House passes giant social-policy and climate measure

Typical DC swampiness at the expense of the American people!!!!

Happens all the time, and will continue to happen as long as we are all comfy arguing on an Internet forum instead of truly holding those swamp criminals accountable.

I think they will have to be cautious on this one. The Democrats are not going to get killed in midterms because they don't like Piglosi's new dress or how many times Dementia stutters. Americans are pissed at the results of their actions. If this passes look for inflation to go up a couple more percent. It will be difficult for people to feed their families or get to work and back when gasoline hit's a new record high.
But we could afford it under trump, right?
No that is why I said both sides do it when they are in control guess you stopped reading before you got to that. We also couldn’t afford it under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Again, Reagan, Carter and those who came before them and whoever follows Biden no matter the party will continue the pattern it’s what they do.
The right's unwarranted opposition to this measure is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Indeed, they have contempt for it.
If that bill is what you call “sound, responsible governance” not only am I incapable of it, but I believe it to be immoral and disgusting on every level possible. Additionally, I can find no grant of power in the US Constitution for any of it; which makes it illegal as well.

BTW - I’m a Conservative, not a Republican.
If that bill is what you call “sound, responsible governance” not only am I incapable of it, but I believe it to be immoral and disgusting on every level possible. Additionally, I can find no grant of power in the US Constitution for any of it; which makes it illegal as well.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
It looks like the leftists want to start their indoctrination camps early. Did you read about all the free care being provided to 3 and 4 year olds? And they also extended the government child support payments, so that mothers getting food stamps, free day care, Medicaid, subsidized housing will now be getting the equivalent of $15,000 a year if they had three kids they couldn’t afford.

Also, something in there about providing more subsidized housing. Haven‘t seen the details yet.
The USA is made up of 50 states and 14 territories...yet a single Dem state NY is getting a whopping 14% of the infrastructure bill. Bank on this giant $1.75 trillion PORK bill to also be unfairly GIFTED to Dem blue states.
No that is why I said both sides do it when they are in control guess you stopped reading before you got to that. We also couldn’t afford it under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Again, Reagan, Carter and those who came before them and whoever follows Biden no matter the party will continue the pattern it’s what they do.
So what do you want tax dollars spent on?
So what do you want tax dollars spent on?
National defense, law enforcement, traditional infrastructure not this human infrastructure BS, border security to name a few not the bullshit partisan pork both sides stuff into bills when they get the chance because they know it could never get passed on its own.
It’s almost like they are begging for a red wave in 2022.
Probably going to happen regardless of what they do, if history is any indicator. But a Republican Congress will still be unable to really pass anything either...once again, the party of No. I'd also point out that whichever party wins the midterms has no guaranteed carryover into the Presidential race.
Probably going to happen regardless of what they do, if history is any indicator. But a Republican Congress will still be unable to really pass anything either...once again, the party of No. I'd also point out that whichever party wins the midterms has no guaranteed carryover into the Presidential race.
Once the GOP wins Congress they will go for impeachment IMO. Stupidly so but the vitriol is out of control.

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