Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I was banned from two discussion sites circa 2005-07 stating that the ultimate goal of the newly emerging bizarro world was this.
“I just love her and you people are denying me . Her being 14 has nothing to do with it”

I would think nowadays with all the feelings and comfort seeking that many libs are on board
Marching in a parade is not paedophilia...

Could've fooled me.

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Go on. Defend this, pervert.
I still have no pictures of pederast..

Here ya go!

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Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobe

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
wow target shoppers are so inspiring


Pedophilia Taught as a Sexual Orientation
Anyone who thought progressives would rest on their laurels following their stunning success at brainwashing the herd into accepting homosexuality as normal and healthy doesn’t know what the word “progressive” means. Utopia will always be at least one more notch on the ratchet away. The Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD) in California provides a clue as to what the next notch will be by explaining why it is “really important” to teach pedophilia to 9th graders:

“This is done because we are talking about historical perspectives of how gender relations and different types of sexual orientations have existed in history,” said BOUSD Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres…

Horrified, [Stephanie Yates, founder of Informed Parents of California] expressed shock at Torres’ admission. “So sex between a man and a boy is a sexual orientation?” she asked. Torres did not deny it. “It’s something that occurred in history, and so this is really important for us to include,” the assistant superintendent said, implying that yes, sexual relations between a man and a boy —
properly considered rape under the laws of every state — is a “sexual orientation.”

To fail to revere someone’s sexual orientation constitutes discrimination, a cardinal sin under liberalism. Discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited by law in California. To disapprove of a sexual orientation, or even of special privileges granted on the basis of having an aberrant sexual orientation, is to be a hater — i.e., an unperson.

For pedophilia to be mainstreamed, first it must be established as a sexual orientation. Schools will strike first, because young minds are malleable. Then within a few years we will start to see sympathetic pedophile characters on television sitcoms.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...




Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


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and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure trans homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
you could of went to lil johnnys gay dance night and virtue signaled with this subhuman freak

Pedophile Identifies as a 9-Year-Old
Can you convict a 9-year-old of pedophilia? This is a pressing legal question, because one has repeatedly sexually assaulted two 6-year-olds and an 8-year-old in Chicago:

Thirty-eight-year-old Joseph Roman is charged with repeated predatory criminal sexual assault. The numerous attacks began in 2015 and continued until earlier this month.

Why do media reports use female pronouns for men who say they are women, like Bruce Jenner and Bradley Manning, yet insist on stating that Roman is 38 years old? He says he is “a 9-year-old trapped in an adult’s body.” Therefore, it is politically incorrect not to pretend that he is 9 rather than 38.

Since you can get your gender changed on government documents, you should be able to get your age changed too. Roman will have to get his birthdate altered every year, because presumably he will be 9 years old his entire life, just as Paul Wolscht will always be a 6-year-old girl. On the positive side, he can stay on his parents’ insurance plan indefinitely.

The “trans-age” male was charged with a Class X felony and taken into custody on Monday, where he made a video confession of his crimes.
They are holding Roman in prison without bail — awfully harsh punishment for a boy his age. Maybe the ACLU will come to his rescue.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

Both are mental illnesses.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

Both are mental illnesses.
Even if that's true...and I have to assume here that you have far more psychiatry training than me since you seem so sure about it...where does one lead to the other?
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

bz-5cd96db13b709 (1).jpeg

There is no transgender. It's a lie of the left. As for the parade, there is no pride haha. All shame? Look at the little boy's face.
they run circles around it trying to excuse it as ok
or what do you care about it for
or theyre not hurting anyone

Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

Both are mental illnesses.
Even if that's true...and I have to assume here that you have far more psychiatry training than me since you seem so sure about it...where does one lead to the other?

I never said it did.
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

you were implying that little girls dressing like adult stage whores was abnormal so whats wrong with lil johnny ...which both are .
youre the one who wanted to make a comparison what does trans have to do with pedo's
what do lil johnnys gay dance and lil brittneys beauty pageants have in common BESIDES pedos in the audience

retarded brainwashed parents

the lefty parents of " transkid "get the added bonus of virtue signaling

so anyway if youre a pedo and like little girls where do they like to catch a live act?
NOW if your a pedo and like lil boys ......derp

View attachment 263761
So, if I catch your argument right, there are adults out there that are sexually attracted to kids.
I have to say that I agree with you.
Still...what does that have to transgenderism leading on to paedophilia?

It's just another notch in the leftist belt of degeneracy. The more of this "sexual liberation" bullshit they deem acceptable, the farther down the slope we go. Kids are next on the list. They are already pushing the narrative.

1547928733587 (1).jpg
Where's the connection between transgenders and paedophilia?
I'm pretty sure one means that your self-identity and your body don't agree on your gender and the other one is all about fucking kids.
Can someone please explain where they come together?

This, on the other hand...


View attachment 263759


and guess who shows up in the audience of those freak shows ?

its known pedos show up to those

but im sure homo pedos wouldnt show up for little johnnys fag night

youve failed
So...what does transgenderism have to do with paedophilia?
I don't see it anywhere in your otherwise well-considered answer.

Both are mental illnesses.
Even if that's true...and I have to assume here that you have far more psychiatry training than me since you seem so sure about it...where does one lead to the other?

I never said it did.
Ah...but that was the point of my original question.
Thanks anyway.

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