Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?
uh boy
nothing at all
im wrong

"transgenderism" is an inspiration
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?

It's just another notch in the leftist belt of degeneracy. The more of this "sexual liberation" bullshit they deem acceptable, the farther down the slope we go. Kids are next on the list. They are already pushing the narrative.

View attachment 263762
Yep, those Slippery Slopes are a concern...which brings us back to marrying your refrigerator.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?
uh boy
nothing at all
im wrong

"transgenderism" is an inspiration
Good for you...to be honest, it's not for me though.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
A 7 year old can barely chew gum and walk at the same time. They lack the mental capacity to make the decision to be queer


Today on Arthur, shown on PBS,
we learn that Mr. Ratburn is gay
has a boyfriend and is getting married

A long running children’s television show on PBS
kicked off it’s 22nd season with a same sex marriage
with 2 male cartoon characters saying I do

Arthur, who is 8, attended the nuptials with his classmates
and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?
uh boy
nothing at all
im wrong

"transgenderism" is an inspiration
Good for you...to be honest, it's not for me though.
its the wider issue of sexualizing children cause as you like to dance around not all grown mental patients who wear dresses are attracted to little boys ...i dont know how that makes it ok to push children in that direction or to sexualize them

its a sad state of affairs that its even a mainstream issue

but carry on virtue signaling mental patients

pissed of daddy.JPG

stop the hate


we could take a lesson from the japs when it comes to adults

kids and the sexualization of them if male or female
gay staright whatever

yeah lets excuse it and avoid the subject all together
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
A 7 year old can barely chew gum and walk at the same time. They lack the mental capacity to make the decision to be queer


Well, 7 year olds can read, do math, make music, and create art. They're funny and a ton of fun, and bring joy to a lot of families.

But they are quite firmly in sexual latency, and there they should stay until they mature. This is obvious to everyone with sense.

The devil is alive, well and working overtime!

isnt it retarded

no one would care about guys in a dress BUT
gay pride TODAY is all about being allowed to perform weirdo freak sexual acts in public

theyre no longer about inclusion and tolerance anymore
and dont disagree with them or youre a hate filled bigot

the fag poster here cant even stick to the topic of the thread.
IT useless even trying to converse with them cause they dont wanna hear it

its like the bathroom at target
what could go wrong
mental patients started molesting people in the bathrooms

reading to kids in drag
what could go wrong its to promote tolerance and understanding

KIDs got molested by trans freak mental cases ...

tell a 3rd grade boy he could be a girl
what could go wrong

drag kids doing shows
what could go wrong

normalizing pedos
what could possibly go wrong

uh boy
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
That’s a blatant lie. A lie intended to allow the Left to have sex with children.

Transgenderism is when a person's mental sexuality does not match their physical sexuality.

Only a pervert fool would think it was about pedophilia. Who was sexually abusing that kid?

The fact is that you are just too uneducated & too narrow minded to grasp the concept.

But you voted for an accused child rapist. You must approve of it.
Transgenderism has nothing to do with paedophilia
However that is some extreme abuse. Mental abuse.
Which could have the same amount of impact on a child as sexual abuse.

It's definitely child abuse.
Yes, this is the next step for the LGBTxyz community. We saw it with the eleven year old transgender Boy who thinks he is a girl, and dresses as such doing appearances at Gay Strip Clubs with Parental Approval. That is child abuse. How can an eleven year old know what sexuality they are?

Desmond Napoles, who goes by the drag stage name “Desmond Is Amazing,” is barely 11 years old, yet homosexual and mainstream media have thrust him into the spotlight as the face of the growing prepubescent gay/transgender movement.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” (GMA) recently devoted a segment to the boy during which his cross-dressing was celebrated as an example of individuality, and his parents were praised for their support of his drag hobby.

The segment also treated Napoles to a surprise visit by “iconic drag queens” Hedda Lettuce, Shannel, and Alyssa Edwards. The performers lavished praise on the boy’s activities as “courageous,” “inspirational,” and “the future of drag.” They also presented the boy with a number of gifts, including a gift basket of makeup, a unicorn bag with fake nails and other assorted items, and more.

11-year-old ‘drag kid’ dances in popular NYC gay club as patrons toss money at him
There are all sorts of sexual deviants that prey on kids.
Why focus on one type?
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