Lebanon’s Gathering Storm


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
You would think they could put their differences aside for a while and concentrate on what is happening in the rest of the region.

Michael Young
OCT 7, 2014

Lebanon’s Gathering Storm
BEIRUT – With all eyes focused on sectarian violence in Iraq and Syria, little attention has been paid to Sunni-Shia relations in Lebanon. Yet the potential for a perfect storm is brewing.

In the Bekaa Valley town of Arsal, a Sunni enclave in a Shia-majority region, jihadists recently attacked Lebanese army units and abducted soldiers, whom they accused of working with Hezbollah. Arsal borders Syria’s Qalamoun region, where the Syrian army and Hezbollah are fighting Syrian rebels and jihadists.


Lebanon s Gathering Storm by Michael Young - Project Syndicate
You would think they could put their differences aside for a while and concentrate on what is happening in the rest of the region.

and to think, this is happening in the country that had a Christian majority at its inception and was set up for that very reason.

The demographic time bomb keeps ticking away.
You would think they could put their differences aside for a while and concentrate on what is happening in the rest of the region.

and to think, this is happening in the country that had a Christian majority at its inception and was set up for that very reason.

The demographic time bomb keeps ticking away.

Like I said before. These series of events have been preplanned. The Sunni's and Shiite's will be massacring each other for at least another 20 to 30 years. By the time it's over, the Middle East will look very different. The question is, are the US and the West better off leaving letting these two savagely kill each other. Yes, from a question of ethics and morality thousands of innocents will die, but politically what is the right thing? With or without US intervention the killing will still happen.
You would think they could put their differences aside for a while and concentrate on what is happening in the rest of the region.

and to think, this is happening in the country that had a Christian majority at its inception and was set up for that very reason.

The demographic time bomb keeps ticking away.

Poor Lebanon----it was once a very beautiful country----then islam happened
You would think they could put their differences aside for a while and concentrate on what is happening in the rest of the region.

and to think, this is happening in the country that had a Christian majority at its inception and was set up for that very reason.

The demographic time bomb keeps ticking away.

Like I said before. These series of events have been preplanned. The Sunni's and Shiite's will be massacring each other for at least another 20 to 30 years. By the time it's over, the Middle East will look very different. The question is, are the US and the West better off leaving letting these two savagely kill each other. Yes, from a question of ethics and morality thousands of innocents will die, but politically what is the right thing? With or without US intervention the killing will still happen.

FRET NOT!!!! Achmadinejad has already told us----

uhm......... SHIITE WILL TRIUMPH!!!!!!

..............ask achmadinejad...
Poor Lebanon----it was once a very beautiful country----then islam happened

When I was a kid, people still referred to Beirut as the Paris of the middle east.

How long has it been since you've heard THAT?
Lebanon is now the Tora Bora of the Middle East. And it's about to get much worse. I just hope the Kurds end up with their own state in this shakeup. They truly deserve it.

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