrymandering and new voter ID and law changes and you have to assume republicans don't like democracy. Of course then consider Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, Mike Lee, and Paul Ryan among others, and you have to admit sometimes democracy elects idiots. Why isn't Egypt allowed their idiots we have lots here as the list above demonstrates. And in case you disagree tell me something positive any of the republicans have done for America aside from whining. Jobs remember jobs?
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When has the law ever stopped this man from supporting Muslims that support terrorism?

How is this comment even relevant to this thread?

How would not suspending military aid to the Egyptian military government be "supporting Muslims that support terrorism"? The military just kicked out an Islamist president.

Did Obama help kick them out? No

Obama to the Muslim Brotherhood.....I got your back.

If you cannot see the ties between the Brotherhood and terrorism then you just plain stupid or a liberal or both.

Link to President Obama telling the Muslim Brotherhood "I got your back"?

Also, if he was majorly pro Muslim Brotherhood as you seem to be trying to claim then why hasn't he supported them by labeling the actions in Egypt a military coup and halted aid?

Your premise is rather full of holes.

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