Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobe

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
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View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
Indeed. It has everything to do with being mentally ill

View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Saying a 7 year old is a transgender (new word for mentally deranged) simply validates the Left push to make pedophilia mainstream.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
A 7 year old can barely chew gum and walk at the same time. They lack the mental capacity to make the decision to be queer

The modern movement for the sexual "liberation" of children has a fairly long history among the Left, back to the 60s counterculture in Europe.

It got slapped down, but it never really went away, and seems to be rather strongly resurfacing among deviant Leftist groups.

The Sexual Revolution and Children | IPCE
The modern movement for the sexual "liberation" of children has a fairly long history among the Left, back to the 60s counterculture in Europe.

It got slapped down, but it never really went away, and seems to be rather strongly resurfacing among deviant Leftist groups.

The Sexual Revolution and Children | IPCE
The last 30 years has been dressing children up as sexual objects.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels

The Trojan Horse of postmodern "equality" for all is about to be fully opened. What do you suppose the American People at large will do after they've seen and comprehended what's inside? Let's review America's reaction to major postmodernist victories to date in their cultural war. In 1973 Roe v. Wade put down the legal framework for mass murder of American Children. Americans did nothing. Forty-six years and over fifty million "legally" murdered children later, and not one angry American Mob armed with torches and pitchforks marched on the Supreme Court. Gay Marriage? America at large sort of sat back and apologized to themselves for that particular attack on a cornerstone institution of our fucking civilization. In the end, seems most Americans summed that issue up as, "okay, fine we can live with it and they (the Left) wouldn't dare go any farther in attacking the nuclear family."

But go farther, much, much farther, the postmodernist intelligentsia, PC Police and identity politicians did. They began to implement curriculums in public schools across the nation aimed at indoctrinating our children into early childhood sexualization, questioning their own biological sex, and convincing educators to "council" their students into desiring mutilation of their growing bodies into mentally ill freaks . . . just like their postmodern ideologue masters demanded. Did angry mobs of parents take direct action against their local schoolboards who were pushing this insanity and neo-barbarism? Uh-uh. Next came communal restrooms, public and private business bathrooms and locker rooms where grown fucking men who looked like men but claimed to be women could legally stroll right in and ogle our daughters during their most private moments. Did so-called women's rights groups mass resist this madness? Nope.

So now, today here on the verge of legalized fucking pedophilia, I join many millions of other Americans in outrage over the incoming implications. But you know what? In the end, after sick fuck child molesting adults have their letter added to the intersectionality alphabet soup . . . I just can't see most American Parents actually doing something about it. Why? Because we . . . all of us WE . . . have become to fucking craven to resist the moral war on our civilization for fear we'll end up behind bars or whatever other pathetic excuse. So while this eventuality mentioned in the OP is damn well right in front of us on the horizon, well, I doubt anyone's got the balls to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!" After all, aren't we by and large a nation of people who can't decide if it's wrong to murder our own future children in their mother's wombs? #We're a right fucked people, can I get an amen?
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Turn yourself in freak.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Saying a 7 year old is a transgender (new word for mentally deranged) simply validates the Left push to make pedophilia mainstream.

Where did you get the degree in psychiatry.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Transgenderism has nothing to do with paedophilia
However that is some extreme abuse. Mental abuse.
Which could have the same amount of impact on a child as sexual abuse.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Saying a 7 year old is a transgender (new word for mentally deranged) simply validates the Left push to make pedophilia mainstream.

Where did you get the degree in psychiatry.
With you they are free.
The modern movement for the sexual "liberation" of children has a fairly long history among the Left, back to the 60s counterculture in Europe.

It got slapped down, but it never really went away, and seems to be rather strongly resurfacing among deviant Leftist groups.

The Sexual Revolution and Children | IPCE
The last 30 years has been dressing children up as sexual objects.
It's been going on much longer with beauty pageants...

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