Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Left will continue to push to make pedophilia mainstream until people go to prison for saying pedophilia is wrong.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream
Thanks for that.
All very interesting.
But where are the posts stating that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
Asks the shitforbrains who says the 7 year old is a transsexual.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream
Thanks for that.
All very interesting.
But where are the posts stating that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
Asks the shitforbrains who says the 7 year old is a transsexual.
I've looked back...I can't find any poster here that said that.
Just a reminder...you said "The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream."
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?

Read Original article about “7 year old transgender boy marching in pride parade.”
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?

Read Original article about “7 year old transgender boy marching in pride parade.”
I have thanks.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

You can't be serious.

11-Year-Old Boy Dressed In Drag Dances At Gay Bar, Gets Dollar Bills Thrown At Him
On December 1, an 11-year-old boy dressed in drag danced on stage in a sexual manner at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, called 3 Dollar Bill. The child, Desmond Napoles, was dressed as a Gwen Stefani-lookalike — full drag make up, a blonde wig, and crop top included — as he bounced around onstage to No Doubt's "Just a Girl" and collected dollar bills from male adults viewing the number.

The Daily Wire has reviewed and confirmed the "performance" through video and photo posts on social media but has chosen not to link to the exploitative footage.

The performance, first flagged by YouTuber Yosef Ozia, was promoted on Eventbrite by 3 Dollar Bill.

"Only in New York... a nightclub that makes you go WHOA!!!," reads the promotion. "FEATURING: Upcoming Legend from Television and the Runway: DESMOND IS AMAZING!!! PERFORMING LIVE! ... This stage, this dance floor, this house... is ours as long as we protect it."

They are sexualizing a little boy.

Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

You can't be serious.

11-Year-Old Boy Dressed In Drag Dances At Gay Bar, Gets Dollar Bills Thrown At Him
On December 1, an 11-year-old boy dressed in drag danced on stage in a sexual manner at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, called 3 Dollar Bill. The child, Desmond Napoles, was dressed as a Gwen Stefani-lookalike — full drag make up, a blonde wig, and crop top included — as he bounced around onstage to No Doubt's "Just a Girl" and collected dollar bills from male adults viewing the number.

The Daily Wire has reviewed and confirmed the "performance" through video and photo posts on social media but has chosen not to link to the exploitative footage.

The performance, first flagged by YouTuber Yosef Ozia, was promoted on Eventbrite by 3 Dollar Bill.

"Only in New York... a nightclub that makes you go WHOA!!!," reads the promotion. "FEATURING: Upcoming Legend from Television and the Runway: DESMOND IS AMAZING!!! PERFORMING LIVE! ... This stage, this dance floor, this house... is ours as long as we protect it."

They are sexualizing a little boy.

Yeah, that's disturbing.
People that prey on kids are the lowest form of life.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobe

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels

First, we must establish what is "pedophilia" in terms of the ages of the victims. Remember that there are pedophiles who run these "pageants" for little girls made up like 30-year-olds. Then rid ourselves of the the likes of roy moore and phil robertson, and all the rest of the flesh peddlers. Why does it matter what the gender of the victim is? Why is there is double standard? Do you want to "protect" the boys and ignore what happens to the girls?

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should be allowed to take sexual advantage of a child under the age of 18 at least. That means no grooming, either, even among the cults, and no "marriages" in which one partner is a minor. The cults have already allowed pedophilia to be "legal and mainstream," but only pedophilia against female children. The legislature in Louisiana has just shot down a proposed law that would have set a legal age for marriage and proposed sanctions on marriages between adults and minors who were four years younger than the adult. Why wasn't it passed?

In the current and historical legal climate, there seems to be no protection of female children against the predatory behavior of adults, including those sicko parents who would permit their daughters to "marry" a much older man after the parents and the "husband" have groomed her for early sex.

How about enacting laws that no one, under 18 and I prefer 20, can legally consent to marry another, regardless of parental approval, and then, if 18, should receive counseling from the state to ascertain whether s/he actually gives personal consent (similar to abortion laws in some states). Why can't the states require those under 18 to receive similar counseling, particularly to ensure that they are mature enough to make the decision to marry and whether they are being pressured by others to marry?
Last edited:
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Left will continue to push to make pedophilia mainstream until people go to prison for saying pedophilia is wrong.
Evidently you have no clue what pedophilia is.

A man kissing their son is not pedophilia

Nudism is not pedophilia

Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Left will continue to push to make pedophilia mainstream until people go to prison for saying pedophilia is wrong.
Evidently you have no clue what pedophilia is.

A man kissing their son is not pedophilia

Nudism is not pedophilia

Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,
Making children sexually dance for you is pedophillia.

No shock you defend this event also.
I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Left will continue to push to make pedophilia mainstream until people go to prison for saying pedophilia is wrong.
Evidently you have no clue what pedophilia is.

A man kissing their son is not pedophilia

Nudism is not pedophilia

Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,
Making children sexually dance for you is pedophillia.

No shock you defend this event also.

Better call the police to Elementary Schools across the country when they have student plays or recitals.

Dancing during a parade is not sexual. Evidently it is to you.
Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives [sic] are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,

Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Only if you are an ignorant assholes.

There is nothing about homosexuality, transgenderism that has anything to do with pedophlia.

There have always been boys that preferred typical girl activities & tom boys. Allowing them to express themselves is healthy. Has nothing to do with pedophilia or perversion.
Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives [sic] are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,

Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Anyone even attempting to defend this type of behavior probably shouldn't be allowed around children.
Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Only if you are an ignorant assholes.

There is nothing about homosexuality, transgenderism that has anything to do with pedophlia.

Again, it is pedophilia, when you involve children in any of these or any other disgusting sexual perversions.

Why are you so interested in dragging children into such filth? You don't need to answer that; it's a rhetorical question. I think the answer is obvious to everyone here.
Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Only if you are an ignorant assholes.

There is nothing about homosexuality, transgenderism that has anything to do with pedophlia.

Again, it is pedophilia, when you involve children in any of these or any other disgusting sexual perversions.

Why are you so interested in dragging children into such filth? You don't need to answer that; it's a rhetorical question. I think the answer is obvious to everyone here.
Actually, pedophilia is about being sexually attracted to children.

It has zero to do with homosexuality, transgenderism.

Your ignorance has no bounds.
Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives [sic] are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,

Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Anyone even attempting to defend this type of behavior probably shouldn't be allowed around children.
No one is defending pedophilia.

They are just pointing out how fucking ignorant you people really are.
Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives [sic] are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,

Dragging children into these or any other immoral sexual perversions is pedophilia.

Anyone even attempting to defend this type of behavior probably shouldn't be allowed around children.
No one is defending pedophilia.

They are just pointing out how fucking ignorant you people really are.

Gfy Real Dumb....really just gfy.

You bring nothing to this forum worth reading and more than just a few have stated that. Grab a fcking clue
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Left will continue to push to make pedophilia mainstream until people go to prison for saying pedophilia is wrong.
Evidently you have no clue what pedophilia is.

A man kissing their son is not pedophilia

Nudism is not pedophilia

Homosexuality is not pedophilia

Transgenderism is not pedophilia.

Transvestives are not pedophiles.

Liberals push acceptance of these people, not pedophiles.

Assholes like you slur these people because you are fucking bigot.,
Making children sexually dance for you is pedophillia.

No shock you defend this event also.

Better call the police to Elementary Schools across the country when they have student plays or recitals.

Dancing during a parade is not sexual. Evidently it is to you.
Pretty sick you’d let your 7 year old wear a thong and dance for the old man next door for a candy bar.

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