Lawmakers hit major roadblock over GOP plan to limit Federal Reserve, imperiling weekend deal for emergency relief package


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
They just can't help themselves-

But senior Democrats have balked at agreeing to what they see as a nakedly political attempt to limit the economic tools available to the Biden administration.

As though junior democrats don't count and the past 4 years didn't really happen- fuckin hypocrites- Full Stop.
They should shut down. the FED. All they're doing is printing out more worthless money.
They should shut down. the FED. All they're doing is printing out more worthless money.
I agree, but, there has to be something in place of it to determine value/worth of stuff- some states are accepting gold and silver as currency, but, the value of gold and silver is set by the value of fed reserve note value- at some point, the walls of the empire will come tumbling down- like my youngest son said- shiny stuff and bullets will be of great value.
They should shut down. the FED. All they're doing is printing out more worthless money.
I agree, but, there has to be something in place of it to determine value/worth of stuff- some states are accepting gold and silver as currency, but, the value of gold and silver is set by the value of fed reserve note value- at some point, the walls of the empire will come tumbling down- like my youngest son said- shiny stuff and bullets will be of great value.

Yup. Brass, lead, and copper.
I agree, but, there has to be something in place of it to determine value/worth of stuff- some states are accepting gold and silver as currency, but, the value of gold and silver is set by the value of fed reserve note value-
And that, boys and girls is why the US gov't, through it's media arm, the MSM, demonizes, China, Russia and Iran- they are tired of the bullshit hegemony forcing the rest of the world to accept what the fed reserve says stuff is worth- it began, in earnest, when Nixon sold the US soul to the devil to protect Saudi interest in the ME, creating the Petro Dollar-

Oh, BTW, China isn't our enemy and neither is Russia or Iran- those are smoke screens to cover the evil perpetrated by the US gov't "trade" schemes, referred to as Treaties- they, the former mentioned, are competition for dominant trade tools- the US gov't despises competition, at home and abroad- and no one has shown where Uncle Sham gets its authority to tell US citizens, or businesses, who it can or can't do business with. Oh, he, Uncle Sham will claim, National Security- but, locking down businesses is as well- ANY mandate by the fed gov't is a threat to National Security.

I realize, we were raised to praise Uncle Shams benevolence, no matter how malevolent- starting in the 1st grade-

It's called indoctrination, a Public Service brought to you by theft- Public Education, which preaches/teaches conformity-
Massively hypocritical but it should be done. It just goes to show that Biden will continue to run up the Bush/Obama/Trump debt.

It's going to end poorly.
I agree, but, there has to be something in place of it to determine value/worth of stuff- some states are accepting gold and silver as currency, but, the value of gold and silver is set by the value of fed reserve note value-
And that, boys and girls is why the US gov't, through it's media arm, the MSM, demonizes, China, Russia and Iran- they are tired of the bullshit hegemony forcing the rest of the world to accept what the fed reserve says stuff is worth- it began, in earnest, when Nixon sold the US soul to the devil to protect Saudi interest in the ME, creating the Petro Dollar-

Oh, BTW, China isn't our enemy and neither is Russia or Iran- those are smoke screens to cover the evil perpetrated by the US gov't "trade" schemes, referred to as Treaties- they, the former mentioned, are competition for dominant trade tools- the US gov't despises competition, at home and abroad- and no one has shown where Uncle Sham gets its authority to tell US citizens, or businesses, who it can or can't do business with. Oh, he, Uncle Sham will claim, National Security- but, locking down businesses is as well- ANY mandate by the fed gov't is a threat to National Security.

I realize, we were raised to praise Uncle Shams benevolence, no matter how malevolent- starting in the 1st grade-

It's called indoctrination, a Public Service brought to you by theft- Public Education, which preaches/teaches conformity-

I've been saying this for years and people said I was crazy. We see it happening everyday now. It has nothing to do with public education though. It's all based in greed.

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