LEAKED: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

"They testified that her accusations about Trump in the Beast never happened. She wasn't even there."
Yes, post a link to that testimony.

But too, please note that Cassidy Hutchinson never testified that she was in the car. Never testified that she saw what happened.
What she did testify to was that she was told by agents Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato that there was that confrontation.

To date the Secret Service has NOT de-bunked Hutchinson's testimony.


Look, MAGA Man, we all get that you are a fanboy groupie of Don Trump. We understand. However, there is an expectation on adult-discussion venues that one must bring an informed opinion, some research, some willingness to do homework when participating in discussions.

My avatar sees very little of that in your avatar. Your avatar seemingly rushes to the forum whenever there is a perceived need to cast a stone at Trump skeptics, or an opportunity to spin news to be favorable towards the disgraced former president.

Don't do that. It makes look like a Swiftie, a silly fangirl of some celebrity.

You can be better than that. This forum venue expects you to be better than that.

Good luck.
Yes, post a link to that testimony.

But too, please note that Cassidy Hutchinson never testified that she was in the car. Never testified that she saw what happened.
What she did testify to was that she was told by agents Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato that there was that confrontation.

To date the Secret Service has NOT de-bunked Hutchinson's testimony.
Lawyers call that "hearsay evidence." It doesn't need to be debunked. Juries are told to ignore it.
Her testimony was nothing more than second and third-hand gossip. You bought it hook, line, and sinker, which is exactly what Biden's banana republic needs you to do.
Actually, it was 'first hand' gossip.
Told to Hutchinson by participants who said they were there and witnessed what they relayed to Hutchinson. I can't speak for 'everybody' , but.......informed and perceptive adults recognized what her testimony was.
Another individual account by an individual who clearly demonstrated sincerity in what she was relaying. Cassidy Hutchinson also demonstrated gravitas.

I believed that what she said she heard......she really heard.
Whether what she heard was God's Honest Truth.....is another matter. Or was it a couple of old guys trying to impress a pretty younger girl with a fanciful tale, I can't say. After all, those two SS blokes haven't testified as to the incident.
So we cannot know for sure if they were telling Hutchinson the truth.
Maybe time will tell?

Her book is in the fiction section

Umm, no poster, it is not.
You may need to learn the Dewey decimal system for organizing books.
The internet has changed much about that stuff; however, that system can be useful in helping you do your research in the future......before you post.

Good luck. We have high hopes for you.
Actually, it was 'first hand' gossip.
Told to Hutchinson by participants who said they were there and witnessed what they relayed to Hutchinson. I can't speak for 'everybody' , but.......informed and perceptive adults recognized what her testimony was.
Another individual account by an individual who clearly demonstrated sincerity in what she was relaying. Cassidy Hutchinson also demonstrated gravitas.

I believed that what she said she heard......she really heard.
Whether what she heard was God's Honest Truth.....is another matter. Or was it a couple of old guys trying to impress a pretty younger girl with a fanciful tale, I can't say. After all, those two SS blokes haven't testified as to the incident.
So we cannot know for sure if they were telling Hutchinson the truth.
Maybe time will tell?

Umm, no poster, it is not.
You may need to learn the Dewey decimal system for organizing books.
The internet has changed much about that stuff; however, that system can be useful in helping you do your research in the future......before you post.

Good luck. We have high hopes for you.
Umm, YES poster, it is. It is FICTION. One lie after another.
Cassidy Hutchinson says she initially lied to the January 6 committee about a claim that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of his SUV and lunged at a Secret Service agent.

Cassidy Hutchinson is an ADMITTED liar.

FICTION, from the front cover all the way to the back.

Dewey Decimal System
This Garbage is in the Fiction section at the bookstore
Cassidy Hutchinson says she initially lied to the January 6 committee about a claim that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of his SUV and lunged at a Secret Service agent.
Your word, or rather, your avatar's statement just ain't enough good poster Culeo.

Give us a credible source.
Those are Adult Swim rules.
I was mildly sure you knew that beforehand.
Your word, or rather, your avatar's statement just ain't enough good poster Culeo.

Give us a credible source.
Those are Adult Swim rules.
I was mildly sure you knew that beforehand.
Culeo :abgg2q.jpg:

It is like saying the election was rigged and stolen. Links are not needed for common knowledge.

Last edited:
"Here ya go retard"

What's up with that, Bob?
Why the anger?
Why the resentment?
Try to settle down, son......it's only the internet.


Anyway, let's put your emotionalism aside and do a tire-kick on your Business Insider piece.

What is most notable about the thrust of the piece is that Hutchinson admitted that she initially was untruthful to investigators while she was under the counsel provided by Trump's PAC, Steven Passatino....and who was most interested in protecting Trump's interests than his supposed client.

"In her newly released depositions, Hutchinson said she was coerced by Stefan Passantino, her Trump-aligned attorney, to mislead it on how much information she knew. "The committee doesn't know what you can and can't recall, so we want to be able to use that as much as we can"

But........ Once rid of that distracted counsel .... AND ......under oath before a televised Congressional Committee she relayed the story that had been relayed to her by two Secret Service agents.

And she did it quietly, calmy, confidently, believably. Her demeanor and delivery had the ring of truth.

Whereas in other reporting notes: "By Tuesday, Passantino — who denies any wrongdoing and says he represented Hutchinson “honorably, ethically, and fully consistent with her sole interests as she communicated them to me” — had taken a leave of absence from one of his law firms.

Others said:

  • “The accusations involving Stefan Passantino — that he advised Cassidy Hutchinson to say she did not recall when in fact she did — is absolutely career ending if it pans out. Virtual instant disbarmament.......”
  • Ryan Goodman: “Stefan Passantino identified as lawyer Jan. 6th Committee alleged told Cassidy Hutchinson to tell Committee she did not recall details that she did. Telling a client to lie = 18 U.S.C. 1001 liability for lawyer”
What's up with that, Bob?
Why the anger?
Why the resentment?
Try to settle down, son......it's only the internet.


Anyway, let's put your emotionalism aside and do a tire-kick on your Business Insider piece.

What is most notable about the thrust of the piece is that Hutchinson admitted that she initially was untruthful to investigators while she was under the counsel provided by Trump's PAC, Steven Passatino....and who was most interested in protecting Trump's interests than his supposed client.

"In her newly released depositions, Hutchinson said she was coerced by Stefan Passantino, her Trump-aligned attorney, to mislead it on how much information she knew. "The committee doesn't know what you can and can't recall, so we want to be able to use that as much as we can"

But........ Once rid of that distracted counsel .... AND ......under oath before a televised Congressional Committee she relayed the story that had been relayed to her by two Secret Service agents.

And she did it quietly, calmy, confidently, believably. Her demeanor and delivery had the ring of truth.

Whereas in other reporting notes: "By Tuesday, Passantino — who denies any wrongdoing and says he represented Hutchinson “honorably, ethically, and fully consistent with her sole interests as she communicated them to me” — had taken a leave of absence from one of his law firms.

Others said:

  • “The accusations involving Stefan Passantino — that he advised Cassidy Hutchinson to say she did not recall when in fact she did — is absolutely career ending if it pans out. Virtual instant disbarmament.......”
  • Ryan Goodman: “Stefan Passantino identified as lawyer Jan. 6th Committee alleged told Cassidy Hutchinson to tell Committee she did not recall details that she did. Telling a client to lie = 18 U.S.C. 1001 liability for lawyer”
She is an admitted liar
End of story

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