Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

No, it shouldn't be,

Should amputating a kids arm because he/she wants to be an amputee remain between a parent and their doctor?

If someone wants to pretend they are the opposite gender and go through the medical/surgical procedures to make that possible after they are 18, let them have at it. Doing this with kids is child abuse.

That’s a great example. That’s a real condition that some people who are fucked in th Head want to amputate a limb.

If your 7 year old wants to do this, should the parents do it?

Progressives are trying to make a medical condition, gender dysphoria, into a new class. Of course the class is stronger the more people are in it.

Many cases of supposed gender dysphoria resolve themselves during puberty, the person accepts their gender.

The overall goal should be to try to resolve the dysphoria, with surgery/medical solutions to cosmetically mimic the desired gender seen as a last resort.
Blah b;ash b;sah. You & your iolk mock these people.

How is trying to help them mocking them?

Why is them accepting their born gender a bad ending?

So you have not read any posts on this thread?

I am stating my on view and point on this. You are responding to me.
The Leftards in this thread saying a 7 year old knows his sexuality and/or there’s nothing wrong with this simply validates the Lefts push to make pedophilia mainstream.
Please save me the effort of having to look back through all the shitty photos.
Who in this thread is saying that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
You too stupid to use USMB?


Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream

Left Continue Their March to Make Pedophilia Mainstream
Thanks for that.
All very interesting.
But where are the posts stating that seven year old kids know their sexuality?
Asks the shitforbrains who says the 7 year old is a transsexual.

Transgendered people say they knew they were not standard issue in their youth. They may not have identified the exact cause but they knew something wasd different about them.
A lot of people think they’re Napoleon but we don’t give them 3 Divisions of French troops and a map of Russia.

Pure sickness for you to defend the sexual exploitation of children.
Leftists have NO rational understanding of the role of a PARENT. When a kid starts acting WIERD, it is the parents' job to straighten them out. Give them the appropriate guidance about how to act and go about their daily activities.


If he wants to be weird as an adult, so be it. He can fuck up his life on his own time. But parents have a role to play in nurturing every child, and THESE parents (see the OP) have flunked the test - probably for their own narcissistic purposes.

Where are the child protective police?
So Your claiming 7 year old homosexuals must be sexually active is you plain stupid.

That you would even think of describing a seven-year-old child in that manner, in terms of an insane and immoral sexual perversion, tells us something very disturbing about you.
I didn't. Your buddy did. Yell at him .

Who is it that just wrote about “7 year old homosexuals”?
They call 7 year olds homosexuals to promote the idea that sex with children is acceptable and should be mainstream, just as the OP states.
So Your claiming 7 year old homosexuals must be sexually active is you plain stupid.

That you would even think of describing a seven-year-old child in that manner, in terms of an insane and immoral sexual perversion, tells us something very disturbing about you.
I didn't. Your buddy did. Yell at him .

Who is it that just wrote about “7 year old homosexuals”?
They call 7 year olds homosexuals to promote the idea that sex with children is acceptable and should be mainstream, just as the OP states.
Now you have to be joking because no one can possibly be this fucking stupid

Fuck you. Go away
Leftists have NO rational understanding of the role of a PARENT. When a kid starts acting WIERD, it is the parents' job to straighten them out. Give them the appropriate guidance about how to act and go about their daily activities.


If he wants to be weird as an adult, so be it. He can fuck up his life on his own time. But parents have a role to play in nurturing every child, and THESE parents (see the OP) have flunked the test - probably for their own narcissistic purposes.

Where are the child protective police?

Now homosexuality is a delusion.
So Your claiming 7 year old homosexuals must be sexually active is you plain stupid.

That you would even think of describing a seven-year-old child in that manner, in terms of an insane and immoral sexual perversion, tells us something very disturbing about you.
I didn't. Your buddy did. Yell at him .

Who is it that just wrote about “7 year old homosexuals”?
So at what point in one's life does a homosexual become a homosexual?
I love this thread.

The combination of stupidness, ignorance and bigotry from these Trumpettes is beyond amusing.
So Your claiming 7 year old homosexuals must be sexually active is you plain stupid.

That you would even think of describing a seven-year-old child in that manner, in terms of an insane and immoral sexual perversion, tells us something very disturbing about you.
I didn't. Your buddy did. Yell at him .

Who is it that just wrote about “7 year old homosexuals”?
So at what point in one's life does a homosexual become a homosexual?

When did you?
So Your claiming 7 year old homosexuals must be sexually active is you plain stupid.

That you would even think of describing a seven-year-old child in that manner, in terms of an insane and immoral sexual perversion, tells us something very disturbing about you.
I didn't. Your buddy did. Yell at him .

Who is it that just wrote about “7 year old homosexuals”?
So at what point in one's life does a homosexual become a homosexual?

When did you?
I've been a heterosexual all my life.

I didn't decide it.

Did you decide your sexuality? When?

The devil is alive, well and working overtime!

isnt it retarded

no one would care about guys in a dress BUT
gay pride TODAY is all about being allowed to perform weirdo freak sexual acts in public

theyre no longer about inclusion and tolerance anymore
and dont disagree with them or youre a hate filled bigot

the fag poster here cant even stick to the topic of the thread.
IT useless even trying to converse with them cause they dont wanna hear it

its like the bathroom at target
what could go wrong
mental patients started molesting people in the bathrooms

reading to kids in drag
what could go wrong its to promote tolerance and understanding

KIDs got molested by trans freak mental cases ...

tell a 3rd grade boy he could be a girl
what could go wrong

drag kids doing shows
what could go wrong

normalizing pedos
what could possibly go wrong

uh boy

Not many know that one of the men in the video is a convicted killer they also gave that kid a drug which is a ddate rape drugg.
Why The Right even want to risk opening the paedophilia can of worms is beyond me.
View attachment 263740

Exhibit 4,638 on how the Left keep pushing to make pedophilia legal and mainstream.

- Weatherman, pedophobic

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade with fierce strut in heels
If you had a brain, which is doubtful from your history of extremely stupid posts, you would know the transgenderism has nothing to do with having sex with people.
Transgenderism is a mental disorder you silly little fucker

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