Leftist George Soros sends $500,000 to fight rehiring cops in Austin despite rampant crime due to defunding the police there.

So, Liberal Austin decides to jump on the Dem bandwagon of defunding police, and the obvious result is a huge spike in crime. Now they are coming to their senses and want to add money to the budget for more cops.

Anti-American despot George Soros is sending half a million dollars to fight against people in Austin protecting themselves.

I never wish death upon anyone for political beliefs, but I will celebrate when this cretin goes toes up.

Billionaire George Soros donates half a million to oppose Austin police staffing campaign

The campaign to oppose Proposition A, a ballot measure concerning staffing levels at the Austin Police Department that will go before voters in November, got a big financial bump from national donors last week.

Billionaire and left-wing activist George Soros gave $500,000 to Equity PAC, a political action committee lobbying against Prop A. The group also received $200,000 from The Fairness Project, a Washington, D.C.-based organization founded in 2016 that backs progressive ballot measures.

If passed, Prop A would require APD to hire and maintain at least two police officers per 1,000 residents. Currently, the department employs roughly 1.7 officers per 1,000 residents. According to estimates from the city’s Budget Office, a ratio like this would require Austin to hire anywhere from 403 to 885 new officers over the next five years, at a cost of up to $598.8 million, depending on the number of officers.

Soros donated funds through Open Society Policy Center, according to a campaign filing submitted to the Austin city clerk’s office Wednesday. The center is an arm of Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded, according to the organization’s website.

"I'm excited. We're thankful for their support," said Laura Hernandez, campaign manager for the "No Way on Prop A" campaign, which is funded by Equity PAC. "Their support is part of over a hundred organizations against Prop A."

Prop A got on the ballot following a petition drive by Save Austin Now, the political action committee behind another ballot measure to reinstate a city ban on camping, resting and panhandling in public, which voters approved in May.

“I don’t want out of town money influencing a local election,” Cleo Petricek, co-founder of Save Austin Now, told KUT. “We’re talking about people who live here, live and breathe here, who are concerned about their safety. They should be deciding [this election], not someone who lives in New York.”

Austin reported its highest number of murders this year, which the group attributes to a staffing shortage at the police department. APD has struggled to fill vacant positions since at least 2014, often employing 100 or more fewer full-time sworn positions than the city budgeted for.

soros hates the usa no doubt of that he pines for his days in the hitler youth
So, Liberal Austin decides to jump on the Dem bandwagon of defunding police, and the obvious result is a huge spike in crime. Now they are coming to their senses and want to add money to the budget for more cops.

Anti-American despot George Soros is sending half a million dollars to fight against people in Austin protecting themselves.

I never wish death upon anyone for political beliefs, but I will celebrate when this cretin goes toes up.

Billionaire George Soros donates half a million to oppose Austin police staffing campaign

The campaign to oppose Proposition A, a ballot measure concerning staffing levels at the Austin Police Department that will go before voters in November, got a big financial bump from national donors last week.

Billionaire and left-wing activist George Soros gave $500,000 to Equity PAC, a political action committee lobbying against Prop A. The group also received $200,000 from The Fairness Project, a Washington, D.C.-based organization founded in 2016 that backs progressive ballot measures.

If passed, Prop A would require APD to hire and maintain at least two police officers per 1,000 residents. Currently, the department employs roughly 1.7 officers per 1,000 residents. According to estimates from the city’s Budget Office, a ratio like this would require Austin to hire anywhere from 403 to 885 new officers over the next five years, at a cost of up to $598.8 million, depending on the number of officers.

Soros donated funds through Open Society Policy Center, according to a campaign filing submitted to the Austin city clerk’s office Wednesday. The center is an arm of Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded, according to the organization’s website.

"I'm excited. We're thankful for their support," said Laura Hernandez, campaign manager for the "No Way on Prop A" campaign, which is funded by Equity PAC. "Their support is part of over a hundred organizations against Prop A."

Prop A got on the ballot following a petition drive by Save Austin Now, the political action committee behind another ballot measure to reinstate a city ban on camping, resting and panhandling in public, which voters approved in May.

“I don’t want out of town money influencing a local election,” Cleo Petricek, co-founder of Save Austin Now, told KUT. “We’re talking about people who live here, live and breathe here, who are concerned about their safety. They should be deciding [this election], not someone who lives in New York.”

Austin reported its highest number of murders this year, which the group attributes to a staffing shortage at the police department. APD has struggled to fill vacant positions since at least 2014, often employing 100 or more fewer full-time sworn positions than the city budgeted for.

So, Liberal Austin decides to jump on the Dem bandwagon of defunding police, and the obvious result is a huge spike in crime. Now they are coming to their senses and want to add money to the budget for more cops.

Anti-American despot George Soros is sending half a million dollars to fight against people in Austin protecting themselves.

I never wish death upon anyone for political beliefs, but I will celebrate when this cretin goes toes up.

Billionaire George Soros donates half a million to oppose Austin police staffing campaign

The campaign to oppose Proposition A, a ballot measure concerning staffing levels at the Austin Police Department that will go before voters in November, got a big financial bump from national donors last week.

Billionaire and left-wing activist George Soros gave $500,000 to Equity PAC, a political action committee lobbying against Prop A. The group also received $200,000 from The Fairness Project, a Washington, D.C.-based organization founded in 2016 that backs progressive ballot measures.

If passed, Prop A would require APD to hire and maintain at least two police officers per 1,000 residents. Currently, the department employs roughly 1.7 officers per 1,000 residents. According to estimates from the city’s Budget Office, a ratio like this would require Austin to hire anywhere from 403 to 885 new officers over the next five years, at a cost of up to $598.8 million, depending on the number of officers.

Soros donated funds through Open Society Policy Center, according to a campaign filing submitted to the Austin city clerk’s office Wednesday. The center is an arm of Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded, according to the organization’s website.

"I'm excited. We're thankful for their support," said Laura Hernandez, campaign manager for the "No Way on Prop A" campaign, which is funded by Equity PAC. "Their support is part of over a hundred organizations against Prop A."

Prop A got on the ballot following a petition drive by Save Austin Now, the political action committee behind another ballot measure to reinstate a city ban on camping, resting and panhandling in public, which voters approved in May.

“I don’t want out of town money influencing a local election,” Cleo Petricek, co-founder of Save Austin Now, told KUT. “We’re talking about people who live here, live and breathe here, who are concerned about their safety. They should be deciding [this election], not someone who lives in New York.”

Austin reported its highest number of murders this year, which the group attributes to a staffing shortage at the police department. APD has struggled to fill vacant positions since at least 2014, often employing 100 or more fewer full-time sworn positions than the city budgeted for.

Socialist Billionaire George Soros Is Spending Millions To Undermine / Destroy United States:
- $1 Mil to Gavin Newsome
- $1 Mil now to thankful Democrats' Anti-Police Efforts

Biden took millions from the CCP and Russians during his campaign

Democrats / Domestic Terrorists took millions from Soros during Antifa / BLM terrorist violence that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Dem-run cities
-- A Soros-paid Rep was discovered pre-positioning Soros-purchased bricks, bats, and weapons prior to Antifa and BLM violence

Despite proving to be an 'enemy of the US' Democrats have no problem taking his money and carrying out his orders.....
Soros is no friend of this country. I wish they would have never given this dick citizenship. He's definitely a bad seed.
His fake dad confiscated the goods. At the 10:02 mark, he says he didn't confiscate the goods he was a witness to the act but did not take anything.
:rolleyes:You can tell by his body language that he is full of shit.
What year did Soros serve in the Hitler Youth?
I'm pretty sure that Jews were not allowed in the Hitler-Jugend Bund Deutcher Arbeiterjugend (AKA Hitler Youth).

But of course, logically, that doesn't necessarily mean that George Soros didn't help the Nazi's commit genocide.

Why is he desperately spewing bullshit?
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I'm pretty sure that Jews were not allowed in the Hitler-Jugend Bund Deutcher Arbeiterjugend (AKA Hitler Youth).

But of course, logically, that doesn't necessarily mean that George Soros didn't help the Nazi's commit genocide.

Why is he desperately spewing bullshit?
Hitler had Jews that were high-ranking officials they did have waivers you know? Soros was nine when the war started and fifteen when it ended how did a fifteen-year-old gain so much power? Soros never killed any Jews that was the Nazis's the SS to be exact. I guess now you'll tell us that Soros was in the SS also...
Hitler had Jews that were high-ranking officials they did have waivers you know? Soros was nine when the war started and fifteen when it ended how did a fifteen-year-old gain so much power?
Are you trying to imply that the Hitler youth were not little kids, but were actually all a bunch of senior citizens? :omg:
What a load of GOP garbage as always... lol... Try looking into what these organizations actually do....
They have a cop shortage?? Can't say I give a shit. They keep electing those idiots to run the city and they are all liberal as hell.

Let them deal with crime and no LEO's.

If I were a cop in Austin. I'd quit and move to a city where I won't get thrown under the bus. I'm sure Texas has many.

No sympathy from me for the liberal air heads in Austin.
Not to worry, this whole thread is based on total BS from the total BS artists of the GOP. Look up what these organizations actually do and stop spouting total crap.

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