Learn to use your jazz hands everyone. Just when you thought feminists could not possibly get worse.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yes, they say that clapping bothers deaf people Please read that sentence again. It is also not a joke. That, is what they claim

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — A student union has decided to ban clapping, whooping and cheering and replaced it instead with — wait for it — jazz hands.

According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people?

At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.

Bravo, liberals. Bravo.

Surely, the use of Jazz Hands is some sort of Cultural Appropriation.
Yes, they say that clapping bothers deaf people Please read that sentence again. It is also not a joke. That, is what they claim

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — A student union has decided to ban clapping, whooping and cheering and replaced it instead with — wait for it — jazz hands.

According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people?

At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.

Bravo, liberals. Bravo.


Know what? I don't care if clapping bothers deaf people. Or hearing people. Or anyone.

Fuck' em. I'm tired of this shit.

Yes, they say that clapping bothers deaf people Please read that sentence again. It is also not a joke. That, is what they claim

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — A student union has decided to ban clapping, whooping and cheering and replaced it instead with — wait for it — jazz hands.

According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people?

At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.

Bravo, liberals. Bravo.


Know what? I don't care if clapping bothers deaf people. Or hearing people. Or anyone.

Fuck' em. I'm tired of this shit.


At colleges they must be learning everything but what they are supposed to be learning these days. I mean really ?

This is what molds children into responsible adults, and not the stupid bullcrap going on today. A struggle is sometimes a good thing as it teaches compassion, endurance, strength, and character in human beings.
Yes, they say that clapping bothers deaf people Please read that sentence again. It is also not a joke. That, is what they claim

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — A student union has decided to ban clapping, whooping and cheering and replaced it instead with — wait for it — jazz hands.

According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people?

At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.

Bravo, liberals. Bravo.


Know what? I don't care if clapping bothers deaf people. Or hearing people. Or anyone.

Fuck' em. I'm tired of this shit.


It appears that the majority of Americans agree with you....

A Clear Indication That Liberalism Is Heading For A Fall
Bravo, liberals. Bravo.

I didn't have anything to do with that. The hell are you thinking? That woman is in another country and wants people with ASD to attend political events. Forgetting that people with ASD (and others) don't attend events because of..........

wait for it..........

How in the FUCK can a deaf person be bothered by clapping when he can't hear it? And why are so many adults seemingly proud of their soft, delicate, daycare-needing pussification?
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.

I just don't see how that ties into feminism State-side or liberals or the entire thought process of people don't attend political events or events in general due to clapping (ASD or other). They don't attend the shit due to the fact there are other people.
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.

I just don't see how that ties into feminism State-side or liberals or the entire thought process of people don't attend political events or events in general due to clapping (ASD or other). They don't attend the shit due to the fact there are other people.

It's all part of the same Western-hating, white-hating, happy-to-be-castrated, PC liberal bullshit who are obsessed with eliminating any innocent human pleasure in life. Because liberalfilth are miserable, American-hating pigs who have a psychotic reaction to anything American. I used to be a liberal myself, so I know the sickly, diseased manner in which Dem. shit-for-brains work. There is nothing POSITIVE about your modern, violent liberalism, it's all destructive misery that does nobody any good of any kind.
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.

I just don't see how that ties into feminism State-side or liberals or the entire thought process of people don't attend political events or events in general due to clapping (ASD or other). They don't attend the shit due to the fact there are other people.

It's all part of the same Western-hating, white-hating, happy-to-be-castrated, PC liberal bullshit who are obsessed with eliminating any innocent human pleasure in life. Because liberalfilth are miserable, American-hating pigs who have a psychotic reaction to anything American. I used to be a liberal myself, so I know the sickly, diseased manner in which Dem. shit-for-brains work. There is nothing POSITIVE about your modern, violent liberalism, it's all destructive misery that does nobody any good of any kind.

I'm a liberal. The bizarre notion that college students are the voice of liberals everywhere is insane.
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.

I just don't see how that ties into feminism State-side or liberals or the entire thought process of people don't attend political events or events in general due to clapping (ASD or other). They don't attend the shit due to the fact there are other people.

It's all part of the same Western-hating, white-hating, happy-to-be-castrated, PC liberal bullshit who are obsessed with eliminating any innocent human pleasure in life. Because liberalfilth are miserable, American-hating pigs who have a psychotic reaction to anything American. I used to be a liberal myself, so I know the sickly, diseased manner in which Dem. shit-for-brains work. There is nothing POSITIVE about your modern, violent liberalism, it's all destructive misery that does nobody any good of any kind.

I'm a liberal. The bizarre notion that college students are the voice of liberals everywhere is insane.

If you're that ignorant about diapered, babyish college students, why don't you pay the fuck attention to the psychotic, sobbing levels of drama-queen madness, rage and trivial-minded psychoses that universities are now all about?? Riots, psychiatric breakdowns, public baby tantrums, "safe spaces" all for a bunch of ultimate spoiled brats who are traumatized by any proven fact they don't like. Universities are NOT teaching anyone any vital skills, they're producing shrieking, baby tantrum, permanently outraged malcontent morons with a toddler's maturity level. Grown adults who are worthless in every measurable way, shape and form.
It's a university in the UK

Any university in the UK is just an orgy of PC-crazed Islam fellatio, just like everything else in that putrid, violently American-hating failed-feces of a nation. When it comes to Pisslam, the British are even more cowardly than the French.

I just don't see how that ties into feminism State-side or liberals or the entire thought process of people don't attend political events or events in general due to clapping (ASD or other). They don't attend the shit due to the fact there are other people.

It's all part of the same Western-hating, white-hating, happy-to-be-castrated, PC liberal bullshit who are obsessed with eliminating any innocent human pleasure in life. Because liberalfilth are miserable, American-hating pigs who have a psychotic reaction to anything American. I used to be a liberal myself, so I know the sickly, diseased manner in which Dem. shit-for-brains work. There is nothing POSITIVE about your modern, violent liberalism, it's all destructive misery that does nobody any good of any kind.

I'm a liberal. The bizarre notion that college students are the voice of liberals everywhere is insane.

If you're that ignorant about diapered, babyish college students, why don't you pay the fuck attention to the psychotic, sobbing levels of drama-queen madness, rage and trivial-minded psychoses that universities are now all about?? Riots, psychiatric breakdowns, public baby tantrums, "safe spaces" all for a bunch of ultimate spoiled brats who are traumatized by any proven fact they don't like. Universities are NOT teaching anyone any vital skills, they're producing shrieking, baby tantrum, permanently outraged malcontent morons with a toddler's maturity level. Grown adults who are worthless in every measurable way, shape and form.

I'm aware they most often have a sense of entitlement. They have no life experience. Nobody listens to them for any other reason. Why the fuck would you all of sudden allow them to become the sole arbiter of feminism or liberalism?

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