Lefties: How do you feel about Speaker Pelosi?

If you're a lefty, did speaker pelosi speak to your concerns?

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Pelosi kind of creeps me out
As speaker, I thought she was in over her head and the Dems could have picked someone better

But her body of work legislatively speaks for itself. She accomplished more as speaker than anyone in the last 20 years.

I guess that shows that you sure as hell don't know how to pick em eh?

Oh and uh, "Most ethical Congress ever?" :lol: Just another liar. Maybe if you stupid idiots would have put someone not so mentally ill in that position, your asses would not have been handed to you last November. :cool: ~BH
She did what she could given the obstructionists. Pretty damn good scorecard given the cohesiveness of the aforementioned. She did what politicians used to do in the days of yore- she 'governed'.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

Pretty much every time I mention Pelosi's name it's to say how much I loathe her.
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

Pretty much every time I mention Pelosi's name it's to say how much I loathe her.
That's interesting. Why?
Pelosi kind of creeps me out
As speaker, I thought she was in over her head and the Dems could have picked someone better

But her body of work legislatively speaks for itself. She accomplished more as speaker than anyone in the last 20 years.

I guess that shows that you sure as hell don't know how to pick em eh?

Oh and uh, "Most ethical Congress ever?" :lol: Just another liar. Maybe if you stupid idiots would have put someone not so mentally ill in that position, your asses would not have been handed to you last November. :cool: ~BH

Congress and ethics? Cut me a break

How much did Denny Hastert accomplish?

Who even knows who Denny Hastert was?
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

I have some liberal beliefs (social)
and I have some conservative beliefs (fiscal, military)

for the most part I find that deranged moronicons like you are just too vile and loathsome to associate with so I tend to go with liberals

I find that liberals tend to be nicer people
while cons are not only mean and rotten but they smell funny, too


as a moderately liberal person I find pelosi to be an idiot

I cringe evey time she speaks
(of course..I cringe every time palin or bachman or YOU speak, too)

pelosi is one of the reasons I just can't join the democratic party

while palin, bachman and YOU are the reasons I can't join the republican party or the tea party

Well said, (without the "you" and "like you" parts, I don't know them well enough to make that call), but definately a :clap2:
I've got Harry Dresden telling me in another thread that Lefties didn't like Speaker Pelosi, and i don't believe it.

So I'm asking: were any of you criticizing Pelosi on USMB last summer? I seem to remember the sentiment being that she was about the only one looking out for Liberal issues, while Obama was dropping the ball and Harry was trying to survive.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember any Liberals bashing Pelosi.

Pretty much every time I mention Pelosi's name it's to say how much I loathe her.
That's interesting. Why?

Like her predecessor and successor she's polarizing and partisan to a fault.

She did nothing about Iraq despite the 2006 election being all about Iraq.

She bitched and moaned about 2000-2006 GOP spending and then did nothing to curtail it herself when given the chance.

She was a key player in passing the insurance industry written Obamacare bill.

Basically, she's just another hypocritical and lying politician bought and sold by the wealthy elite.

Oh, and I don't like her face.
President Obama's entire problem doesn't lie in his policies or agenda it lies with his leadership choices. Washington is too strong, it saddled him with Pelosi, and Reed. Never before has there been two worse leaders in history.:(

Pelosi, is not an extreme leftist, she is a full blown communist. Reed is just an idiot, a pure politician nothing more nothing less. Imo.:eek:

I think Obama's presidency would have been much different had those two not been in charge. Would like to believe it would have been for the better.
Pretty much every time I mention Pelosi's name it's to say how much I loathe her.
That's interesting. Why?

Like her predecessor and successor she's polarizing and partisan to a fault.

She did nothing about Iraq despite the 2006 election being all about Iraq.

She bitched and moaned about 2000-2006 GOP spending and then did nothing to curtail it herself when given the chance.

She was a key player in passing the insurance industry written Obamacare bill.

Basically, she's just another hypocritical and lying politician bought and sold by the wealthy elite.

Oh, and I don't like her face.

well said Artie.....and what you stated was the opinion of many a lefty here last year in the threads i mentioned about her....
She was and is a tough and successful legislator. Which is why she is so vehmently hated on the right.

i dont know about the Right.....but most reasonable Californians already knew how this Woman was......sure the far left is going to love her.....the far right think Bush is one of our great Presidents.....2 half assed politicians loved by the far side crowd......whats that tell you?.....
She was and is a tough and successful legislator. Which is why she is so vehmently hated on the right.

i dont know about the Right.....but most reasonable Californians already knew how this Woman was......sure the far left is going to love her.....the far right think Bush is one of our great Presidents.....2 half assed politicians loved by the far side crowd......whats that tell you?.....

I consider myself to be far right, and I wouldn't care if Bush dropped dead, so don't generalize like a schoolboy.
She was and is a tough and successful legislator. Which is why she is so vehmently hated on the right.

i dont know about the Right.....but most reasonable Californians already knew how this Woman was......sure the far left is going to love her.....the far right think Bush is one of our great Presidents.....2 half assed politicians loved by the far side crowd......whats that tell you?.....

I consider myself to be far right, and I wouldn't care if Bush dropped dead, so don't generalize like a schoolboy.

Then you might want to ask yourself if you are truly "far right". :eusa_shhh:

I used to think I was "far right". Then I started paying attention to the "far right" and thought... well, "WTF? "

Trust me there is nothing at all wrong with being, "not too far right". :lol:

i dont know about the Right.....but most reasonable Californians already knew how this Woman was......sure the far left is going to love her.....the far right think Bush is one of our great Presidents.....2 half assed politicians loved by the far side crowd......whats that tell you?.....

I consider myself to be far right, and I wouldn't care if Bush dropped dead, so don't generalize like a schoolboy.

Then you might want to ask yourself if you are truly "far right". :eusa_shhh:

thank you....Immie....Bush gets defended by a good Majority of Righties here and elsewhere.....i think it was Liability (i may be wrong) who considers the guy a GREAT President.....and hey Lash....you might be one out of 100,000 Far Righties who dont like the guy,but i have seen many a comment from Far Righters who disagree with you....one thing i have noticed is when Bush left office all of a sudden many who were defending him were now acting like he was a Leper.....and i sure as hell would not doubt you would be one of them....
She was and is a tough and successful legislator. Which is why she is so vehmently hated on the right.

i dont know about the Right.....but most reasonable Californians already knew how this Woman was......sure the far left is going to love her.....the far right think Bush is one of our great Presidents.....2 half assed politicians loved by the far side crowd......whats that tell you?.....

Except she's not far left. Kucinich is probably as "far left" as you can get and still be electable..and he is not even that far left.

This country will put a nut like Bachmann in the Congress but they aren't going to put in someone like Nader or Timothy Leary. Simple as that.
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Pretty much every time I mention Pelosi's name it's to say how much I loathe her.
That's interesting. Why?

Like her predecessor and successor she's polarizing and partisan to a fault.

Which Speakers haven't been in the past 30 years?

She did nothing about Iraq despite the 2006 election being all about Iraq.

Hmmm....that would have fallen on Bush to call an end to the wars, not Pelosi. Bush ignored the lesson of the 2006 election. The only thing Pelosi could have done would be cut off funding, and that's political suicide, and useless since the Senate would never have gone along.

She bitched and moaned about 2000-2006 GOP spending and then did nothing to curtail it herself when given the chance.

I don't remember her running as a fiscal conservative. I believe she bitched about what the GOP spent on. She attacked their priorities.

She was a key player in passing the insurance industry written Obamacare bill.

She was the only one in leadership who was pushing for single-payer or a public option. She didn't win that battle, but she fought it. I was proud of her.

Basically, she's just another hypocritical and lying politician bought and sold by the wealthy elite.

I don't see her as a liar or a hypocrite.

Oh, and I don't like her face.

The Larger problem with this thread:

Lefties: How do you feel about Speaker Pelosi?

Son? Most people THINK about a subject, express it, regardless of their feelings...

This is what Separates Conservatives from bedwetting/handwringing Staists as you.

Consider this thread closed...and YOURSELF OWNED and exposed for the Bedwetter that you are.

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