Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project
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Lefties usually have context to the story but the story itself may not warrant the attention it's getting.
A Lefty WILL willingly utilize historical background in a discussion whilst Conservatives will dismiss such.
You are more tolerant of black crime

Nope. Dante lives around blacks. He is not very tolerant of crime at all.
Not very?

Tank not at all

You're a complete imbecile. You have no clue what you just did. :lol:

as either an...

adverb: very

1.mused for emphasis.
synonyms: extremely, exceedingly, exceptionally, extraordinarily, tremendously, immensely, hugely, intensely, acutely, abundantly, singularly, uncommonly, decidedly, particularly, supremely, highly, remarkably, really, truly, mightily, ever so;

or as an...

adjective: very

1. actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of a particular person or thing). "those were his very words"
synonyms: exact, actual, precise
Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

We live in a Liberal media world.

Liberal media outlets (shows, films, books, magazine articles, interviews, music, news and political commentary) are everywhere.

Conservatives can't escape the Left's propaganda. We be inundated by it.

There are only a few places to get neutral, fair and balanced or traditional Conservative oriented news and info.

It stands to reason that Conservatives should be more aware of politics and the political opinions and positions and arguments than Libs, Progs and Leftists, generally speaking.
Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

We live in a Liberal media world.

Liberal media outlets (shows, films, books, magazine articles, interviews, music, news and political commentary) are everywhere.

Conservatives can't escape the Left's propaganda. We be inundated by it.

There are only a few places to get neutral, fair and balanced or traditional Conservative oriented news and info.

It stands to reason that Conservatives should be more aware of politics and the political opinions and positions and arguments than Libs, Progs and Leftists, generally speaking.

Individuals having a bias? Sure, individual media people have liberal biases. That is NOT equivalent to having a media outlet who's main focus is a bias.

Nuance is where reality resides
Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

We live in a Liberal media world.

Liberal media outlets (shows, films, books, magazine articles, interviews, music, news and political commentary) are everywhere.

Conservatives can't escape the Left's propaganda. We be inundated by it.

There are only a few places to get neutral, fair and balanced or traditional Conservative oriented news and info.

It stands to reason that Conservatives should be more aware of politics and the political opinions and positions and arguments than Libs, Progs and Leftists, generally speaking.

Individuals having a bias? Sure, individual media people have liberal biases. That is NOT equivalent to having a media outlet who's main focus is a bias.

Nuance is where reality resides

No matter how much we might try, Conservatives can't totally escape being drenched with Liberal messages in the media.

On the other hand, I commonly encounter Liberals online who have never even considered the possibility that another point of view exists beyond that produced and extruded by the mainstream media.


I just came to an important recognition.

The same Liberal media that kept most of White America blind to the brutal oppression and often violent virulent bigotry of so-called, "Jim Crow" laws until Bull Connors' police dogs and fire hoses were shown clearly on the evening news shows is the same Liberal media that has prevented and avoided broadcasting or publishing any serious exploration of Barack Obama's past and kept most of White AND Black America blind to his excesses and the shortcomings of Obamacare until Ted Cruz forced the issue onto the headlines.
The left is more informed and more tolerant of opposing views IF it's a leftist making that determination.

Conservatives are more literate.

We live in a Liberal media world.

Liberal media outlets (shows, films, books, magazine articles, interviews, music, news and political commentary) are everywhere.

Conservatives can't escape the Left's propaganda. We be inundated by it.

There are only a few places to get neutral, fair and balanced or traditional Conservative oriented news and info.

It stands to reason that Conservatives should be more aware of politics and the political opinions and positions and arguments than Libs, Progs and Leftists, generally speaking.

Individuals having a bias? Sure, individual media people have liberal biases. That is NOT equivalent to having a media outlet who's main focus is a bias.

Nuance is where reality resides

No matter how much we might try, Conservatives can't totally escape being drenched with Liberal messages in the media.

On the other hand, I commonly encounter Liberals online who have never even considered the possibility that another point of view exists beyond that produced and extruded by the mainstream media.


I just came to an important recognition.

The same...

too bad.

you had an intriguingly excellent post up until your kneejerk reactionary self kicked in.

Individuals having a bias? Sure, individual media people have liberal biases. That is NOT equivalent to having a media outlet who's main focus is a bias.

Nuance is where reality resides

No matter how much we might try, Conservatives can't totally escape being drenched with Liberal messages in the media.

On the other hand, I commonly encounter Liberals online who have never even considered the possibility that another point of view exists beyond that produced and extruded by the mainstream media.


I just came to an important recognition.

The same...

too bad.

you had an intriguingly excellent post up until your kneejerk reactionary self kicked in.


Silly Liberal could have spent the time and effort discussing the intriguing part.

Not you!

Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

Its simply a fact of life now that rw's get their news from Muslims/foreigners whose first goal is to bury us. The rw's repeat the liberal media lie that fox tells them to repeat. According to rw's there's a conspiracy behind every bush.

Ask them to look up who owns most media in the US ...

But, NO, I am not tolerant of their lies and I'm sure as hell not tolerant of god damn foreigners taking over my country. I'll leave the selling out to the rw's. They're SO good at it.
The left is more informed and more tolerant of opposing views IF it's a leftist making that determination.

Conservatives are more literate.


Maybe liberals are busy reading real books and not whiny propoganda :cool:
Dante opined thus:

"I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante",

and I tend to agree with her with one proviso: Lefties who watch MSNBC are definitely more informed, but only about news and opinions with a left-wise slant, because they hardly ever see a right-wing/conservative guest on any of the MSNBC shows between 8:00 and 11:00 PM ET.

In the same time period FNC features opinions by prominent liberal guest on pretty much all their shows.
Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project
Lefties more informed and tolerant of opposing views?

Not in my experience. I find the people who preach tolerance the most tend to be the ones who practice it the least.

true. Yet the progressives who 'preach' tolerance do not compromise the whole left do they? and it is telling you dd not refute the 'informed' part.

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Lefties more informed and tolerant of oppossing views?

Interesting take on this:

OCTOBER 11, 2013
How Americans Get TV News at Home
In one finding that may seem counterintuitive in an era of profound political polarization, significant portions of the Fox News and MSNBC audiences spend time watching both channels.

More than a third (34%) of those who watch the liberal MSNBC in their homes also tune in to the conservative Fox News Channel.

The reverse is true for roughly a quarter (28%) of Fox News viewers.

Even larger proportions of Fox News and MSNBC viewers, roughly half, also spend time watching CNN, which tends to be more ideologically balanced in prime time. (The channel’s new version of Crossfire, which debuted on Sept. 9, follows its formula of delivering opinion from both the left and right.)

I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante :cool:

How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project
Dante opined thus:

"I tend to believe the righties are less informed than the lefties I argue with and disagree with. I have issues with parts of the article, but hey....I'm Dante",

and I tend to agree with her with one proviso: Lefties who watch MSNBC are definitely more informed, but only about news and opinions with a left-wise slant, because they hardly ever see a right-wing/conservative guest on any of the MSNBC shows between 8:00 and 11:00 PM ET.

In the same time period FNC features opinions by prominent liberal guest on pretty much all their shows.

What exactly are you responding to? :eusa_whistle:

"In the same time period FNC features opinions by prominent liberal guest on pretty much all their shows." and? as foils? with the sole purpose of denigration? what? Oh yeah, Fair and Balanced. Right. :lmao:
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