Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Anyone giving hormones to a 7 year old boy in order to turn them into a girl should be shot in the face and left in th street for birds and maggots to eat.

It’s fucking disgusting and it aggravated child abuse.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

A seven year old has in no way the capacity to make this type of decsion. Absolutely no way. Anyone saying different needs to be investigated
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

The phrase Love has no age is also used by NAMBLA. Hmm . . . not a whole lot of deductive reasoning required to make the connection.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

A seven year old has in no way the capacity to make this type of decsion. Absolutely no way. Anyone saying different needs to be investigated
I’d say about 50% of the Left should be investigated.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

It should be 100% illegal for anyone under 18 to receive hormone therapy for the purposes of changing gender.

That shit is fucked in the head. Absolutely outrageous to do this certainly until AFTER PUBERTY, but one should be an adult and make the decision as an adult.

The left is so fucked in the head.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

A seven year old has in no way the capacity to make this type of decsion. Absolutely no way. Anyone saying different needs to be investigated
I’d say about 50% of the Left should be investigated.

We have an eight year old...deciding what she wants for breakfast is a major descion for her. There are parents who think a seven year old can decide on this? Insanity and child abuse
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

A seven year old has in no way the capacity to make this type of decsion. Absolutely no way. Anyone saying different needs to be investigated
I’d say about 50% of the Left should be investigated.

We have an eight year old...deciding what she wants for breakfast is a major descion for her. There are parents who think a seven year old can decide on this? Insanity and child abuse
The Left want a 7 year old to undergo hormone changes to screw up their bodies forever but a 20 year old can’t buy a cigarette.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

It should be 100% for anyone under 18 to receive hormone therapy for the purposes of changing gender.

That shit is fucked in the head. Absolutely outrageous to do this certainly until AFTER PUBERTY, but one should be an adult and make the decision as an adult.

The left is so fucked in the head.

In order for the radical Left to seize absolute power in America, it must tear down all of the foundations of human biology and civilization on which reality as mankind has known it to exist for thousands of years rests. The radical Left must indoctrinate us wholly, makes us doubt our own minds and bodies, biological facts and the most basic of logical problems such as two plus two equals four. Strangely, the radical Left has succeeded quite well in selling us individually up to and beyond the gates of hell. Anyone else severely disappointed in the seemingly millions of Americans who take this shit on the chin and turn the other cheek? I mean, if we do not draw the line at protecting our children, what the hell else are we going to surrender to these people?
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

It should be 100% for anyone under 18 to receive hormone therapy for the purposes of changing gender.

That shit is fucked in the head. Absolutely outrageous to do this certainly until AFTER PUBERTY, but one should be an adult and make the decision as an adult.

The left is so fucked in the head.

In order for the radical Left to seize absolute power in America, it must tear down all of the foundations of human biology and civilization on which reality as mankind has known it to exist for thousands of years rests. The radical Left must indoctrinate us wholly, makes us doubt our own minds and bodies, biological facts and the most basic of logical problems such as two plus two equals four. Strangely, the radical Left has succeeded quite well in selling us individually up to and beyond the gates of hell. Anyone else severely disappointed in the seemingly millions of Americans who take this shit on the chin and turn the other cheek? I mean, if we do not draw the line at protecting our children, what the hell else are we going to surrender to these people?

Leftists are weak minded steeple letting their masters control them.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.

It should be 100% for anyone under 18 to receive hormone therapy for the purposes of changing gender.

That shit is fucked in the head. Absolutely outrageous to do this certainly until AFTER PUBERTY, but one should be an adult and make the decision as an adult.

The left is so fucked in the head.

In order for the radical Left to seize absolute power in America, it must tear down all of the foundations of human biology and civilization on which reality as mankind has known it to exist for thousands of years rests. The radical Left must indoctrinate us wholly, makes us doubt our own minds and bodies, biological facts and the most basic of logical problems such as two plus two equals four. Strangely, the radical Left has succeeded quite well in selling us individually up to and beyond the gates of hell. Anyone else severely disappointed in the seemingly millions of Americans who take this shit on the chin and turn the other cheek? I mean, if we do not draw the line at protecting our children, what the hell else are we going to surrender to these people?

Leftists are weak minded steeple letting their masters control them.

Right, true enough, but even fifteen years ago most Americans (I'd like to believe) would never have stood for this kind of overt attack on basic human rights, privacy and decency. I mean, c'mon already . . . who among us can truly and without guilt justify away the clear threat to our children's mind and bodies? When I was growing up, going to a small one room country church, man I idolized many of the adults who went there . . . even thought of them as flawless. Of course, I was very young and equally naïve, however, none of them--particularly the WWII vets and their wives--would have allowed anyone to harm a hair on us Sunday School kids' heads. Three or four decades later, otherwise responsible and thoughtful Americans turn a blind eye to pure madness, insanity and evil walking freely, unmasked in their midst. American Morality needs some serious cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream
Thanks for that.
All very interesting.
But where are the posts stating that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

I wouldn't placate the postmodernist trolls. They'll ask you the same question ad nauseum as a last ditch debate tool, knowing already its answer and that they've no valid point or riposte to make, as none exist other than the fruit of factual relativism.
It was a simple question...and still unanswered I see.

Do you ever stop to question why you ask the same question over and over and over again, already knowing the answer but beyond that, knowing and seeing before you the undeniable madness and wrong of the issue you are trying (and failing spectacularly) to defend? No? Perhaps it is time you do.
I must admit...sometimes...I do stop to question why, when I question a statement made by another poster, they can't back it up.
In fact, it makes me question whether they're actually talking out of their arse.
That's a lot of questions.

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