Lefties push campus rape myth...Pro 2nd Amendment push arming women on campus...backfire....

This article deals with discussing this issue with lefties....it also shows a great Glock commercial that addresses this point...R. Lee Ermey makes a cameo.....

The One Argument the Antis Can t Answer - The Truth About Guns


Tell an anti-gunner that Americans should be able to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms to defeat criminals trying to beat, knife or shoot them to death and they take little notice. Disarm criminals! Meanwhile, give them what they want! Change the conversation to rape and watch their amoral, unrealistic and inhuman belief in compliance crumble.

Start with the following questions. 1. Shouldn’t a woman be able to defend herself against rape? 2. Given the disparity in size and weight and strength between most rapists and their victims, what’s the most effective defense against rape? What weapon has the best chance of stopping the rapist in his tracks?

Stay focused!

If they try to divert attention from the obvious answer by talking about weapon retention [see: below], don’t let them. “We can discuss that in a minute. For now, imagine you’re a woman sitting alone watching TV in your living room. A man breaks in determined to rape you. There’s a gun on the table next to you. Would you use it? Wouldn’t you want it to be there? Wouldn’t you give anything in the worldfor it to be there?”

Counter the counters

Antis counter by insisting that the odds of being raped are lower than the odds of the gun causing other problems (e.g., negligent discharges for children, suicides, etc.). I ignore these objections and repeat the questions until the anti answers them; because the odds are they will duck and dive and try to wriggle away. Once they answer, THEN I’ll discuss odds, regulations, etc. If they refuse to answer the questions, the “discussion” is over. Really. We’re done.

Antis – like Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo – also counter by asserting that the rapist may grab the gun and use it against the victim. You and I know that’s stupid – even though it can and has happened. We’d rather women (and men) have a shot at defending themselves against a rapist than not. But the best way to stop that nonsense is to remain focused on the theoretical scenario.

Play the odds

If the woman about to be raped had a 50 – 50 chance of using the gun to stop the rape or having the gun used against her, would she take it? Should she? What if the odds were 60 – 40 against her succeeding? What if she had just a 30 percent chance of being able to stop the rape with a gun? How about a one-in-ten chance? After they answer, if they answer, it’s “so now tell me why would you deny a woman a chance to stop a rapist.”
So you think drunk college girls should carry guns to parties where rape doesn't happen? Yea, absolutely nothing could go wrong there...

No, I think adult women in college should be allowed to use guns to keep from getting raped in parking lots...or bathrooms, as happened in my college, and that people who use guns inappropriately should be punished....after, not before they commit the crimes.....
I dont know what college you went to where there was all this crime against women, sounds terrible and I don't understand why women would go there if there was all the rape and crime your suggest, perhaps you could name this school and provide the statistics. But my school was peaceful and the last thing we need is some of these girls having guns, especially the ones who "cry rape" when it doesn't happen, they are mentally unstable to say the least.

it was in a major city and next to a crime area....and there wasn't that much crime anyway...remember...I agree with you...there is no rape epidemic on college campuses.....your guys are the ones pushing that agenda, not me......

But...I still think adult women should be able to stop a rape with a gun...even on college campi.....and you have no right to deny them that protection..

As to drunk college students and guns....treat it like a DUI....call it Intoxicated While Armed....fine them, a lot, and take their carry permit for 6 months for the 1st offense......and require treatment.....just like for driving under the influence...
My guys? I am not left wing or feminist. If anything, you are pushing the left wing lies about women being unsafe in universities, and demanding they be armed.

The rest of what you advocate is not realistic. Allow these drunk girls to carry weapons at parties, and treat it like a DUI? My feeling is you don't have much real world experience, or college experience, and don't realize that the costs and dangers of such women or anyone have guns in such a situation outweigh any gain(which doesn't exist, as there is no rape epidemic in universities).

And yes, universities absolutely have the right to prevent firearms on campus. I would oppose any legislation in my country that would overturn a university's ability to set such safety standards.

So all women on campus should be exposed to being raped because some women will drink at parties......right....good thinking ....
What rape is this? Do you have the statistics? More violence will come from women having these firearms than violence that doesn't even exist at the moment.
The last thing societies need is more people carrying firearms in universities, especially based on statistics that are complete and total lies.
Why do you want women to be raped?
There is no rape culture on college campuses.
You didn't answer the question.
Of course I oppose rape, but I don't buy your liberal lie that it is occurring as you say. None of you have provided any evidence to that end.
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?
Here we go....18% of rape is stranger rape....so....you guys say we can't stop acquaintence rape...and that we can't stop stranger rape with the most effective tool...guns.....hmmmmm...one would think you don't even care to try......

Statistics Rape Treatment Center

Acquaintance rape is much more prevalent than stranger rape. In a study published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims were raped by someone they knew (acquaintance/friend, intimate, relative) and 18% were raped by a stranger.

From a report on Violence Against Women based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1995

No, I think adult women in college should be allowed to use guns to keep from getting raped in parking lots...or bathrooms, as happened in my college, and that people who use guns inappropriately should be punished....after, not before they commit the crimes.....
I dont know what college you went to where there was all this crime against women, sounds terrible and I don't understand why women would go there if there was all the rape and crime your suggest, perhaps you could name this school and provide the statistics. But my school was peaceful and the last thing we need is some of these girls having guns, especially the ones who "cry rape" when it doesn't happen, they are mentally unstable to say the least.

it was in a major city and next to a crime area....and there wasn't that much crime anyway...remember...I agree with you...there is no rape epidemic on college campuses.....your guys are the ones pushing that agenda, not me......

But...I still think adult women should be able to stop a rape with a gun...even on college campi.....and you have no right to deny them that protection..

As to drunk college students and guns....treat it like a DUI....call it Intoxicated While Armed....fine them, a lot, and take their carry permit for 6 months for the 1st offense......and require treatment.....just like for driving under the influence...
My guys? I am not left wing or feminist. If anything, you are pushing the left wing lies about women being unsafe in universities, and demanding they be armed.

The rest of what you advocate is not realistic. Allow these drunk girls to carry weapons at parties, and treat it like a DUI? My feeling is you don't have much real world experience, or college experience, and don't realize that the costs and dangers of such women or anyone have guns in such a situation outweigh any gain(which doesn't exist, as there is no rape epidemic in universities).

And yes, universities absolutely have the right to prevent firearms on campus. I would oppose any legislation in my country that would overturn a university's ability to set such safety standards.

So all women on campus should be exposed to being raped because some women will drink at parties......right....good thinking ....
What rape is this? Do you have the statistics? More violence will come from women having these firearms than violence that doesn't even exist at the moment.

Actually, you are wrong....people who carry concealed guns are more law abiding than average citizens who don't carry and even more law abiding than sworn police officers....
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?
Here we go....18% of rape is stranger rape....so....you guys say we can't stop acquaintence rape...and that we can't stop stranger rape with the most effective tool...guns.....hmmmmm...one would think you don't even care to try......

Statistics Rape Treatment Center

Acquaintance rape is much more prevalent than stranger rape. In a study published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims were raped by someone they knew (acquaintance/friend, intimate, relative) and 18% were raped by a stranger.

From a report on Violence Against Women based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1995


Ok down to 18%. How many of these involve drug and or alcohol by the victim?
Here we go....18% of rape is stranger rape....so....you guys say we can't stop acquaintence rape...and that we can't stop stranger rape with the most effective tool...guns.....hmmmmm...one would think you don't even care to try......

Statistics Rape Treatment Center

Acquaintance rape is much more prevalent than stranger rape. In a study published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims were raped by someone they knew (acquaintance/friend, intimate, relative) and 18% were raped by a stranger.

From a report on Violence Against Women based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1995


Ok down to 18%. How many of these involve drug and or alcohol by the victim?

actually, probably not many...stranger rape is more often the attack type of rape while the other rape is family, boyfriends and guys assaulting drunk girls....

and aren't you guys the ones who have no problem putting a rifle in a woman's hands and throwing them into combat around the world.....but when they come home.....they all of a sudden become drunk whores who just start shooting for kicks......

I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?
Here we go....18% of rape is stranger rape....so....you guys say we can't stop acquaintence rape...and that we can't stop stranger rape with the most effective tool...guns.....hmmmmm...one would think you don't even care to try......

Statistics Rape Treatment Center

Acquaintance rape is much more prevalent than stranger rape. In a study published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims were raped by someone they knew (acquaintance/friend, intimate, relative) and 18% were raped by a stranger.

From a report on Violence Against Women based on data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1995


Ok down to 18%. How many of these involve drug and or alcohol by the victim?

actually, probably not many...stranger rape is more often the attack type of rape while the other rape is family, boyfriends and guys assaulting drunk girls....

and aren't you guys the ones who have no problem putting a rifle in a woman's hands and throwing them into combat around the world.....but when they come home.....they all of a sudden become drunk whores who just start shooting for kicks......


Who are you guys and what the hell are you talking about?
Keep in mind the rapist mentioned above was only caught for 3 rapes...who knows how many others were raped....and he killed at least one of his victims....so these women stopping a rapist with a gun are stopping all the future rapes as well....rapists don't just stop...they have to be stopped....
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?
Keep in mind the rapist mentioned above was only caught for 3 rapes...who knows how many others were raped....and he killed at least one of his victims....so these women stopping a rapist with a gun are stopping all the future rapes as well....rapists don't just stop...they have to be stopped....

Yes one example. I have many where women accidently shoot themselves.
I dont know what college you went to where there was all this crime against women, sounds terrible and I don't understand why women would go there if there was all the rape and crime your suggest, perhaps you could name this school and provide the statistics. But my school was peaceful and the last thing we need is some of these girls having guns, especially the ones who "cry rape" when it doesn't happen, they are mentally unstable to say the least.

it was in a major city and next to a crime area....and there wasn't that much crime anyway...remember...I agree with you...there is no rape epidemic on college campuses.....your guys are the ones pushing that agenda, not me......

But...I still think adult women should be able to stop a rape with a gun...even on college campi.....and you have no right to deny them that protection..

As to drunk college students and guns....treat it like a DUI....call it Intoxicated While Armed....fine them, a lot, and take their carry permit for 6 months for the 1st offense......and require treatment.....just like for driving under the influence...
My guys? I am not left wing or feminist. If anything, you are pushing the left wing lies about women being unsafe in universities, and demanding they be armed.

The rest of what you advocate is not realistic. Allow these drunk girls to carry weapons at parties, and treat it like a DUI? My feeling is you don't have much real world experience, or college experience, and don't realize that the costs and dangers of such women or anyone have guns in such a situation outweigh any gain(which doesn't exist, as there is no rape epidemic in universities).

And yes, universities absolutely have the right to prevent firearms on campus. I would oppose any legislation in my country that would overturn a university's ability to set such safety standards.

So all women on campus should be exposed to being raped because some women will drink at parties......right....good thinking ....
What rape is this? Do you have the statistics? More violence will come from women having these firearms than violence that doesn't even exist at the moment.

Actually, you are wrong....people who carry concealed guns are more law abiding than average citizens who don't carry and even more law abiding than sworn police officers....
It isn't an issue of being law abiding. Much of the so called "rape" on college campuses is "date rape". Also known as awkward drunk sex. So instead of awkward drunk sex, you want a drunk women to carry a firearm and do what, shoot the man?

I am sorry, you haven't even established statistically that rape is a problem on college campuses, so the premise of your argument for more guns on campus falls flat because your premise is flawed.
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.

How many rapes are defendable with a gun? Have you noticed people who carry sometimes accidently shoot themselves? I don't think suggesting a gun for a rape that might not even be defensible with a gun is necessarily the answer. Do you know much about rape statistics?

Hmmmm...rapes that are defensible with guns should be stopped....right...? or should they be allowed to happen....? Is that what you think?

And people who eat steak sometimes choke to death....do we ban steak?

And for date rape......education for women is the key.....or do the lefties want to prevent that the same way the prevent gun safety education?

Sounds like you don't have any answers.

You can't ban steak. I like steak.

I am not saying ban anything. Since you tell everyone they need a gun they will never use, how do you feel when someone accidently kills themselves with it?

Apparently quite a few women need guns to stop rape...18% of reported rapes...who knows how many go unreported......

so again...you would prefer that these women are raped than that they use a gun to stop it....yes or no?

And what percent are underage and can't carry a gun? Or do you want all children armed too?

Your link says 60% are underage and so couldn't carry a gun. Now we are at 7.2%. And I disagree that alcohol isn't a factor in these cases. A drunk woman coming out of a bar or a college woman coming out of a party drunk would seem like easier targets than someone with all their senses.

Craig Whitelaw and Kristofer McLaren jailed for nine years after raping drunk woman Daily Mail Online

This link says half of sexual assault involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both.
Alcohol and Sexual Assault

A gun isn't going to be much use to someone either really drunk or high on drugs so then the 7.2% might become 3.6%. And then even if armed there will be times where it can't be used like home invasions where the victim is surprised in bed... So if you really look at it by far most rapes are not defensible with a gun.
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.
What is your evidence of this rape epidemic on college campuses that requires women to carry guns?

Why do I need to provide evidence to enable someone to practice their constitutional rights?
I never said there was an "epidemic" of rapes, as that term is completely subjective. We all know rapes can and do happen at colleges, so unless you have evidence to the contrary...
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.
What is your evidence of this rape epidemic on college campuses that requires women to carry guns?

Why do I need to provide evidence to enable someone to practice their constitutional rights?
I never said there was an "epidemic" of rapes, as that term is completely subjective. We all know rapes can and do happen at colleges, so unless you have evidence to the contrary...
I am talking about in general across the Western World. I am talking from a practical point of view, not what is technically legally allowable. It may or may not be within the Constitutional rights of every woman on a college campus to have a firearm, I am not a scholar, but it is not a rational solution to a problem that doesn't exist, in America or other Western countries.
I'm glad to see liberals show their true colors on this thread actually arguing against the right for a woman to choose to protect herself with a firearm.

Do you really think that all college chicks get drunk all the time? Do you really think that all women are so dumb, that none of them could possibly own a gun in a responsible manner?

The real reason progressives are against women owning guns is because the Agenda is far more important than the life and dignity of young women.
What is your evidence of this rape epidemic on college campuses that requires women to carry guns?

Why do I need to provide evidence to enable someone to practice their constitutional rights?
I never said there was an "epidemic" of rapes, as that term is completely subjective. We all know rapes can and do happen at colleges, so unless you have evidence to the contrary...

I believe we merely need morals tests on a for-profit basis instead of drug tests, simply because we can then always "blame the right" for their lapses in Faith.

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