"leader of centrist Democrats", Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) won't seek reelection

She was a real democrat as opposed to a lot running the party today. I wish all goes well for her. I would consider voting for her if she runs for a state_ wide office. I voted for John Mica the republican who had her seat in the past he did a lot for this community. Murphy turned out to be a level_ headed and knowledgeable elected official and served the district well.
Huh, fancy that, I did not know that there was such a thing as a dem centrist.

OK, after taking the time to look it up they are actually called Centrist-Progressives, a far cry from the old "blue-dog" dems.....In other words it's something just slightly right of Mao/Stalin.
Blue Dogs are the ones most likely to lose their seats. She is just getting ahead of the game….
Blue Dogs are the ones most likely to lose their seats. She is just getting ahead of the game….
There are 19 members of the "blue-dog coalition" in the house but looking at some of the members they are far from the blue-dogs of the past.

Blue Dog Coalition - Wikipedia

I can tell you straight-up that Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia 07) is a progressive dem POS.
When you have people who support Eugenics, socialism, antisemitism adding those three things together it adds up to Nazi.
That's the people who seem to have sway in the party today. I hope they get cleaned out in public and interparty elections soon.
Blue Dogs are the ones most likely to lose their seats. She is just getting ahead of the game….
We'll end up with nothing but Regressive Lefties and feral Trumpsters at this point.

The lunatics running the asylum.

We need to change the system that is enabling this madness. Before it's too late.
We'll end up with nothing but Regressive Lefties and feral Trumpsters at this point.

The lunatics running the asylum.

We need to change the system that is enabling this madness. Before it's too late.

It speaks volumes when Greene and AOC take turns to see who can garner the most attention…

As the radical wing of the Democratic Party vilifies the likes of Sinema and Manchin, many from the House are fleeing and will not run for re-election. The party has gone too far left and the proof is seen almost daily. Meanwhile our economy is struggling, Mask mandates and vaccine mandates are everywhere, border is still in crisis, kids are suffering with severe mental health issues. At what point does the country say enough is enough?

November cannot come soon enough!

And their vacancies will be filled with the radicals the Left really wants.
I hate to tell ya, but getting out of this mess isn't going to be that easy.
And their vacancies will be filled with the radicals the Left really wants.
I hate to tell ya, but getting out of this mess isn't going to be that easy.
It's easy to vote yourself into serfdom but you'd have to shoot your way out - except that you surrendered your guns.
There's still timel

A little.
Keep 'em coming! :clap:

Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy announced Monday that she will not seek a fourth term in Congress, the latest in a rapid series of retirements within the Democratic ranks that suggest momentum is moving heavily against the party as it seeks to hold on to its razor-thin majority next November.

Murphy's decision came less than 24 hours after New Jersey Rep. Albio Sires said he would be retiring at the end of this Congress. And, just before the Sires' news, California Rep. Alan Lowenthal said he, too, would be stepping aside.

All together, there are now 22 Democrats retiring or running for other offices this election cycle as opposed to just 11 Republicans doing the same.

Two years ago, just nine Democrats had announced their retirement plans at this point of the election while 24 Republicans had done the same, according to CNN's political unit.

Funny how two years ago when it was 24 Repubs doing this same thing you were not making daily post about it, why is that?

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