Left Show How Uneducated They Are Once Again with Trumps "Unprecidented Outlandish Rhetoric"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

Well in fairness, that language was used while millions had already been killed during WW2 and just before Truman ordered the unleashing of the most devastating weapon on earth which killed hundreds of thousands more. Trump isn't near that point and almost certainly any attack would be conventional. Though it does make one wonder, does America possess an alternative new weapon besides a nuke?

Furthermore, at the time, Japan had already attacked America and it was in their law that they can never surrender. Of course we know they did surrender after the attack on Nagasaki and I believe their PM or some high ranking official committed suicide due to the shame of this outcome.

I do agree though that the quality of education is lacking. The days of people reading books, especially on history is gone. Many of these journalists were probably too busy playing video games to actually understand the world at a granular level.
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

Well in fairness, that language was used while millions had already been killed during WW2 and just before Truman ordered the unleashing of the most devastating weapon on earth which killed hundreds of thousands more. Trump isn't near that point and almost certainly any attack would be conventional. Though it does make one wonder, does America possess an alternative new weapon besides a nuke?

Furthermore, at the time, Japan had already attacked America and it was in their law that they can never surrender. Of course we know they did surrender after the attack on Nagasaki and I believe their PM or some high ranking official committed suicide due to the shame of this outcome.

I do agree though that the quality of education is lacking. The days of people reading books, especially on history is gone. Many of these journalists were probably too busy playing video games to actually understand the world at a granular level.
If NK hits Guam with a rocket with a conventional warhead our only response can be the obliteration of the NK government.

At that moment NK unleashes their 1.1 million troops and thousands of artillery and tanks upon the millions living just south of the DMZ. Their thousand jet air force will be used to carry nukes into SK. Who knows how many NK has living in SK underground ready to conduct terrorism.

A war with NK will have a body count that will exceed WW2.
No matter what Trump says or doesn't say. Democrats will still be hysterical over the unprecedented whatever. It's always unprecedented.
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

So he ripped off Truman.

I actually think he got the "fire and fury" from last week's episode of Game of Thrones.

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

We were at war with Japan. We're not at war with North Korea. Trump's just overcompensating for his tiny wiener.
We were at war with Japan. We're not at war with North Korea. Trump's just overcompensating for his tiny wiener.

I say the Democrats and weak Left policies brought this on. Same as the Ukraine. When you show weakness (as the Left always does), fierce enemies smell blood and go for the jugular.
The left keeps thinking if we replace our rifles with daises and roses the enemy will just melt from the warmth.

But putting that aside for a moment........

Explain how you know "first hand" that Trump has a "tiny wiener"...... Been there? Done that?
When I read the "fire and fury" headline I thought it was Kim Jong Un talking about the US. Honestly I'd be fine if our leader didn't try to emulate him. As for this being new or not, the above quote's date should give you a hint of the context there. US had already been attacked in Pearl Harbor. The actions of Japan and it's allies had already caused the deaths of 60 MILLION people. And this was Truman's response after dropping the first nuclear bomb on a group of people. Obviously the context is way different here.
I say the Democrats and weak Left policies brought this on.

Bullshit. Obama and Clinton used sanctions and aid to keep North Korea in check, and it worked. But as soon as an imcompetent, over-compensating douchebag sits in the Oval Office, suddenly North Korea is bellicose. I wonder why. Probably because the Republican Presidents over the last 20 years have been massive pussies.

I Same as the Ukraine.

Ahem, maybe you didn't get your right-wing talking points, but you guys have a pro-Russian Ukraine stance. In fact, that stance was the only change the Republicans made to their party platform last year. Conservatives believe that the part of Ukraine Putin invaded rightfully belongs to Russia, and that we shouldn't arm any resistance to that occupation. So I think you need to get your story straight.

When you show weakness (as the Left always does), fierce enemies smell blood and go for the jugular.

So then that means North Korea perceives Trump as particularly week as they ratchet up their rhetoric. Realistically, there is nothing Trump can do about North Korea. If he attacks them pre-emptively, he angers China who will retaliate with a trade war (if we're lucky). If he attacks them at all, the global markets will be hit hard. Trump's posturing doesn't solve for anything, other than making very insecure people feel better about themselves.

The left keeps thinking if we replace our rifles with daises and roses the enemy will just melt from the warmth.

No one believes that. The left believes that shared prosperity is what brings peace. You're not likely to go to war with whom you do business.

Explain how you know "first hand" that Trump has a "tiny wiener"...... Been there? Done that?

Did I ever say I knew "first hand"? no. So you're putting words into my mouth, why? Because you feel you have to defend Trump? Why do you feel that? You don't owe him anything.
When I read the "fire and fury" headline I thought it was Kim Jong Un talking about the US. Honestly I'd be fine if our leader didn't try to emulate him. As for this being new or not, the above quote's date should give you a hint of the context there. US had already been attacked in Pearl Harbor. The actions of Japan and it's allies had already caused the deaths of 60 MILLION people. And this was Truman's response after dropping the first nuclear bomb on a group of people. Obviously the context is way different here.
You again prove the left are uneducated about history. Tyrants only understand one thing - the use of force against them. Only when we appear weak is there a war.
I say the Democrats and weak Left policies brought this on.

Bullshit. Obama and Clinton used sanctions and aid to keep North Korea in check, and it worked. But as soon as an imcompetent, over-compensating douchebag sits in the Oval Office, suddenly North Korea is bellicose. I wonder why. Probably because the Republican Presidents over the last 20 years have been massive pussies.

I Same as the Ukraine.

Ahem, maybe you didn't get your right-wing talking points, but you guys have a pro-Russian Ukraine stance. In fact, that stance was the only change the Republicans made to their party platform last year. Conservatives believe that the part of Ukraine Putin invaded rightfully belongs to Russia, and that we shouldn't arm any resistance to that occupation. So I think you need to get your story straight.

When you show weakness (as the Left always does), fierce enemies smell blood and go for the jugular.

So then that means North Korea perceives Trump as particularly week as they ratchet up their rhetoric. Realistically, there is nothing Trump can do about North Korea. If he attacks them pre-emptively, he angers China who will retaliate with a trade war (if we're lucky). If he attacks them at all, the global markets will be hit hard. Trump's posturing doesn't solve for anything, other than making very insecure people feel better about themselves.

The left keeps thinking if we replace our rifles with daises and roses the enemy will just melt from the warmth.

No one believes that. The left believes that shared prosperity is what brings peace. You're not likely to go to war with whom you do business.

Explain how you know "first hand" that Trump has a "tiny wiener"...... Been there? Done that?

Did I ever say I knew "first hand"? no. So you're putting words into my mouth, why? Because you feel you have to defend Trump? Why do you feel that? You don't owe him anything.
Bill Clinton said his deal would prevent NK from obtaining nukes.

Instead we gave them billions and they have nukes.

The Clinton legacy is the same as Neville Chamberlains.
Did I ever say I knew "first hand"? no. So you're putting words into my mouth, why? Because you feel you have to defend Trump? Why do you feel that? You don't owe him anything.

Trust me....I'm not putting ANYTHING in your mouth...... strange choice of words btw...

Not defending Trump. But Democrats have a long history of colluding with foreign enemies and showing weakness.
The Clintons especially.

Hell, I have no doubt they'd sell Chelsea to the highest bidder if they thought they could get away with it.
Bill Clinton said his deal would prevent NK from obtaining nukes.

And it did, until Bush cancelled that deal and tried to outsource negotiating to the Pacific Rim nations. Obviously, it didn't work. In fact, it was in 2006 that North Korea tested their first nuke. Who was President then? How long had he been President? Why didn't he do anything about North Korea? Why did he pull us out of the agreement Clinton had forged?

Instead we gave them billions and they have nukes.

They only got nukes recently, when the last resident of the White House was a Republican. Clinton's combination of aid and sanctions were working, until Bush the Dumber came along, needing to posture because he's a total pussy, and then 5 years later, they test their first nuke.

The Clinton legacy is the same as Neville Chamberlains.

Bullshit. And what should Clinton have done instead?
65 years of lib appeasement has only done one thing: Allow N. Korea to establish a nuke arsenal and prefect it. Any more hand wringing will only allow kim chi to perfect his guidance systems and be a massive threat to the world. It's the left that has allowed this to happen and each day they cry for more. They refuse to learn that sometimes the bully must be put down.
Not defending Trump. But Democrats have a long history of colluding with foreign enemies and showing weakness.

Bullshit. Wasn't it Reagan who covertly (and illegally) sold Iran (our enemy, right?) weapons in exchange for releasing the hostages? Wasn't it Reagan who cut-and-ran from Lebanon after the barracks bombing? And the GOP and Trump colluded with Putin's Russia to win the 2016 election, all the while singing Putin's praises, changing the GOP's platform to a pro-Russian Ukraine stance, and doing God knows what else for them???
The Derp.....


At least read THIS....from a source you might trust?....The Washington Post

The North Korean regime NEVER intended to comply with Clintons two page deal. They lie as usual to get what they want then press on with their nuclear ambitions. Bush saw the fatal flaws in the Clinton deal and backed out. You make it sound as though Clintn's "deal" was a good one. It was NOT!!!

As usual, it was Democrat showing weakness that our sworn enemy ALWAYS uses against us. Jimmy Carter did it. Obama did it. Clinton did it.
And Hillary would have done it had she gotten the chance.

Analysis | History lesson: Why did Bill Clinton’s North Korea deal fail?
Realistically the left is praying for a NK attack on Guam. Guam is meaningless to democrats, it's no great loss and they might be able to finally remove Trump.
When I read the "fire and fury" headline I thought it was Kim Jong Un talking about the US. Honestly I'd be fine if our leader didn't try to emulate him. As for this being new or not, the above quote's date should give you a hint of the context there. US had already been attacked in Pearl Harbor. The actions of Japan and it's allies had already caused the deaths of 60 MILLION people. And this was Truman's response after dropping the first nuclear bomb on a group of people. Obviously the context is way different here.
You again prove the left are uneducated about history. Tyrants only understand one thing - the use of force against them. Only when we appear weak is there a war.

Trust me, we appear strong to the world. Our military and ability to project power outside of our country is something nobody is even remotely close. It's the out of control I think that ramps up to wars, when both sides start playing the same game. That's why I think N. Korea is acting out so much more. Something like 1 actual missile test in the 3 years before he went into office (and the photoshopped sub launches of missiles that were debunked). 14 already this year.

I think there is a big difference between showing strength, and showing unpredictability and belligerence. Reagan didn't win the cold war with threats and outrage. He won it by showing that we weren't beatable.

And actually I am on the right. Just not a fan of Trump.

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