"Leave the Area or You will be shot" BLM to Patriots

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg&feature=player_embedded&v=bD61YFxUga4]Historic! Feds Forced to Surrender to American Citizens - YouTube[/ame]

Look at all the Patriot snipers that encompassed the entire perimeter about these thugs in order to prevent them from actually shooting the protestors who stormed the camp.

The feds have pictures of all of them, will identify all of them, will arrest all of them individually in weeks to come.

You guys walked right into it and gave yourselves away.
The feds have pictures of all of them, will identify all of them, will arrest all of them individually in weeks to come.

You guys walked right into it and gave yourselves away.

And which Jury will convict them?

This is precisely what happened at the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, they Jury's were guaranteed to acquit, so there were no arrests. Liberals hate Trial by Jury, they'd prefer Trial by Government.

=Trial by Jury=

"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by
man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its
constitution." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.

"It is left... to the juries, if they think the permanent judges
are under any bias whatever in any cause, to take on themselves
to judge the law as well as the fact. They never exercise this
power but when they suspect partiality in the judges; and by the
exercise of this power they have been the firmest bulwarks of
English liberty." --Thomas Jefferson to Abbe Arnond, 1789.

"If the question [before justices of the peace] relate to any point
of public liberty, or if it be one of those in which the judges may
be suspected of bias, the jury undertake to decide both law and
fact." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.

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Man, nothing gives Conservatives a raging hardon quite like the inkling of American on American violence.
Man, nothing gives Conservatives a raging hardon quite like the inkling of American on American violence.

The only violent party was the Government in full military gear and armored cars tasering and torturing protestors, mostly women. We even have your Progressive Overlords on video doing it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhJ6H9vlEDA]Ranch Riot!! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9's. - YouTube[/ame]

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