Lefties push campus rape myth...Pro 2nd Amendment push arming women on campus...backfire....

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.

The rapes that can be...can be stopped with a gun....and you and the other anti gun extremists have no right to tell any woman she must be raped because you don't want her to use a gun to stop it............right? Or do you think it is your right to tell a woman sorry....it is better that you are raped and possibly killed because I don't like guns?
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.
What is your evidence of this rape epidemic on college campuses that requires women to carry guns?

Why do I need to provide evidence to enable someone to practice their constitutional rights?
I never said there was an "epidemic" of rapes, as that term is completely subjective. We all know rapes can and do happen at colleges, so unless you have evidence to the contrary...

it is the lefty feminists who say there is an epidemic of rape on college campuses...not us.......
Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.

The rapes that can be...can be stopped with a gun....and you and the other anti gun extremists have no right to tell any woman she must be raped because you don't want her to use a gun to stop it............right? Or do you think it is your right to tell a woman sorry....it is better that you are raped and possibly killed because I don't like guns?

What happened to telling a potential rapist to simply practice abstinence and just saying "no"? or, is that only supposed to work for sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.

The rapes that can be...can be stopped with a gun....and you and the other anti gun extremists have no right to tell any woman she must be raped because you don't want her to use a gun to stop it............right? Or do you think it is your right to tell a woman sorry....it is better that you are raped and possibly killed because I don't like guns?

What happened to telling a potential rapist to simply practice abstinence and just saying "no"? or, is that only supposed to work for sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

and if that doesn't work....the lefty, anti gun extremists want the woman to urinate on herself or throw up on herself.........that is their big anti rape strategy..........

a gun is simply more efficient......then the rapist can worry about getting the blood out of his clothes....and sewing up the little holes.....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?
Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.

The rapes that can be...can be stopped with a gun....and you and the other anti gun extremists have no right to tell any woman she must be raped because you don't want her to use a gun to stop it............right? Or do you think it is your right to tell a woman sorry....it is better that you are raped and possibly killed because I don't like guns?

And pepper spray would probably also work for those few without the worry of an accidental shooting.
Yeah, heard this on Rush today.....the left has been pushing the meme that women are constantly being raped on college campuses....it has been shown to be a myth....it does happen but not to the degree the left is pushing in order to attack men......and now Republican, state legislators in several states are saying that women on college campuses should have the right to carry guns to stop the rapes......not what the left wanted.....hopefully they will pass these new laws......guns are the best bet to stop stranger rape...and women should have that option....right?

Or do you lefty anti gunners prefer that women are raped...instead of stopping the rape with a gun?
In other words....today's talking point.
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

You don't know that...we do know, however that because she had no gun because she followed a the law and the rapist did not.....that he raped her.......because she did not have a gun to stop it.........

again...do you prefer that she was raped rather than that she would use a gun to stop it?
Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.

The rapes that can be...can be stopped with a gun....and you and the other anti gun extremists have no right to tell any woman she must be raped because you don't want her to use a gun to stop it............right? Or do you think it is your right to tell a woman sorry....it is better that you are raped and possibly killed because I don't like guns?

And pepper spray would probably also work for those few without the worry of an accidental shooting.

sorry...pepper spray vs. a gun or knife is a loser....just pisses off the criminal....and will definitely escalate the attack....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

You don't know that...we do know, however that because she had no gun because she followed a the law and the rapist did not.....that he raped her.......because she did not have a gun to stop it.........

again...do you prefer that she was raped rather than that she would use a gun to stop it?

What we know is that she lived. Raped seems preferable to dead. Should she carry a gun and accidently shoot herself dead like the bra holster woman?
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

You don't know that...we do know, however that because she had no gun because she followed a the law and the rapist did not.....that he raped her.......because she did not have a gun to stop it.........

again...do you prefer that she was raped rather than that she would use a gun to stop it?

What we know is that she lived. Raped seems preferable to dead. Should she carry a gun and accidently shoot herself dead like the bra holster woman?

so....you prefer rape over stopping it with a gun.......got it....thanks for being honest......and her rapist is a killer........and exactly how is a woman supposed to know that the rapist isn't going to kill her before he does?

you anti gunner extremists are special people.....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

You don't know that...we do know, however that because she had no gun because she followed a the law and the rapist did not.....that he raped her.......because she did not have a gun to stop it.........

again...do you prefer that she was raped rather than that she would use a gun to stop it?

What we know is that she lived. Raped seems preferable to dead. Should she carry a gun and accidently shoot herself dead like the bra holster woman?

so....you prefer rape over stopping it with a gun.......got it....thanks for being honest......and her rapist is a killer........and exactly how is a woman supposed to know that the rapist isn't going to kill her before he does?

you anti gunner extremists are special people.....

No I said its preferred to death. Don't make things up. You want to increase her chances of dying.
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

You don't know that...we do know, however that because she had no gun because she followed a the law and the rapist did not.....that he raped her.......because she did not have a gun to stop it.........

again...do you prefer that she was raped rather than that she would use a gun to stop it?

What we know is that she lived. Raped seems preferable to dead. Should she carry a gun and accidently shoot herself dead like the bra holster woman?

so....you prefer rape over stopping it with a gun.......got it....thanks for being honest......and her rapist is a killer........and exactly how is a woman supposed to know that the rapist isn't going to kill her before he does?

you anti gunner extremists are special people.....

No I said its preferred to death. Don't make things up. You want to increase her chances of dying.

No...I want her to make that decision....not you.....
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.
Sooo..anti gunners....tell me....the woman in the story in this thread.....raped on campus, a gun free zone by a rapist with a gun......as she was going home, in the parking lot by a stranger....a serial rapist murderer........you prefer that she was raped rather than allow her to use the gun she had a permit to carry......she wasn't drunk, she apparently wasn't a slut asking for it.....but it is better that she was violently raped and possibly killed rather than using her legally owned gun......right?

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

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