Leftist CNBC: 10 Worst States to Live Are All Red


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
  • Florida
  • Arkansas
  • Tennessee
  • Indiana
  • Missouri
  • Alabama – tie
  • South Carolina – tie
  • Louisiana
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
Yep. Don’t let the fact people are fleeing California, New York, Illinois, Connecticut, etc in droves for Red States fool you Leftards living in Blue States.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should a Leftist leave a Blue State and move to a Red State. Cuz science.

  • Florida
  • Arkansas
  • Tennessee
  • Indiana
  • Missouri
  • Alabama – tie
  • South Carolina – tie
  • Louisiana
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
Yep. Don’t let the fact people are fleeing California, New York, Illinois, Connecticut, etc in droves for Red States fool you Leftards living in Blue States.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should a Leftist leave a Blue State and move to a Red State. Cuz science.

The people who read and believe that claptrap are the audience they are trying to reach. The morons that are incapable of critical thought that gobble up any kind of bullshit that is fed to them. Let them stay in those blue state shitholes. I don't want them around me.
  • Florida
  • Arkansas
  • Tennessee
  • Indiana
  • Missouri
  • Alabama – tie
  • South Carolina – tie
  • Louisiana
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
Yep. Don’t let the fact people are fleeing California, New York, Illinois, Connecticut, etc in droves for Red States fool you Leftards living in Blue States.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should a Leftist leave a Blue State and move to a Red State. Cuz science.

I suppose if you're stupid enough to get all of your news from CNN then you're stupid enough to believe stories like this one! Progressives are starting to panic. Average people are leaving Democratically controlled cities and States in droves to escape the left's failed policies. At this rate the only people that will be left are human leeches expecting handouts and the liberals that got elected promising them those handouts.
Living in a Blue state, I see alot of Conservatives moving out to Red states, just because of the Dimwit policies and shitholes that result from them........which is really too bad. IF Conservatives would stay and more move in..........then those voters could change the dynamics enough that would clean up the mess
Living in a Blue state, I see alot of Conservatives moving out to Red states, just because of the Dimwit policies and shitholes that result from them........which is really too bad. IF Conservatives would stay and more move in..........then those voters could change the dynamics enough that would clean up the mess
I suppose if you're stupid enough to get all of your news from CNN then you're stupid enough to believe stories like this one! Progressives are starting to panic. Average people are leaving Democratically controlled cities and States in droves to escape the left's failed policies. At this rate the only people that will be left are human leeches expecting handouts and the liberals that got elected promising them those handouts.
They live in a bubble world void of reality.

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