Lefties: How do you feel about Speaker Pelosi?

If you're a lefty, did speaker pelosi speak to your concerns?

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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

I have some liberal beliefs (social)
and I have some conservative beliefs (fiscal, military)

for the most part I find that deranged moronicons like you are just too vile and loathsome to associate with so I tend to go with liberals

I find that liberals tend to be nicer people
while cons are not only mean and rotten but they smell funny, too


as a moderately liberal person I find pelosi to be an idiot

I cringe evey time she speaks
(of course..I cringe every time palin or bachman or YOU speak, too)

pelosi is one of the reasons I just can't join the democratic party

while palin, bachman and YOU are the reasons I can't join the republican party or the tea party
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

if your going to quote me....do it right....i said many Lefties here were saying they did not think Pelosi was SPEAKING for them and many felt she should not be Speaker.....so what i said about her really bothered you ey Synth.....enough to start a thread on it.....now you know why i made the flag in your ass statement....:lol: ...
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

I have some liberal beliefs (social)
and I have some conservative beliefs (fiscal, military)

for the most part I find that deranged moronicons like you are just too vile and loathsome to associate with so I tend to go with liberals

I find that liberals tend to be nicer people
while cons are not only mean and rotten but they smell funny, too


as a moderately liberal person I find pelosi to be an idiot

I cringe evey time she speaks
(of course..I cringe every time palin or bachman or YOU speak, too)

pelosi is one of the reasons I just can't join the democratic party

while palin, bachman and YOU are the reasons I can't join the republican party or the tea party

Strange, but I find extreme liberals to be the least trustworthy people in the world. They will stab you in the back in a heartbeat. Extreme conservatives are better, but not much. I'll stick to the honest people that don't run to either extreme. They tend to be more fair minded, dependable and likable all the way around.

You say liberals are nicer people? They are only nice when you bow down to them. If you contradict their point of view, they will shit on you so fast that the turd will cause a sonic boom as it exits their rectum.

Extreme conservatives, I think of two types of people, Neocons and the Religious Right. Neocons will cut your throat if they can earn a nickel for doing so. The Religious Right seem to have lost the Gospel somewhere along the way. I believe their heart is in the right place, but they are so focused on the Law of God and condemning everyone else, that they have trampled upon the Word of God.

Like I said, I'll stick with those that avoid the extremes on either side.

I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

When you start a thread scroll down to near the bottom it will ask you if you wish to include a poll. check yes. it will kind of guide you from there.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

if your going to quote me....do it right....i said many Lefties here were saying they did not think Pelosi was SPEAKING for them and many felt she should not be Speaker.....so what i said about her really bothered you ey Synth.....enough to start a thread on it.....now you know why i made the flag in your ass statement....:lol: ...
I started a thread because of your insistence that you are correct, when I'm pretty sure that you are not.

Everyone can see for themselves what you have stated, regarding Speaker Pelosi. I don't think I got it wrong.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

When you start a thread scroll down to near the bottom it will ask you if you wish to include a poll. check yes. it will kind of guide you from there.
Ahh - thank you. Doesn't it give you only a few minutes to compose and complete the poll?
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

When you start a thread scroll down to near the bottom it will ask you if you wish to include a poll. check yes. it will kind of guide you from there.
Ahh - thank you. Doesn't it give you only a few minutes to compose and complete the poll?

post what you want the poll to say and i'll put it up for you
When you start a thread scroll down to near the bottom it will ask you if you wish to include a poll. check yes. it will kind of guide you from there.
Ahh - thank you. Doesn't it give you only a few minutes to compose and complete the poll?

post what you want the poll to say and i'll put it up for you
Thanks, del.

I'm a Lefty and Speaker Pelosi spoke to my concerns.
I'm a Lefty and Speaker Pelosi was an embarrasment to Liberals.

How about that? Make it public.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

I have some liberal beliefs (social)
and I have some conservative beliefs (fiscal, military)

for the most part I find that deranged moronicons like you are just too vile and loathsome to associate with so I tend to go with liberals

I find that liberals tend to be nicer people
while cons are not only mean and rotten but they smell funny, too


as a moderately liberal person I find pelosi to be an idiot

I cringe evey time she speaks
(of course..I cringe every time palin or bachman or YOU speak, too)

pelosi is one of the reasons I just can't join the democratic party

while palin, bachman and YOU are the reasons I can't join the republican party or the tea party

Thanks again, I couldn't have expressed it better.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

I have some liberal beliefs (social)
and I have some conservative beliefs (fiscal, military)

for the most part I find that deranged moronicons like you are just too vile and loathsome to associate with so I tend to go with liberals

I find that liberals tend to be nicer people
while cons are not only mean and rotten but they smell funny, too


as a moderately liberal person I find pelosi to be an idiot

I cringe evey time she speaks
(of course..I cringe every time palin or bachman or YOU speak, too)

pelosi is one of the reasons I just can't join the democratic party

while palin, bachman and YOU are the reasons I can't join the republican party or the tea party

Who is the bolded parts directed at? I sincerely hope that I am a reason why you won't join the Republican Party or become a teabagger! I would like to believe I am that influential! :lol:
Everyone can see for themselves what you have stated, regarding Speaker Pelosi. I don't think I got it wrong.

oh you dont think you got it wrong?.....show me were i said Lefties dont like Pelosi.....and then i will show you were i said they said she does not speak for me and how some thought she should not be the speaker....there is a difference......you can be dissatisfied with the job a person is doing and still like them.....
She was and is a tough and successful legislator. Which is why she is so vehmently hated on the right.

I have to disagree with you. It has nothing to do with whether or not she is either tough or successful. It has everything to do with the stances she takes.

Edit: In other words, if she were a conservative things would be different.

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Pelosi kind of creeps me out
As speaker, I thought she was in over her head and the Dems could have picked someone better

But her body of work legislatively speaks for itself. She accomplished more as speaker than anyone in the last 20 years.

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