Lefties amuse me

Yeah they amuse me too. But for me they are useful idiots. They provide the argument against my positions so when I go on social media I’ll already be prepared to debunk the left’s garbage. Plus they provide a moral compass for me. If I ever find myself agreeing with them, I know I’m off course.
I wish Lefties could amuse me too, but they're too repugnant, too malicious, too evil, too sadistic, too much of a depressing commentary on how vomitously, purely anti-social these humanoids can get (I don't consider them fully human). I can't laugh when I'm feeling honestly repulsed to the core of my being.
I wish Lefties could amuse me too, but they're too repugnant, too malicious, too evil, too sadistic, too much of a depressing commentary on how vomitously, purely anti-social these humanoids can get (I don't consider them fully human). I can't laugh when I'm feeling honestly repulsed to the core of my being.
Just think how regurgitive you would feel if you understood republicans policies.
They just don't get it. He spoke to hundreds of people and now they are socialists.
This guy talked to some whacka doodle democrats.
God I hope you guys run on socialism.......Make America like Venzuela!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has a nice ring to it.

It’s not just the Bronx. Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of politics will win the Midwest.
Wrongers make me laugh as they seem to claim to know so much but none of it is true.
yeah he spoke to hundreds of democrats......it's a socialist paradise out there....you guys make me laugh

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