Leftist Jewel turned into Shithole

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Yes, their street's condition played into, but more so, the reason was because of the high expense of having the event in San Francisco because of the expense of doing so.
Not only does the source of your OP mention the costs, so has every source.
.Oracle will move its annual OpenWorld conference to Las Vegas because San Francisco is too expensive
San Francisco is so expensive, Oracle is moving its annual mega-conference to Las Vegas instead
Oracle's OpenWorld conference leaving San Francisco in 2020 for Las Vegas
You call yourself "BS Filter" but then you push partisan bullshit and didn't include the bigger reasons for the move. The facts are yes, San Francisco has a big homeless issue and visible drug use, but it seems that the high expense of having it in San Francisco play a bigger part for the move. Plus Las Vegas set themselves up to be one of the best places to have a convention. I go to Las Vegas about a half dozen times a year, just for the purpose of attending a convention. Las Vegas does a great job.
But reading your OP, one wouldn't know that the expense of having it in SF and the convention attractive venue available were huge reasons for the change. You should change tour name to "BS Spewer" That would be more honest, on your part. :up:
The Dim Dems run the city and have been doing so for quite some time. I can't believe Pogo the Clown doesn't know this.
Pogo knows. He's just playing dumb, which is what Democrats do when they're called to be responsible for their policies. Corrupt jackals.

Yes, their street's condition played into, but more so, the reason was because of the high expense of having the event in San Francisco because of the expense of doing so.
Not only does the source of your OP mention the costs, so has every source.
.Oracle will move its annual OpenWorld conference to Las Vegas because San Francisco is too expensive
San Francisco is so expensive, Oracle is moving its annual mega-conference to Las Vegas instead
Oracle's OpenWorld conference leaving San Francisco in 2020 for Las Vegas
You call yourself "BS Filter" but then you push partisan bullshit and didn't include the bigger reasons for the move. The facts are yes, San Francisco has a big homeless issue and visible drug use, but it seems that the high expense of having it in San Francisco play a bigger part for the move. Plus Las Vegas set themselves up to be one of the best places to have a convention. I go to Las Vegas about a half dozen times a year, just for the purpose of attending a convention. Las Vegas does a great job.
But reading your OP, one wouldn't know that the expense of having it in SF and the convention attractive venue available were huge reasons for the change. You should change tour name to "BS Spewer" That would be more honest, on your part. :up:
The article says expense AND the conditions of the streets are why they're moving. edited
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What doesn't it have to do with democrats? When Regan was governor of California, it had the strongest middle class in the WORLD...now, after all these years of democrats and the madness of modern liberalism, kalifornia has destroyed its middle class and has the highest homeless and poverty rates in the country.
This is what needs to be done, hit them in the pocketbook.
They're already having pocketbook pain. They ran off all the decent people, and conservative Republicans who had a bellyful of Democrat "revenge" against our President who won the election left long ago. There's no level playing field when Democrats get so much as a 1-man majority. And Hollyweird made it happen.
Well California has done it again. Losing more money over people shitting all over the place.
San Francisco’s ‘poor street conditions’ a factor in city’s loss of $64M Oracle tech conference: reports
What’s California’s calling card?”Come to California, we have crime, AIDS, and homeless people shitting on our sidewalks.”

Well, ya know, shit happens.
HIV shit is contagious. It's a danger to public health.
"Shit is known by the state of Califonia to cause cancer"

It certainly wasn't Republican nor conservative policies that caused Than Fwanthithco to deteriorate into the literal shithole that it has become.

Ah. You'd be one of these binary-bots that thinks all matter in the universe is comprised of the two elements "Democrats" and "Republicans", is that it?

That's so cute in its stunning naïveté. Did you know that San Francisco's elections don't involve political parties? Does that make your head explode?
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What doesn't it have to do with democrats? When Regan was governor of California, it had the strongest middle class in the WORLD...now, after all these years of democrats and the madness of modern liberalism, kalifornia has destroyed its middle class and has the highest homeless and poverty rates in the country.

Ummmm..... I think the topic is San Francisco, not California. But great flailing attempt at Association Fallacy.

I had to check. When I first saw the title I thought it was about the teenybop singer. I didn't even read the article; as usual I stopped at the first fallacy.

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