Led Zeppelin Vs. The Beatles - Who Is The True Rock G.O.A.T.?

lol Dolly Parton could out write both of them on a bad day, as could Tom T. Hall, or Bob Dylan. So did Barry Gordy's staff writers. They don't even make the Top 100 song writers.
Uh huh.
It all depends on one’s taste.
lol Dolly Parton could out write both of them on a bad day, as could Tom T. Hall, or Bob Dylan. So did Barry Gordy's staff writers. They don't even make the Top 100 song writers.
Lennon and McCartney dont make the top 100?....it was typo right?....
They did not.
That is what Beatles fan boys say. And enough of them have been saying it for the past 60 years that non Beatles fans even believe it.

For instance - listen to this record by The Coasters in 1961.
One year before Beatles recorded a single record.

More importantly perhaps is The Hollies recorded a version of the same song in 1963, within months of Beatles first release. However The Hollies were playing this version - again - BEFORE Beatles made any splash whatsoever.

There is hype - and there is reality. And the reality is The Beatles were making music crafted from the sounds they were already hearing.

Lennon and McCartney dont make the top 100?....it was typo right?....
And Harrison?

Led Zeppelin was great. More hard rock than the Beatles.

IMO the Beatles were better. They were a hit machine for a long time. Then all of them had successful careers after the Beatles.
Harrison was the better Beatle. That is basically generally excepted.
He was the most talented musician and songwriter. His songs were typically less bubble gum pop fare - and more complicated than McCartney's "teeny bop" hits.
McCartney was a hit song writing machine. He could care less how simple, kiddie like they were - just wanted to churn out hits after hits. His ego is legendary. Lennon was the 2nd best Beatle, also a better song writer than McCartney's "3 minute hits".
You can watch the videos on YouTube of their last recording sessions. Lennon and Harrison both had it up to their ears with Paul insisting on only producing bubble gum. In one video Paul wants to make the guitar sound different, and Lennon says" why does it matter, none of our songs are about anything really are they? We haven't made a meaningful song in so long, I have forgotten it".
And the next day is the famous video where Harrison quits. Disgusted with how the band was not progressing, and bone tired of McCartney's songs that sounded like children's nursery rhymes.
They did not.
That is what Beatles fan boys say. And enough of them have been saying it for the past 60 years that non Beatles fans even believe it.
And the reason is because it is true.

For instance - listen to this record by The Coasters in 1961.
One year before Beatles recorded a single record.

More importantly perhaps is The Hollies recorded a version of the same song in 1963, within months of Beatles first release. However The Hollies were playing this version - again - BEFORE Beatles made any splash whatsoever.

There is hype - and there is reality. And the reality is The Beatles were making music crafted from the sounds they were already hearing.
Every artist starts with what came before and the Beatles were no different as they admit. Just Like Me is an interesting love song, not unlike the early Beatles pop hits. The difference is that the Beatles evolved beyond their roots. They did things with their sound and lyrics (Penny Lane is not a love song and has instruments never heard in Rock before) that had not been done before.
And the reason is because it is true.

Every artist starts with what came before and the Beatles were no different as they admit. Just Like Me is an interesting love song, not unlike the early Beatles pop hits. The difference is that the Beatles evolved beyond their roots. They did things with their sound and lyrics (Penny Lane is not a love song and has instruments never heard in Rock before) that had not been done before.
Of course they did things not done before.
Everyone was doing things not done before. Ha Ha!!
It was a new genre - it wouldn't have been a new genre if everything was the same.
I can absolutely provide 20 songs where The Hollies did things no one else had done before, as Jimi Hendrix, as Eric Clapton, as Led Zeppelin. They were all doing things not done before.

I would be disingenuous, obviously, if I was to attempt to say Beatles never did anything good. Of course they did. They had a lot of really good songs - that was crowded and surrounded by bubble gum pop songs. That is really what Paul was interested in - hits.
The other band members desperately wanted to expand and write meaningful stuff. And that is what ended the Beatles. Paul's insistence on writing "Silly little love songs"
Harrison was the better Beatle. That is basically generally excepted.
He was the most talented musician and songwriter. His songs were typically less bubble gum pop fare - and more complicated than McCartney's "teeny bop" hits.
McCartney was a hit song writing machine. He could care less how simple, kiddie like they were - just wanted to churn out hits after hits. His ego is legendary. Lennon was the 2nd best Beatle, also a better song writer than McCartney's "3 minute hits".
You can watch the videos on YouTube of their last recording sessions. Lennon and Harrison both had it up to their ears with Paul insisting on only producing bubble gum. In one video Paul wants to make the guitar sound different, and Lennon says" why does it matter, none of our songs are about anything really are they? We haven't made a meaningful song in so long, I have forgotten it".
And the next day is the famous video where Harrison quits. Disgusted with how the band was not progressing, and bone tired of McCartney's songs that sounded like children's nursery rhymes.
Lennon was able to conjure up images well beyond any band that simply complained about not enough sex.
I’m sure Can’t Buy Me Love and You Can’t Do That weren’t as kick ass as anything that came 6 years later.
Helter Skelter was also lame, wasn’t it?

Sarcasm intended.
Lennon was able to conjure up images well beyond any band that simply complained about not enough sex.
I’m sure Can’t Buy Me Love and You Can’t Do That weren’t as kick ass as anything that came 6 years later.
Helter Skelter was also lame, wasn’t it?

Sarcasm intended.
Then you agree with me... awesome!
Like I said... Beatles made a lot of really good songs.
Completely surrounded by McCartney's bubble gum pop hits.
Yellow Submarine, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Ol la di, Ob la da, Wild Honey Pie.... barf!! What were they thinking???!!
Then you agree with me... awesome!
Like I said... Beatles made a lot of really good songs.
Completely surrounded by McCartney's bubble gum pop hits.
Yellow Submarine, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Ol la di, Ob la da, Wild Honey Pie.... barf!! What were they thinking???!!
When the Beatles got their 2nd contract in 1967, Lennon pretty much stopped writing after Strawberry Field Forever and wrote to keep up with PM.
The fact is that anyone’s lyrics are banal compared to Lennon’s.
The lyrics of most Top 100 songs from 1966 and on were quite syrupy and those who attempted to match Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds sound pretty paltry.
When the Beatles got their 2nd contract in 1967, Lennon pretty much stopped writing after Strawberry Field Forever and wrote to keep up with PM.
The fact is that anyone’s lyrics are banal compared to Lennon’s.
The lyrics of most Top 100 songs from 1966 and on were quite syrupy and those who attempted to match Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds sound pretty paltry.
I am just not a McCartney fan.
His ego was his main motivator, and his arrogance to the other members opinions is what limited and ultimately ended the Beatles.
PM wanted to be #1. Period. No room for anyone else.
In an interview, he was asked a simple question... "Do you get any inspiration from The Hollies" In his answer you can feel his bristling and acrid answer "did you notice on their last album they all wore turtle necks? right after we had a photo shoot wearing turtle necks" - implying that The Hollies were copying them. That answer is quintessential McCartney. I am the best. As if it is impossible he could be inspired by a "competitor".
My favorite is Harrison. Lennon second. As far as Ringo... who doesn't like Photographs? Fantastic song.
Not really related, as it is one of their "B" songs.... I always loved this song Tangerine by LED.
Great Lyrics... can mean a million different things to a million different people. (Skip to :15)

The lyrics of the first set... I don't know... I think a brilliant way to describe a summer love from years past gone:

Measuring a summer's day, I only finds it slips away to grey
The hours, they bring me pain
Tangerine, Tangerine, living reflection from a dream
I was her love, she was my queen, and now a thousand years between

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I would be disingenuous, obviously, if I was to attempt to say Beatles never did anything good. Of course they did. They had a lot of really good songs - that was crowded and surrounded by bubble gum pop songs. That is really what Paul was interested in - hits.
The other band members desperately wanted to expand and write meaningful stuff. And that is what ended the Beatles. Paul's insistence on writing "Silly little love songs"
Too simplistic a view. It was many things that broke up the Beatles and Paul wrote plenty of Beatle songs that were not silly love songs beginning with Paperback Writer:

Every song Paul McCartney wrote for The Beatles:​

  • ‘Love Me Do’
  • ‘P.S. I Love You’
  • ‘I Saw Her Standing There’
  • ‘Hold Me Tight’
  • ‘All My Loving’
  • ‘Can´t Buy Me Love’
  • ‘And I Love Her’
  • ‘Things We Said Today’
  • ‘Every Little Thing’
  • ‘What You´re Doing’
  • ‘Eight Days a Week’
  • ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’
  • ‘She’s A Woman’
  • ‘Another Girl’
  • ‘The Night Before’
  • ‘Tell Me What You See’
  • ‘I’m Down’
  • ‘I´ve Just Seen a Face’
  • ‘Paperback Writer’
  • ‘Yesterday’
  • ‘Drive My Car’
  • ‘I’m Looking Through You’
  • ‘Michelle’
  • ‘You Won’t See Me’
  • ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’
  • ‘Eleanor Rigby’
  • ‘For No One’
  • ‘Yellow Submarine’
  • ‘Good Day Sunshine’
  • ‘Here, There and Everywhere’
  • ‘Penny Lane’
  • ‘Hello, Goodbye’
  • ‘When I’m 64’
  • ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’
  • ‘Fixing a Hole’
  • ‘Lovely Rita’
  • ‘Getting Better’
  • ‘She’s Leaving Home’
  • ‘With a Little Help From My Friends’
  • ‘Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)’
  • ‘Magical Mystery Tour’
  • ‘Your Mother Should Know’
  • ‘The Fool on the HIll’
  • ‘Blackbird’
  • ‘Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da’
  • ‘Helter Skelter’
  • ‘Mother Nature’s Son’
  • ‘Rocky Raccoon’
  • ‘Wild Honey Pie’
  • ‘Back in the USSR’
  • ‘Lady Madonna’
  • ‘Hey Jude’
  • ‘I Will’
  • ‘Birthday’
  • ‘Honey Pie’
  • ‘Martha My Dear’
  • ‘Why Don´t We Do It in the Road?’
  • ‘All Together Now’
  • ‘Oh! Darling’
  • ‘You Never Give Me Your Money’
  • ‘Her Majesty’
  • ‘Golden Slumbers’
  • ‘Carry That Weight’
  • ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’
  • ‘The End’
  • ‘She Came In Through The Bathroom Window’
  • ‘Get Back’
  • ‘Two of us’
  • ‘Let It Be’
  • ‘The Long and Winding Road’
I am just not a McCartney fan.
His ego was his main motivator, and his arrogance to the other members opinions is what limited and ultimately ended the Beatles.
PM wanted to be #1. Period. No room for anyone else.
In an interview, he was asked a simple question... "Do you get any inspiration from The Hollies" In his answer you can feel his bristling and acrid answer "did you notice on their last album they all wore turtle necks? right after we had a photo shoot wearing turtle necks" - implying that The Hollies were copying them. That answer is quintessential McCartney. I am the best. As if it is impossible he could be inspired by a "competitor".
My favorite is Harrison. Lennon second. As far as Ringo... who doesn't like Photographs? Fantastic song.
I think they stopped being a band because they were no longer restricted to having to perform in order to pay their bills.
They had different interests and places they wanted to live.
Paul’s biggest issue, as highlighted by session musicians, is that he played a section of a song 1,000 times until he would go onto the next part of the song and that pissed people off.
Too simplistic a view. It was many things that broke up the Beatles and Paul wrote plenty of Beatle songs that were not silly love songs beginning with Paperback Writer:

Every song Paul McCartney wrote for The Beatles:​

  • ‘Love Me Do’ - yuck. Great example of McCartney super simple bubble gum.
  • ‘P.S. I Love You’ - ugh... very 1950ish. And yet another drippy dippy teen song
  • ‘I Saw Her Standing There’ - heads above the previous two. One of his better lovey dovey songs
  • ‘Hold Me Tight’ - horrendous
  • ‘All My Loving’ - Quintessential McCartney. Simple silly love song
  • ‘Can´t Buy Me Love’ - ditto
  • ‘And I Love Her’ - sappy on steroids
  • ‘Things We Said Today’ - palatable, probably because Lennon was also involved.
  • ‘Every Little Thing’ - yuck
  • ‘What You´re Doing’ - bearable for 20 seconds... must turn it off
  • ‘Eight Days a Week’ - One of his best. Not yet another sappy bubble gum song
  • ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’ - sappy song #41
  • ‘She’s A Woman’ - never heard it till now, sounds like a cover of a blues song
  • ‘Another Girll
Bored of doing this now... but, you only reiterated what I was saying McCartney was a bubble gum hit machine.
Now let's look at Harrison

  • ‘Don’t Bother Me’ – With The Beatles
  • ‘I Need You’ – Help!
  • ‘You Like Me Too Much’ – Help!
  • ‘Think For Yourself’ – Rubber Soul
  • ‘If I needed Someone’ – Rubber Soul
  • ‘Taxman’ – Revolver
  • ‘Love You To’ – Revolver
  • ‘I Want To Tell You’ – Revolver
  • ‘Within You Without You’ – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club
  • ‘Blue Jay Way’ – The Magical Mystery Tour
  • ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ – The White Album
  • ‘Piggies’ – The White Album
  • ‘Long, Long, Long’ – The White Album
  • ‘Savoy Truffle’ – The White Album
  • ‘It’s All Too Much’ – The Yellow Submarine
  • ‘Only A Northern Song’ – The Yellow Submarine
  • ‘Something’ – Abbey Road
  • ‘Here Comes The Sun’ – Abbey Road
  • ‘I, Me, Mine’ – Let it Be
  • ‘Dig It’ – Let it Be
  • ‘For You Blue’ – Let it Be
Do I even need to do an opinion here?
I mean c'mon... the quality of what he did is lightyears better than McCartney
Now let's look at Harrison

  • ‘Don’t Bother Me’ – With The Beatles
  • ‘I Need You’ – Help!
  • ‘You Like Me Too Much’ – Help!
  • ‘Think For Yourself’ – Rubber Soul
  • ‘If I needed Someone’ – Rubber Soul
  • ‘Taxman’ – Revolver
  • ‘Love You To’ – Revolver
  • ‘I Want To Tell You’ – Revolver
  • ‘Within You Without You’ – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club
  • ‘Blue Jay Way’ – The Magical Mystery Tour
  • ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ – The White Album
  • ‘Piggies’ – The White Album
  • ‘Long, Long, Long’ – The White Album
  • ‘Savoy Truffle’ – The White Album
  • ‘It’s All Too Much’ – The Yellow Submarine
  • ‘Only A Northern Song’ – The Yellow Submarine
  • ‘Something’ – Abbey Road
  • ‘Here Comes The Sun’ – Abbey Road
  • ‘I, Me, Mine’ – Let it Be
  • ‘Dig It’ – Let it Be
  • ‘For You Blue’ – Let it Be
Do I even need to do an opinion here?
I mean c'mon... the quality of what he did is lightyears better than McCartney
The only problem is that GH couldn’t write 10+ songs a year like Lennon could.
I hold that pissed off GH was a much better composer than meditating GH.
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