Laws to Protect Women “Un-Islamic”

We should live amongst our own kind...your religion ("beat your wife") is illegal in America.

Go to Islamia or somewhere...
Why are you soo interested in me and where I should live?

Are you some kind of a stalker homo or something?? ...... :eek-52:

A couple of your Islamic friends, namely the guy in this video, attacked me for no reason except that I exercised freedom of speech. I said nothing offensive. I just said some things that he didn't like and he attacked me.

If you people believe that you have the right to kill or attack people over free speech, then you should go and live with people who share your beliefs instead of attacking and killing innocent people.

(To everyone else, notice this Muslim preacher saying that "scandalizing God's Messenger" -- which in our country America is exercising free speech -- is something that it is OK for Muslims to kill over:)

A woman somewhere in America is a victim of domestic violence every 9 seconds 24/7

There are 330 million people in the US and 75% of them claim Christianity as their religion.

(only 3 million muslims in America)

Do the math.......muslims aren't the problem when it comes to domestic violence in America.. ..... :cool:

Domestic Violence Statistics
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Every country has it unique set of laws based on their values and culture.

We might not agree with their laws or how they are enforced.

But it's their country and their culture.

So we should just butt out of their business, and focus on our own problems. ..... :cool:

They are one of our problems.
Wait...........I thought you were an actual Muslim. That's NOI. That's like not even close. Not in the same ball park. Are you NOI?
Like I said, don't know the guy......he is a cult leader.

My screen name describes who I am and what I'm about. ...... :cool:

No. No, no, no, no, no. That is beyond a cult leader. That is a cult leader with extra-cheese. And Bacon. Heh.

The Motherplane.

You ever met any of these cats?
I simply do not understand why womens organizations here in the USA do not speak out against the way Islamic women are treated. They have no rights and are looked upon as the property of men. Is it right that a Muslim man can divorce his wife and put her and her female children out on the street? Keeping them away from their sons?

Okay, so this story is about Pakistan. It is, however, just one example of how women are treated throughout the Islamic world based upon what the Koran says.

Read the story @ Top Pakistani religious body rules women's protection law 'un-Islamic' - One America News Network
Why do Americans and Europeans feel the overwhelming need to tell people in other countries how to live and think?

Been going on for centuries......maybe it's time to give it a rest. ...... :thup:
So islam isn't trying to take over the world and tell everyone what to believe? Ummm.... Ok.
It actually isnt. Its our elite who import them into our countries
It must be hard to go around with your head stuck in the sand. What do you do, carry a bucket around with you all day?
Wait...........I thought you were an actual Muslim. That's NOI. That's like not even close. Not in the same ball park. Are you NOI?
Like I said, don't know the guy......he is a cult leader.

My screen name describes who I am and what I'm about. ...... :cool:
Ya, a deluded carpet sniffer who thinks that Islam is going to take over the US and the world.
A woman somewhere in America is a victim of domestic violence every 9 seconds 24/7

There are 330 million people in the US and 75% of them claim Christianity as their religion.

(only 3 million muslims in America)

Do the math.......muslims aren't the problem when it comes to domestic violence in America.. ..... :cool:

Domestic Violence Statistics

That's not the point. The point is here in America it is ILLEGAL, a CRIME.

In your religion and country it IS NOT illegal, a crime.

You should go there.

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