Leftism: Your Overdue Education

Communism and fascism in Europe were kinda like todays Bloods and the Crips in the ghetto. Same agenda and goals. In reality almost zero difference except leadership.

Both wanted to be the top gang and rule their hood (europe). ...... :cool:

^ that
If Nazis are Communist why did they suppress and ban Communism? Oops...

Another PC thread, DOA...

Exactly. The mods should really start merging all her obsessive compulsive same topic thread flooding into one.
The Uneducated Copy and Paste Rantings of PC, perfect for the Rubber Room, both of them.

Nothing Leftists want more than to silence, marginalize or hide the opposing perspectives,...i.e., the truth.

"...perfect for the Rubber Room,..."

And there is the proof.
Hey Chica, you're self-marginalizing with all the bogus contrived tripe you post all the damn time. You take a bit here and a bit there, wrap and package it and present what turns out to be a shit sandwich with the bits and pieces you've strung together as a conclusive comparison being the exception rather than the rule the vast majority of the time. This thread is but another example. Here's the word of the day for you; analysis! Try it some time when you write sprinkled with a good helping of honesty and integrity, fool!
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
Hey Chica, you're self-marginalizing with all the bogus contrived tripe you post all the damn time. You take a bit here and a bit there, wrap and package it and present what turns out to be a shit sandwich with the bits and pieces you've strung together as a conclusive comparison being the exception rather than the rule the vast majority of the time. This thread is but another example. Here's the word of the day for you; analysis! Try it some time when you write sprinkled with a good helping of honesty and integrity, fool!
^^^^ Looks like monday morning is when all of the retards like to come out and post. ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
So far: Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism.....blood brothers.
And all of 'em of the Leftists.
No 'Rightwingers' in the bunch!

Now....let's close that circle, and include Progressivism and Modern Liberalism. (not to be confused with classical liberalism, what would be called conservatism today)...

5. Franklin Roosevelt is the very model of 'Progressive and Modern Liberal'....any argument there? Of course not.

So....let's see where FDR stands vis-a-vis the paragon of Fascism....

a. FDR's economic guru was Rexford Tugwell. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government....right out of Fascist ideology.

General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.47

6. BTW....Francis Perkins was FDR's Sec'y of Labor from 1933 to 1945.
She saw the Fascist influence in her idol, Roosevelt, and his administration.
Anyone want to argue that FDR wasn't Leftist??? That he didn't idolize Mussolini?

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process...' New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. "Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.

Any questions?
1. And the battle is joined!

a. "... PoliticalChic that she not face the truth about Nazis being right wing. As she becomes more and more nazi-like in her beliefs, she has to convince herself that it isn't possible.""
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

Jeezzzz.....not only are there Liberals who are devoid of education...but they happily proclaim it to the world!
The above quote is from one poster...'5000' times more stupid than most, who insists that the Nazis and Communists were at opposite ends of the political spectrum....you know, the usual proaganda- the Nazis and Fascists were 'Rightwing,' while the Communists and Socialists, Leftwing.

Of course, this it is false: all four are Leftwing....as today's lesson will prove.

b. I invited another one of the resident dopes to joust on the topic...and not to be gutless....she posted "Peoples disgust with you does not equal being gutless." Shut up Romney!
Gonna miss ol' Jill.

c. And another big talker that I challenged to this debate..."Your phony political definitions are everywhere every day."
Shut up Romney!
Seems to be another one declining.....ol' Lipsync is gonna be AWOL.

Here is the disagreement : they've imbibed the Kool-Aid, and refuse to accept this fact:
All six of the 'Sinister Sisters', ....Nazis, Communists, Modern Liberals, Socialists, Progressives and Fascists ...share the same goals, and, to degrees, the same methods.
All are Leftist.
Every one of the Six.

2. So...today....an exegesis with Benito Mussolini as the vehicle, one which will illustrate his connections with the network of Leftists, the amalgamation of the six anti-liberty doctrines.

David Ramsay Steele wrote an erudite essay on Fascism, focusing on Mussolini. I'll use this and other sources.
And, right from the start, notice the references right from the start, the personification of Fascism, Mussolini, and his affinity for Karl Marx...

Arriving "in Switzerland in 1902, 18 years old and looking for work, Benito Mussolini was starving and penniless. All he had in his pockets was a cheap nickel medallion of Karl Marx.

... achieving fame as an agitator among the Italian migratory laborers, he was referred to by a local Italian-language newspaper as "the great duce [leader] of the Italian socialists."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

At the forefront we find Fascism, Marxism, and Socialism.....

Good start?

(...are the Democrats starting to worry, with a Marxist-Socialist running as their presidential nominee??
Ya' think?)

Honestly you are clueless.... Fascism is hard right politics...

We could show you proof till the cows come home but your brain can't adjust to that... Now we explained to you in simple English and you struggled to understand...

I think you might be best to say that you are too stupid or too ideologically led to understand rational argument...

You see you are a person that sides on authoritarians, like when cop shoots a black guy (you side with the cop), When Trump stands up and states that Hispanics are rapists, you go yea... Why? because you like to feel someone is in charge...

Brought to an extreme level that is fascism... Hitler and Mussolini were admired because they took control and took authority, which is something the right like... The far right are more in favour of subjecting to a strong leader... That is why you like Trump, because he gives an air of being in charge... You don't see the war crimes he is proposing just like the Germans ignored the ones Hitler proposed...
So far: Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism.....blood brothers.
And all of 'em of the Leftists.
No 'Rightwingers' in the bunch!

Now....let's close that circle, and include Progressivism and Modern Liberalism. (not to be confused with classical liberalism, what would be called conservatism today)...

5. Franklin Roosevelt is the very model of 'Progressive and Modern Liberal'....any argument there? Of course not.

So....let's see where FDR stands vis-a-vis the paragon of Fascism....

a. FDR's economic guru was Rexford Tugwell. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government....right out of Fascist ideology.

General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.47

6. BTW....Francis Perkins was FDR's Sec'y of Labor from 1933 to 1945.
She saw the Fascist influence in her idol, Roosevelt, and his administration.
Anyone want to argue that FDR wasn't Leftist??? That he didn't idolize Mussolini?

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process...' New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. "Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.

Any questions?

Yes, what makes Bernie Sanders the same as Mussolini and Hitler?
Communism and fascism in Europe were kinda like todays Bloods and the Crips in the ghetto. Same agenda and goals. In reality almost zero difference except leadership.

Both wanted to be the top gang and rule their hood (europe). ...... :cool:

Then argue that American conservatives don't want to rule America.
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.
Here is the disagreement : they've imbibed the Kool-Aid, and refuse to accept this fact:
All six of the 'Sinister Sisters', ....Nazis, Communists, Modern Liberals, Socialists, Progressives and Fascists ...share the same goals, and, to degrees, the same methods.
All are Leftist.
Every one of the Six.

Joe Biden is a modern Liberal. Is one of his goals the eradication of the Jews?
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.

As I've said before, her goal is to break down the stereotype of the super smart Asian.
In PC's world fruit and computers are the same because there's a computer called an Apple.

Hmmm......still unable to find a single error in my thesis.

Not a one!!!

Clearly.....every single item I've posted...as usual.....is factual, accurate, and true.

This: So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist all.

Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.

There isn't even an analogy there to make fun of.

Wanna try again???

"So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist, collectivists, statists, unlimited big government doctrines....every single one of 'em."
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.

There isn't even an analogy there to make fun of.

Wanna try again???

"So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist, collectivists, statists, unlimited big government doctrines....every single one of 'em."
The only links are in your mind. Five different things with five different names and you've been told they are the same. You were lied to...
In PC's world fruit and computers are the same because there's a computer called an Apple.

Hmmm......still unable to find a single error in my thesis.

Not a one!!!

Clearly.....every single item I've posted...as usual.....is factual, accurate, and true.

This: So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist all.

This thread was dead as soon as you said Nazis and Communists, who they banned and then fought, were the same. Post #1.

Communism vs Fascism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Last edited:
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.

There isn't even an analogy there to make fun of.

Wanna try again???

"So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist, collectivists, statists, unlimited big government doctrines....every single one of 'em."
The only links are in your mind. Five different things with five different names and you've been told they are the same. You were lied to...


An "is not, issss noootttttttt!" post from a Leftist!!!!

In PC's world fruit and computers are the same because there's a computer called an Apple.

Hmmm......still unable to find a single error in my thesis.

Not a one!!!

Clearly.....every single item I've posted...as usual.....is factual, accurate, and true.

This: So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist all.

This thread was dead as soon as you said Nazis and Communists, who they banned and then fought, were the same. Post #1.

Communism vs Fascism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

I've already destroyed that post.

Wanna try to claim that both Hitler and Stalin didn't based their doctrines on Karl Marx???

Double dog dare ya'....
Last edited:
Perhaps I cut this "Overdue Education" thread too short, including only history and politics....

...I should include mathematics education, too!

'Transitive Property of Equality. The following property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.'
Mathwords: Transitive Property of Equality

In this context, 'equal' meaning the same ultimate goals, collectivization of society, and many of the same methods used to get there.....

See....Karl Marx's communism served as the cooking pot of Mussolini's Fascism

And Fascism connects with Hitler's National Socialism, Nazism.....

Therefore, the bridge between Nazism and Communism is evident.

Let's call it the mathematics of Leftwing ideology.
PC's math: 2 + sardine = Communist.

There isn't even an analogy there to make fun of.

Wanna try again???

"So....we have tied together, with a neat little bow, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism and Modern Liberalism.
Leftist, collectivists, statists, unlimited big government doctrines....every single one of 'em."
The only links are in your mind. Five different things with five different names and you've been told they are the same. You were lied to...


An "is not, issss noootttttttt!" post from a Leftist!!!!

It matches your Liberals are Nazis, Nazis are Communists insanity.

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