Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994

Yes, it's true.

A Child Rape Case has been filed against Donald Trump.

Now, since they have been critical of how Hillary treated Bill's accusers, let's see how Trump handles the woman he allegedly raped when she was 13.

And where is the media?

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits

Do you think this will hurt the ratings for the TV network he's starting up after he loses the election?
No it hasn't it is a civil suit not criminal which tells us all it is bogus.

No. It doesn't "tell" you that.

She has an eyewitness who swore out an affidavit.
We shall see where it goes.

The woman also wrote to the NY Police commissioner, and as I understand, said she would drop the civil suit if the criminal statute of limitations could be waved, and make a criminal complaint. (which I think is not likely)
Her letter to the commissioner: Johnson letter to Bratton.pdf
Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

Lisa Bloom Legal analyst for NBC News and Avvo, attorney and bestselling author

"An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last week, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old. The mainstream media ignored the filing.
If the Bill Cosby case has taught us anything, it is to not disregard rape cases against famous men. Serious journalists have publicly apologized for turning a blind eye to the Cosby accusers for over a decade, notwithstanding the large number of women who had come forward with credible claims. And now history is repeating itself.

In covering a story, a media outlet is not finding guilt. It is simply reporting the news that a lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Trump, and ideally putting the complaint in context. Unproven allegations are just that - unproven, and should be identified that way. (Mr. Trump’s lawyer says the charges are “categorically untrue, completely fabricated and politically motivated.”) Proof comes later, at trial. But the November election will come well before any trial. And while Mr. Trump is presumed innocent, we are permitted - no, we are obligated — to analyze the case’s viability now."

The NBC legal analyst goes on to note no one of course can say whether Mr. Trump is innocent or guilty of these charges and suggest we analyze the court filings to determine credibility based on the information we have and arrives at this:

"I have done that. And the answer is a clear yes. These allegations are credible. They ought not be ignored. Mainstream media, I’m looking at you."


Tiffany Doe corroborates, based on her own personal observations, just about everything in Jane Doe’s complaint: that twelve year old Maria was involved in a sex act with Mr. Trump, that Mr. Trump threatened the life of Jane Doe if she ever revealed what happened, and that she would “disappear” like Maria if she did.
Tiffany Doe herself says that she is in mortal fear of Mr. Trump to this day:

I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the hands of Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein . . . I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger.


Given all this, and based on the record thus far, Jane Doe’s claims appear credible. Mr. Epstein’s own sexual crimes and parties with underage girls are well documented, as is Mr. Trump’s relationship with him two decades ago in New York City. Mr. Trump told a reporter a few years ago: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Powerfully, Jane Doe appears to have an eyewitness to all aspects of her claim, a witness who appears to have put herself in substantial danger by coming forward, because at a minimum Mr. Epstein knows her true identity."

(and I'm not talking about Trump's gonorrhea)

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Drumpf Should Not Be Ignored

An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Drumpf last week, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old. The mainstream media ignored the filing.

If the Bill Cosby case has taught us anything, it is to not disregard rape cases against famous men. Serious journalists have publicly apologized for turning a blind eye to the Cosby accusers for over a decade, notwithstanding the large number of women who had come forward with credible claims. And now history is repeating itself.

In covering a story, a media outlet is not finding guilt. It is simply reporting the news that a lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Drumpf, and ideally putting the complaint in context. Unproven allegations are just that - unproven, and should be identified that way. (Mr. Drumpf’s lawyer says the charges are “categorically untrue, completely fabricated and politically motivated.”) Proof comes later, at trial. But the November election will come well before any trial. And while Mr. Drumpf is presumed innocent, we are permitted - no, we are obligated — to analyze the case’s viability now.

No outsider can say whether Mr. Drumpf is innocent or guilty of these new rape charges. But we can look at his record, analyze the court filings here, and make a determination as to credibility - whether the allegations are believable enough for us to take them seriously and investigate them, keeping in mind his denial and reporting new facts as they develop.

I have done that. And the answer is a clear “yes.” These allegations are credible. They ought not be ignored. Mainstream media, I’m looking at you.

1. Consider the Context: Mr. Drumpf’s Overt, Even Proud Misogyny

The rape case must be viewed through the lens of Mr. Drumpf’s current, longstanding and well documented contempt for women. Men who objectify women are more likely to become perpetrators of sexual violence, just as one with a long history of overtly racist comments is more likely to commit a hate crime.


2. More context: two prior sexual assault court claims have been made against Mr. Drumpf

But Mr. Drumpf has been accused of worse than just misogynist language. Two prior women have accused Mr. Drumpf, in court documents, of actual or attempted sexual assault. (Mr. Drumpf denies all the allegations.)

Under oath, Ivana Drumpf accused Mr. Drumpf of a violent rape.


3. The new Jane Doe child rape claim against Mr. Drumpf is consistent with verifiable facts about Mr. Drumpf and his friend Jeffrey Epstein, and has a powerful witness statement attached to it.

A third woman accused Mr. Drumpf of rape very recently. According to the Daily Mail, a woman filed an April 2016 lawsuit claiming that when she was thirteen years old she was held as a sex slave to Mr. Drumpf and his friend Jeffrey Epstein. The woman claimed to have a witness, “Tiffany Doe,” to the incidents. She filed the casein pro per, that is, without the assistance of a lawyer.

The case was dismissed by the court for technical filing errors. She then obtained a lawyer and the case was modified and refiled in New York federal court, against Mr. Drumpf and Mr. Epstein.

I’ve carefully reviewed this federal complaint. It is now much stronger than the one she filed on her own, which makes sense because she now has an experienced litigator representing her. Jane Doe says that as a thirteen year old, she was enticed to attend parties at the home of Jeffrey Epstein with the promise of money modeling jobs. Mr. Epstein is a notorious “billionaire pedophile” who is now a Level 3 registered sex offender - the most dangerous kind, “a threat to public safety” — after being convicted of misconduct with another underage girl.

Jane Doe says that Mr. Drumpf “initiated sexual contact” with her on four occasions in 1994. Since she was thirteen at the time, consent is not an issue. If Mr. Drumpf had any type sexual contact with her in 1994, it was a crime.

On the fourth incident, she says Mr. Drumpf tied her to a bed and forcibly raped her, in a “savage sexual attack,” while she pleaded with him to stop. She says Mr. Drumpf violently struck her in the face. She says that afterward, if she ever revealed what he had done, Mr. Drumpf threatened that she and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed.” She says she has been in fear of him ever since.


Tiffany Doe says that she recruited Jane Doe at the Port Authority in New York, persuaded her to attend Mr. Epstein’s parties, and actually witnessed the sexual assaults on Jane Doe:

I personally witnessed the Plaintiff being forced to perform various sexual acts with Donald J. Drumpf and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr. Drumpf and Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old.

It is exceedingly rare for a sexual assault victim to have a witness. But Tiffany Doe says:

I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Drumpf during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Drumpf forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop.


Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
LOL "anonymous Jane Doe".

My gawd you progressive turds are desperate.

Maybe you can scrounge up Anita Hill to claim he put a pube on her coke can!

Many claimed Herman Cain had affairs....then disappeared after he dropped out.

Do Liberals really want to bring up pedophilia considering Slick Willy's past?
Yes! Let's let the people decide who is worse: a guy who has a consenting affair with another adult or a guy who forcibly fucks children against their will.

I'd love to have that comparison.
This is the level of political debate we get now with Donald Trump. Is everyone happy?

It's disgusting

Hillary's husband has take 30 similar trips to Epstein's Lolita Island
That's already been proven a lie by flight records.

Did you learn blatant dishonesty in the home, growing up?

And your bullshit isn't dishonest? Can you prove the accusations? Has anyone else proved them? Idiot!

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