Lefties push campus rape myth...Pro 2nd Amendment push arming women on campus...backfire....

Had she been armed then she might now be dead. Being armed does not guarantee anything. The bad guy would have had the advantage.

and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

You want big governent to force universities to allow guns?
and we know one more thing for sure......he actually did kill at least one of his victims....that we know of and he was caught for doing it............so this woman was at risk for being killed....and she was not allowed to have a gun to stop it.....

So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?
A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes, "Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
So if she tried to pull a gun on him he would shoot. And he'd have the advantage of having his gun out. Her chance of survival slim. Without a gun she survived.

sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.
sorry brain....you don't study the actual stories because in most cases, the victim succeeds in defeating the attacker even when they have the gun out....read the stories....why? if you studied violence you would know that a criminal pointing a gun is in the reaction end of the encounter......he has to realize the victim is drawing a weapon, go through the mental process of deciding to cross the line between rape or robbery and murder, and then engage his mind to act on that decision....all while dealing with the sudden increase in tempo of the encounter....

the victim makes the decision to draw and fir the weapon....it is more streamlined once the decision is made, and that decision goes on in the mind where the criminal cannot see it....they just see the final movement.....

ask any self defense instructor.....reaction is slower than action...and the victim is in the action position, not the criminal.....

You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are you unwell today brain.......
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You already pointed out he's a murderer. He won't put much thought into killing. And we know she survived without a gun. You want to increase her chances of dying.

Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.
Brain.....do you even realize that you are giving complete control over the outcome of the situation to the rapist? That by disarming the woman you have decided that the violent criminal, who actually has the gun, and has decided to commit a heinous act, gets to decide wether the woman lives or dies.........and the woman has no say in the matter....that is the disposition of power that you want? Right?

I want the woman, the victim, to have the best tool available to stop the rape which is a gun.....wether she choses to use it or not is her choice, not yours......she is the one being raped and possibly killed...she has the right to decide her course of action, not you, the one not even there.........she is the best judge of what her options are, and what the out come might very well be....and killing a rapist is justified....and a benefit to society as well....again...had she had the gun she had a permit to carry, she saw the guy in the garage approaching her....she could very likely have stopped the rapist, by either scaring him off or holding him for police, and thereby sparing at least 2 or more women of rape and at least 1 or more women of being murdered....

but that is the decision she needs to make....not you....

She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
She survives. Give her a gun and there is a strong chance she doesn't. You want to increase her chance of dying.

A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun
A gun actually increases her chance of surviving...studies have shown that women using a gun survive and suffer less injury during rapes...so even the stats are against you.....

Again....you choose giving the rapist all the decision making power during the rape....he gets to decide what he does to the woman, wether she lives or dies...and how long that takes......you want her to be completely helpless in the process....to be at the complete mercy of an attacker who has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law, for morality and for compassion toward another human being......and you want that individual to decide the outcome of the rape and possible murder.....?

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

But we know she survived. So you would increase her chance of dying.

Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.
Are unwell today brain.......

We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....
We don't have to rely on a study, she survived. Give her a gun and she probably dies. That's what you want.

Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....

And we know she survived. So giving her a gun would only increase the chance of her dying. Think she would be as willing as a murderer to pull the trigger? Not everyone wants to kill somebody.
Brain, you are wrong...again.....let me repeat the truth.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....

And we know she survived. So giving her a gun would only increase the chance of her dying. Think she would be as willing as a murderer to pull the trigger? Not everyone wants to kill somebody.

Weak, and pathetic brain....try again tomorrow.....and again....


A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
Wrong? The story is wrong, she didn't survive? No wait she did survive and we know that. So giving her a gun would only increase her chance of dying. Why would you want that?

And you want big government to force schools to allow guns? This would increase accidental shootings on campus. And we already determined most rapes are not defendable with a gun

No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....

And we know she survived. So giving her a gun would only increase the chance of her dying. Think she would be as willing as a murderer to pull the trigger? Not everyone wants to kill somebody.

Weak, and pathetic brain....try again tomorrow.....and again....


A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

You say that yet she survived without one. Without one we know her chance of survival is 100%, cause it's an actual event and we know the outcome. Now give her a gun and this murderer probably shoots her, her chances of survival slim.
So even though we determine almost no rapes are defendable with a gun you think big government should force universities to allow guns? Increasing accidental shootings on campus?
So even though we determine almost no rapes are defendable with a gun you think big government should force universities to allow guns? Increasing accidental shootings on campus?

We did not determine that...we did determine this......

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
No brain...if she had had a gun she wouldn't have been raped and the other two women might not have been raped and the one woman would not have been murdered.......

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."


So brain...she would not have been raped, and those 2 other women would not have been attacked.....

Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....

And we know she survived. So giving her a gun would only increase the chance of her dying. Think she would be as willing as a murderer to pull the trigger? Not everyone wants to kill somebody.

Weak, and pathetic brain....try again tomorrow.....and again....


A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

You say that yet she survived without one. Without one we know her chance of survival is 100%, cause it's an actual event and we know the outcome. Now give her a gun and this murderer probably shoots her, her chances of survival slim.

No, you are wrong....again.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
So even though we determine almost no rapes are defendable with a gun you think big government should force universities to allow guns? Increasing accidental shootings on campus?

We did not determine that...we did determine this......

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Yes we did the math and you didn't dispute it. Go back and dispute it and we'll discuss. Remember how only 18% are strangers. And 60% of those aren't adults and couldn't carry. And alcohol is involved in like 50% of them so drunk people really shouldn't have guns....
Really you can guarantee that? Don't lie.

Well....we know that she was disarmed and she was raped......we know the other victims were disarmed, raped and one was murdered........I can guarantee that that was the outcome when they were disarmed by your laws.......

I can guarantee that she has a better chance of not getting raped and murdered if she has a gun......and no chance of stopping the rape, as she was in fact raped, when she doesn't have a gun and the rapist does.....

And we know she survived. So giving her a gun would only increase the chance of her dying. Think she would be as willing as a murderer to pull the trigger? Not everyone wants to kill somebody.

Weak, and pathetic brain....try again tomorrow.....and again....


A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

You say that yet she survived without one. Without one we know her chance of survival is 100%, cause it's an actual event and we know the outcome. Now give her a gun and this murderer probably shoots her, her chances of survival slim.

No, you are wrong....again.....

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again Brain...you are wrong...her best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

Bill I am talking about your example. The girl does survive. Stop saying I'm wrong, it's your story.
Weak brain...really weak.....you want women who can stop rape with a gun to be raped instead....that is what your argument is....because some women drink, all women should be allowed to be raped rather than stop the rape with a gun...nice......

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