Leftist insurgents siege on White House, barricade all entrances

Wonder if these “insurgents” beat the fuck out of SS & cops with Greenpeace flagpoles, erected a Gallo for Kamala, and busted out windows with bricks & battering rams -

No? BriteFart?? :laughing0301:

Will the Capitol police start shooting at them?

The moment they start beating cops, tossing fire extinguishers & and busting out windows?

Oh HELL yes!!
the left injured over 2000 cops last year and injured dozens of secrete servicemen when they set a historical church on fire and attempted to storm the WH barricade and the POTUS had to be secured in a safe location . now i ask you commie ...and yes you are a communist and a traitor ..should those attempting to storm the WH have been shot ?
Yes - Had they mowed down the first dozen or so at every entrance the rest would have turned tail.
ok ! sooo cops shooting blm protesters getting violent is ok ....you sir are a racist !
Thank You

Right means looking backward and inward.
Would that be "historically and Isolationism"
I believe that we must keep history in order not to repeat mistakes we've made from it.
But I also believe in progress. (and today that word has a whole new meaning..)
We can be better people, everyone has something to contribute to the betterment of the whole.
There should be no one left behind, yet each should be responsible for their own failure or success.

If you mean something different could you please specify?

Do you care about all people being happy and secure or just your friends, relatives, associates, and acquaintances? Do you hate people like the poor, blacks, Russians, Chinese, Democrats, or Republicans even though none have ever harmed or threatened you personally on behalf of such a grouping as far as you know?

I would like to see everyone succeed in whatever "being happy and secure" means to them. Not everyone has the same definition of peace and security.
I don't hate anyone. I personally have no reason to hate. I may not like things or I may disagree with people in general. But race, nationality, political affiliation, or class is not included in the debate.
We're talking individuals right? Because let's say the CCP for instance, that abuse their people, forced labor, control over other peoples happiness and security.. this I hate. I don't believe I hate the people, more the ideology or practice of it.

We all value traditions to some extent, but few who claim such beliefs ever bother to spell any out

Well, first and foremost, Family. 2 parents. Because one should be there to help them with question that just arise like.. why do people die, or where do babies come from? And to help them with their homework. To provide meals and clean clothes, and security. To teach them how to stand up for what is moraly right and acceptable. By moral I mean don't lie, don't steal, don't be a bully.
I say 2 parents because it is difficult for a single parent to be the bread winner and the homemaker at the same time.
And sometimes children have a way of getting neglected out of just being tired or job frustrations, money issues.
Where when there are 2, then one can step in when the other is weak.

Providing for the family. Building success on your own merits. Being proud of your own accomplishments and successes.
Teaching your children how to be self-sufficient, to save for the future, to have plans that bring joy. A vacation, a college education, a business.. whatever it is that freedom allows for all.

To have respect for your home, your property, your neighbors, your community, your country.
Mutual respect. If everyone had a little respect for the next guy the world would be a better place.

Could you add possibly other traditions that I haven't covered?

"I believe the Federal Govt should be small"
? Define "small"?

The Constitution gives the guidelines of what the responsibility of the Federal Government and the State Government are.
I see a problem when either tries to flex their muscles and push out or override the other.
When there is a national crisis all politics should cease and both federal and states come together for the common good.

How do you see it?

The "far left" is anyone actually on the left who manages to get a progressive word in edgewise

Please define Progressive, because today it has more meanings than ben and jerry's ice cream flavors.
And it gets confusing, and I'm not so sure it's not intended to be so.
Could be if the question was in a thread: What is a Progressive? You would have a multiple different opinions.

Thank You Grumblenuts
for this conversation.
Right means looking backward and inward.
Would that be "historically and Isolationism"
That would be back to "the good old days" and obsessively into one's own navel. Nowhere sensible, in other words.
I believe that we must keep history in order not to repeat mistakes we've made from it.
I thought the platitude was about studying history.
But I also believe in progress. (and today that word has a whole new meaning..)
Not that I'm aware of. Advancing. Continuing to strive for better. Leftist, progressive, liberal have always meant basically the same thing to me. Only stupid people waste time parsing such things.
We can be better people, everyone has something to contribute to the betterment of the whole.
There should be no one left behind, yet each should be responsible for their own failure or success.
I don't know about all that, but I think the biggest room in the world remains the room for improvement. All are obliged to do the best they can about it with what they've got and from their own perspectives. We should measure ourselves as a nation by how well we care for the sickest, least advantaged among us, also by how peaceful and happy our people generally are compared to those in other developed nations.
I would like to see everyone succeed in whatever "being happy and secure" means to them. Not everyone has the same definition of peace and security.
I don't hate anyone. I personally have no reason to hate. I may not like things or I may disagree with people in general. But race, nationality, political affiliation, or class is not included in the debate.
We're talking individuals right?
No. I was discussing group affiliations. I don't care if people hate individuals here or there.
Because let's say the CCP for instance, that abuse their people, forced labor, control over other peoples happiness and security.. this I hate. I don't believe I hate the people, more the ideology or practice of it.
Not that either. I'm glad it's their problem. We have plenty of our own. Let's try to focus upon what we know we can achieve constructively.
We all value traditions to some extent, but few who claim such beliefs ever bother to spell any out
Well, first and foremost, Family. 2 parents. Because one should be there to help them with question that just arise like.. why do people die, or where do babies come from? And to help them with their homework. To provide meals and clean clothes, and security. To teach them how to stand up for what is moraly right and acceptable. By moral I mean don't lie, don't steal, don't be a bully.
I say 2 parents because it is difficult for a single parent to be the bread winner and the homemaker at the same time.
And sometimes children have a way of getting neglected out of just being tired or job frustrations, money issues.
Where when there are 2, then one can step in when the other is weak.
Okay, and I love homemade apple pie. Have you met anyone in real life who was opposed to any of that?
Providing for the family.
To me, "traditional values" continues to imply barefoot, pregnant, homemaker + working husband with one good job "Providing for the family" in this case. An all but impossible feat in the best of times. More of that room for improvement.
Building success on your own merits. Being proud of your own accomplishments and successes.
Teaching your children how to be self-sufficient, to save for the future, to have plans that bring joy. A vacation, a college education, a business.. whatever it is that freedom allows for all.

To have respect for your home, your property, your neighbors, your community, your country.
Mutual respect. If everyone had a little respect for the next guy the world would be a better place.

Could you add possibly other traditions that I haven't covered?
Fidelity, honesty? Again, I don't understand the point of such lists and declarations. No one's seriously going to argue so why bother? Happy talk. Smell us, we want all the things everyone else does!
The Constitution gives the guidelines of what the responsibility of the Federal Government and the State Government are.
I see a problem when either tries to flex their muscles and push out or override the other.
When there is a national crisis all politics should cease and both federal and states come together for the common good.

How do you see it?
I asked for your definition of "small"? I gather you meant "limited" instead.
Thank You Grumblenuts
for this conversation.
Thank You and Return Hugs
Right means looking backward and inward.
Would that be "historically and Isolationism"
That would be back to "the good old days" and obsessively into one's own navel. Nowhere sensible, in other words.
I believe that we must keep history in order not to repeat mistakes we've made from it.
I thought the platitude was about studying history.
But I also believe in progress. (and today that word has a whole new meaning..)
Not that I'm aware of. Advancing. Continuing to strive for better. Leftist, progressive, liberal have always meant basically the same thing to me. Only stupid people waste time parsing such things.
We can be better people, everyone has something to contribute to the betterment of the whole.
There should be no one left behind, yet each should be responsible for their own failure or success.
I don't know about all that, but I think the biggest room in the world remains the room for improvement. All are obliged to do the best they can about it with what they've got and from their own perspectives. We should measure ourselves as a nation by how well we care for the sickest, least advantaged among us, also by how peaceful and happy our people generally are compared to those in other developed nations.
I would like to see everyone succeed in whatever "being happy and secure" means to them. Not everyone has the same definition of peace and security.
I don't hate anyone. I personally have no reason to hate. I may not like things or I may disagree with people in general. But race, nationality, political affiliation, or class is not included in the debate.
We're talking individuals right?
No. I was discussing group affiliations. I don't care if people hate individuals here or there.
Because let's say the CCP for instance, that abuse their people, forced labor, control over other peoples happiness and security.. this I hate. I don't believe I hate the people, more the ideology or practice of it.
Not that either. I'm glad it's their problem. We have plenty of our own. Let's try to focus upon what we know we can achieve constructively.
We all value traditions to some extent, but few who claim such beliefs ever bother to spell any out
Well, first and foremost, Family. 2 parents. Because one should be there to help them with question that just arise like.. why do people die, or where do babies come from? And to help them with their homework. To provide meals and clean clothes, and security. To teach them how to stand up for what is moraly right and acceptable. By moral I mean don't lie, don't steal, don't be a bully.
I say 2 parents because it is difficult for a single parent to be the bread winner and the homemaker at the same time.
And sometimes children have a way of getting neglected out of just being tired or job frustrations, money issues.
Where when there are 2, then one can step in when the other is weak.
Okay, and I love homemade apple pie. Have you met anyone in real life who was opposed to any of that?
Providing for the family.
To me, "traditional values" continues to imply barefoot, pregnant, homemaker + working husband with one good job "Providing for the family" in this case. An all but impossible feat in the best of times. More of that room for improvement.
Building success on your own merits. Being proud of your own accomplishments and successes.
Teaching your children how to be self-sufficient, to save for the future, to have plans that bring joy. A vacation, a college education, a business.. whatever it is that freedom allows for all.

To have respect for your home, your property, your neighbors, your community, your country.
Mutual respect. If everyone had a little respect for the next guy the world would be a better place.

Could you add possibly other traditions that I haven't covered?
Fidelity, honesty? Again, I don't understand the point of such lists and declarations. No one's seriously going to argue so why bother? Happy talk. Smell us, we want all the things everyone else does!
The Constitution gives the guidelines of what the responsibility of the Federal Government and the State Government are.
I see a problem when either tries to flex their muscles and push out or override the other.
When there is a national crisis all politics should cease and both federal and states come together for the common good.

How do you see it?
I asked for your definition of "small"? I gather you meant "limited" instead.
Thank You Grumblenuts
for this conversation.
Thank You and Return Hugs
So, I'm trying to get the root problem we are facing in America.

I see anarchy in the streets, I see lawlessness, I see race wars being waged instead of trying to find a way towards peace.
I see an attack on all aspects of justice and law enforcement. I see children getting taught things in school that should be at the dinner table instead. I see everyone trying to be herded as a collective instead of individuals.
A do it my way or else, instead of live and let live.
And a lot of this I disagree with from a conservative point of view.
I see what I defined above as my interpretation of a conservative being flipped upside down on it's head.

So my question is.. where is it coming from?
You say it's not the left, it's not liberals,
are you saying it's the democrat party?
Not all democrats are liberal, not all democrats are leftists.

Who is this "Woke" crowd?

They call themselvs leftists but from what I gather you don't align with a lot of their views but are more conservative leaning.

To be honest, I believe communists, real ones, have been infiltrating our country for decades and they want to destroy the way of life, the freedoms we have. They want us all brought under their demands, their "right way" and to hell with yours.
I believe they are on both sides of the aisle. They wear whatever label is needed to fulfill their agenda.
I believe they OWN the media and use it to keep us divided.
They invent issues they know will cause friction and then play us off each other.
They call themselves Marxists, Anti-Fascists, Socialists... but they are not for the American way.

I have major issues with big corporations that step on anyone to get ahead, make profits, live in mansions, while the rest of the populations remains hungry, homeless, jobless... and they don't care.
They have programs and fund raisers that never make it passed their own pocket.
Big Pharma, Big Agra, etc..
I believe these are the common "enemy" which both republicans and democrats agree are at the heart of most of our economic woes. And when I say republicans and democrats, I'm not talking about the politicians or the party. Just everyday people like you and me.
But what I see coming... and how events are panning out.. I don't agree with this so-called new-normal.

Who is pushing it?
I think it's whoever is behind this globalization. This "new world order" as all the presidents have parroted since Bush Sr.
Where the United Nations is the government and all the world comes under it's dictatorship.
They have a plan and it's called Agenda 2030. It was called Agenda 21 for the 21st century and how they saw the future for us all.
This is no conspiracy theory. They have outlined it, had conferences, they talk about this new green deal and that's part of it.
This reallocating of personal property and goods. What's yours is now mine mentality.

I see it coming from both sides, because both sides are in it for the money.
But not the average everyday people. And we are getting trampled.
And the only way I see us all coming out from under their feet, is if we stand together.
But they are doing everything in their power to keep us divided.
And most of it through the news. They own all the networks. They own the anchors, They own the satellites.
They create the issues and then toss them into the frying pan and watch us all scramble.

This partisan racial whatever division... we have to stop it.
And I don't understand how some people just can't see it.
Or do they see it and just don't care? Are they a part of it? What do they have to gain or lose by agreeing with it?

so many questions, so little time.
Thank for listening to me rant.
So, I'm trying to get the root problem we are facing in America.

I see anarchy in the streets, I see lawlessness, I see race wars being waged instead of trying to find a way towards peace.
I see an attack on all aspects of justice and law enforcement. I see children getting taught things in school that should be at the dinner table instead. I see everyone trying to be herded as a collective instead of individuals.
A do it my way or else, instead of live and let live.
And a lot of this I disagree with from a conservative point of view.
I see what I defined above as my interpretation of a conservative being flipped upside down on it's head.
So my question is.. where is it coming from?
You say it's not the left, it's not liberals,
are you saying it's the democrat party?
Not all democrats are liberal, not all democrats are leftists.

Who is this "Woke" crowd?
They call themselvs leftists but from what I gather you don't align with a lot of their views but are more conservative leaning.
Whoa there,.. cool your jets, sparky.. Some quick fact & reality checks seem in order. You're really starting to sound like a conspiracy nut. Also, for someone who's complained of having limited vocabulary, you suddenly appear to be cranking out fairly sophisticated paragraphs with ease. Seems you may have just been dicking me around, playing me for a fool, and somewhat succeeding. But let's not get too carried away just yet..
To be honest,
Uh oh.. As opposed to what you've been so far?
I believe communists, real ones, have been infiltrating our country for decades and they want to destroy the way of life, the freedoms we have. They want us all brought under their demands, their "right way" and to hell with yours.
I believe they are on both sides of the aisle. They wear whatever label is needed to fulfill their agenda.
I believe they OWN the media and use it to keep us divided.
They invent issues they know will cause friction and then play us off each other.
They call themselves Marxists, Anti-Fascists, Socialists... but they are not for the American way.
Uhm, hokay, I suppose that'll do then..

The only reason why the Leftists and I say Leftists because not all Democrats are Leftists.
This is an important fact we all must understand.

The only reason why the Leftists pulled the Jan 6th event was to push the bills for the Federal Gvt to control voting rights.
I'm a leftist. Not a Democrat. There being no "Leftist" Party, leftists obviously have no interest in helping the Federal Govt take more control over voting. Give it up. You're just being fed talking points based on projection. The Right is desperate now. They only want certain people to vote or none. We leftists were kind of glad Trump was pissing off enough people to finally motivate them to fight back. Biden is incapable, so while the Dems poke around and do practically nothing as usual, no one else will either. The "conservatives" should be ecstatic.
Thank you
Would you define what a "leftist" is according to how you know it?
I understand a lot of labels get tossed all across the board

Could you tell me the difference between a "democrat" and what is called the "far left" in your opinion.
Thank You
And anyone else who would like to share their views in a constructive and not demeaning answer,
I would appreciate also.

Thank You
Hostile Takeover

You're asking for too much if you want a constructive criticism of a party of vindictive misfits who want to destroy an America they never belonged in.
Why am I not seeing this across news sources? Why is it just a you tube video? please explain your source.
So, I'm trying to get the root problem we are facing in America.

I see anarchy in the streets, I see lawlessness, I see race wars being waged instead of trying to find a way towards peace.
I see an attack on all aspects of justice and law enforcement. I see children getting taught things in school that should be at the dinner table instead. I see everyone trying to be herded as a collective instead of individuals.
A do it my way or else, instead of live and let live.
And a lot of this I disagree with from a conservative point of view.
I see what I defined above as my interpretation of a conservative being flipped upside down on it's head.
So my question is.. where is it coming from?
You say it's not the left, it's not liberals,
are you saying it's the democrat party?
Not all democrats are liberal, not all democrats are leftists.

Who is this "Woke" crowd?
They call themselvs leftists but from what I gather you don't align with a lot of their views but are more conservative leaning.
Whoa there,.. cool your jets, sparky.. Some quick fact & reality checks seem in order. You're really starting to sound like a conspiracy nut. Also, for someone who's complained of having limited vocabulary, you suddenly appear to be cranking out fairly sophisticated paragraphs with ease. Seems you may have just been dicking me around, playing me for a fool, and somewhat succeeding. But let's not get too carried away just yet..
To be honest,
Uh oh.. As opposed to what you've been so far?
I believe communists, real ones, have been infiltrating our country for decades and they want to destroy the way of life, the freedoms we have. They want us all brought under their demands, their "right way" and to hell with yours.
I believe they are on both sides of the aisle. They wear whatever label is needed to fulfill their agenda.
I believe they OWN the media and use it to keep us divided.
They invent issues they know will cause friction and then play us off each other.
They call themselves Marxists, Anti-Fascists, Socialists... but they are not for the American way.
Uhm, hokay, I suppose that'll do then..

I'm glad I'm a woman. I get to keep my essence LOL

To be honest... I strive to always be honest and frank. So it was just a term...
Maybe I am a conspiracy nut. I believe there are a lot of conspiracies taking place right in our face.
And I don't believe there theories.
I appreciate the compliment of fairly sophisticated paragraphs. I try hard with a 6th grade education. (I've come a long way baby) :)

Your enjoyable to talk to (I won't tell anyone) shh

Thank You


·Jun 26
As heat waves tear through the West, we've been marching and organizing, trying to fight a climate crises that damages our communities everyday. Where has
been? Behind closed doors with Republicans. Join us & make sure he can't ignore us anymore: http://smvmt.org/June-28th

There's a lot of hate for Biden coming from the left in this thread. It's encouraging!
I wish it were that simple.
They are using fear tactics against the democrats and the rhinos as usual. They figure power in numbers will get them what they want if they cry loud enough.
They don't hate Biden, they're just going around him.
Wonder if these “insurgents” beat the fuck out of SS & cops with Greenpeace flagpoles, erected a Gallo for Kamala, and busted out windows with bricks & battering rams -

No? BriteFart?? :laughing0301:

Will the Capitol police start shooting at them?

The moment they start beating cops, tossing fire extinguishers & and busting out windows?

Oh HELL yes!!
A man and a woman who raise a family and who are shit on is the death of a civilization. I am saying this as not a prude as everyone else doing what they want is negative to society advancement. We have poverty and people who go to bed hungry. Why? I try to get answers from people influenced in their lives. As I have been.
Wonder if these “insurgents” beat the fuck out of SS & cops with Greenpeace flagpoles, erected a Gallo for Kamala, and busted out windows with bricks & battering rams -

No? BriteFart?? :laughing0301:

Will the Capitol police start shooting at them?

The moment they start beating cops, tossing fire extinguishers & and busting out windows?

Oh HELL yes!!
A man and a woman who raise a family and who are shit on is the death of a civilization. I am saying this as not a prude as everyone else doing what they want is negative to society advancement. We have poverty and people who go to bed hungry. Why? I try to get answers from people influenced in their lives. As I have been.
What in God's name are you talking about :confused-84:
I was asking anyone, why is this only on you tube? & not running across national news sources?????
"Right now, 500 young people are enroute to barricade all 10 entrances to the White House to demand you, Pres. Joe Biden, act on your elected mandate of climate justice & only pass an American Jobs Plan that includes necessarily ambitious solutions to the crisis..."


Activists do they mean losers who don't want to work a job? I see they have time to march on the White House but not fill out a job application.

They’re kids.

Unlike you they’re out doing something not just sitting in their mothers basement posting on a bulletin board page

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