Leftist Democrats seem to love high income taxes…why don’t solid blue states raise the state income tax to makeup for what the feds won’t do?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Wouldn’t the citizens of those states get behind such a noble plan?
We hear it here all the time… Many have called for fed income tax rates up to 70%….why aren’t the proponents of high income tax begging the state legislatures in bright blue states to do so?
Mainly because Democrats don't believe what right wing extremist republicans say we believe.
Democrats believe taxes should be 100% with food stamps and housing vouchers given out by the government.
Democrats believe Republicans should be taxed 100%, and Democrats should be taxed just a little.

Democrats believe they are elite and entitled to force those they look down-upon to labor for the Democrats.
Just tax hikes for the rich duhhh- middle and working class need a cut if anything, dupe.
But “the rich” already pay nearly all of Americas income tax collected while the degenerates among us use and abuse all the taxpayer funded
shit. Why shouldn’t ALL pay their “FAIR SHARE”?
Its nothing more than a wedge issue.
If they actually wanted to fix the tax system, they would change the tax code itself. Not raise rates.
Rich people get out of paying taxes because those same assholes screaming about higher taxes made the system that way.
But “the rich” already pay nearly all of Americas income tax collected while the degenerates among us use and abuse all the taxpayer funded
shit. Why shouldn’t ALL pay their “FAIR SHARE”?
Good point, we should tax the handicapped much more, to pay for all the handicapped parking, and access ramps, and handicapped buses. Those folks cost a fortune to maintain, so they should pay their own way.

My local school spends more to per child to educate special needs kids, then it would cost to send them to Harvard.

So I say, tax the handicapped.

Good point, we should tax the handicapped much more, to pay for all the handicapped parking, and access ramps, and handicapped buses. Those folks cost a fortune to maintain, so they should pay their own way.

Nah…just the able bodied filthy degenerates your ideologies manifests and fosters.
There shouldn't be state income taxes. Texas doesn't have that, and the four years that I lived on the left coast, I filed them but never had to pay a penny. The EIC(?) and my schedule C wiped those out.
But “the rich” already pay nearly all of Americas income tax collected while the degenerates among us use and abuse all the taxpayer funded
shit. Why shouldn’t ALL pay their “FAIR SHARE”?
These idiots don't realize we could take every penny from the richest 100 Americans and piss it away in a week. The richest Americans can't support liberal spending habits. The math doesn't work.

There's a reason why places like Sweden heavily tax the middle class. They have to. It's the only way to do what they want to do.
Only the rich and big oil Etcetera don't pay their fair share, Super Duper. Who are so thick with the brainwash........
Define fair share. Give us a percentage of the total tax bill you think the top 1%, 10%, 25% should pay.
Its nothing more than a wedge issue.
If they actually wanted to fix the tax system, they would change the tax code itself. Not raise rates.
Rich people get out of paying taxes because those same assholes screaming about higher taxes made the system that way.
For 40 years we have had GOP tax rates and all the loopholes are from the GOP too, the party of the greedy idiot rich big oil big money big health. Wake Up and smell the coffee

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