Lee Greenwood, US soldiers release new version of 'God Bless the USA'

That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.
That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.
Against all enemies, foreign or democrat.
Fantastic! There is something common with the Russian song "My address is the Soviet Union".
More useless cliches while the freaking Country is on fire. Thanks Lee.
That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.

And that includes when you take up arms for your Orange Deity. On the WH property, they Can and Will use Marines if needed. Remember that on Jan 21, at 12:01 when Rump refuses to leave.
That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.

And that includes when you take up arms for your Orange Deity. On the WH property, they Can and Will use Marines if needed. Remember that on Jan 21, at 12:01 when Rump refuses to leave.
If voted out, he'll leave. One can't say the same for Marxists.
That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.

And that includes when you take up arms for your Orange Deity. On the WH property, they Can and Will use Marines if needed. Remember that on Jan 21, at 12:01 when Rump refuses to leave.
If voted out, he'll leave. One can't say the same for Marxists.

There is not a Marxist as President. There IS, however, a wannabe Fascist Dictator who's hero and style of Government was first published in 1926 by Mussolini.

The Video is dead on. I took an oath 5 times in over 20 years and no one has relieved me of that oath. And I find you to be an enemy of America. Come Jan 21, you WILL get better or at least America will get a fighting chance to rebuild from the damage that's been done in the last over 3 years. Can't wait to see the two moving Vans pull up to the WH sometime in Jan. One to haul Rumps fat ass off (they'll bring a forklift) and the other to move Biden and his Wife into the WH.
That was great. This song was sung by military members that took their oath to protect the USA against all enemies, foreign or domestic, seriously and when the shit hits the fan with the Marxists, they'll be there fighting for our freedoms.

And that includes when you take up arms for your Orange Deity. On the WH property, they Can and Will use Marines if needed. Remember that on Jan 21, at 12:01 when Rump refuses to leave.
If voted out, he'll leave. One can't say the same for Marxists.

There is not a Marxist as President. There IS, however, a wannabe Fascist Dictator who's hero and style of Government was first published in 1926 by Mussolini.

The Video is dead on. I took an oath 5 times in over 20 years and no one has relieved me of that oath. And I find you to be an enemy of America. Come Jan 21, you WILL get better or at least America will get a fighting chance to rebuild from the damage that's been done in the last over 3 years. Can't wait to see the two moving Vans pull up to the WH sometime in Jan. One to haul Rumps fat ass off (they'll bring a forklift) and the other to move Biden and his Wife into the WH.
You are Marxists. Face it. The older ones like Pelosi and Schumer and Biden and the rest are traitors. They know it. But their craving for power and the money it has provided has warped them into people who think they know better then everyone else. a tired cliche repeated many times in history. And the elected Prog women around the nation. What a joke. But a dangerous one as the fiefdoms of power will enforce their dictums to those who remain civil.

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