Leading Historian claims Viking Hordes may have been Trans

Would certainly explain the reason why Scot men wear kilts to this day.


Get out of here . . .

(not you, Mortimer but the people who wrote the article)

THIS is what these ideological zealots do . . . they inject modern political ideology and philosophy into history in order to make gullible kids and other idiots believe this kind of depravity has been around for centuries. Hint: it's all a lie, all of it is historical revisionism of the most heinous variety.
The Queer Book will be on television it identifies historical figures that they now identify as gay or Trans. They claim Abraham Lincoln was gay.
The discovery is from someone who specializes in transsexual identity. They allege to have found bones of women who were warriors. That doesn't mean they believed themselves men. After all where did the Valkeries come from?
What the fuck is wrong with you people

Well, Lincoln did fit the profile of a mentally ill homicidal sociopath, same as faggots like Jeffrey Daumer and John Wayne Gacy and other serial killing faggots, so maybe the nutjob got that one right. He always slept with his 'special friend' instead of his wife.
How do they make the jump from celebrated warriors were female to they were trans?
Gay sex was widely embraced in Greece and Sparta and with children

This proves such behavior is socially mediated like we see it encouraged today

This is why far more children and younger adults have gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is up 4000% ever since it was preached in the schools
This theory pins the bogometer.
Gay sex was widely embraced in Greece and Sparta and with children

This proves such behavior is socially mediated like we see it encouraged today

This is why far more children and younger adults have gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is up 4000% ever since it was preached in the schools
Not widely embraced. In Sparta the officers were given young boys as sex partners. The regular fighters could not engage in same sex relationships. The wealthy of Greece and Rome used homosexuality as a form of birth control.

Historically, homosexual behavior in ancient civilizations was what homosexual behavior is among animals. It satisfied the mating urge when frustrated by the lack of a female.

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