Left In Morgue Because Of Will

Michael Jackson wasn't buried until 2 months after his death.
It's a body, who cares how long it lies in the morgue? Sherman is no longer at home. Now if due to some religious reasons, he needed to buried immediately, I would say bury him, other than that, let the courts fight it out. i do think this so called "brother" who hasn't seen him in 20 or so years is just out for money and hopefully the court will recognize that.
He is dead so I don't think he is going to sit up and complain that he is cold.
Better than letting a rotting corpse set in the living room during probate.
Glad you all think it is OK to let the dead sleep in the cold for as long as whatever. When I am gone in spirit, I want to be gone completely and the faster the better. And no, I do not want to be put in the morgue or be boxed! Please cremate me!
Glad you all think it is OK to let the dead sleep in the cold for as long as whatever. When I am gone in spirit, I want to be gone completely and the faster the better. And no, I do not want to be put in the morgue or be boxed! Please cremate me!

I think that either way, you will end up in the morgue for a period of time.
Glad you all think it is OK to let the dead sleep in the cold for as long as whatever. When I am gone in spirit, I want to be gone completely and the faster the better. And no, I do not want to be put in the morgue or be boxed! Please cremate me!

I think that either way, you will end up in the morgue for a period of time.

And I can tell you right now that anyone or group that puts in some cold enclosure will be in for real problem: When I give directives for my remains, I expect my very last wishes to be honored.

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