Leftist Jewel turned into Shithole

Combined with the fact SF's prosecutors office doesn't give a crap if someone breaks your car window and steals your stuff.
SF deserves all the pain they can bring upon themselves!

That's a statewide, problem, as I learned after my own car, and several others in my apartment complex, were broken into, and thousands of dollars worth of property stolen from my and my neighbor's cars.

Combined with the fact SF's prosecutors office doesn't give a crap if someone breaks your car window and steals your stuff.
SF deserves all the pain they can bring upon themselves!

That's a statewide, problem, as I learned after my own car, and several others in my apartment complex, were broken into, and thousands of dollars worth of property stolen from my and my neighbor's cars.

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Isn't there a rule in California that if it's under $950 it's not a problem?
Years ago The National Association of Broadcasters dumped Chicago because of union and bribery issues.

Then they tried Javits Center in New York but dumped it after one particularly bad year for those plus outrageous hotel prices and poor transportation to the venue.

They settled in Vegas and have been there ever year for 15 or more years.

Interestingly, even then, San Francisco was given zero consideration.
Combined with the fact SF's prosecutors office doesn't give a crap if someone breaks your car window and steals your stuff.
SF deserves all the pain they can bring upon themselves!

That's a statewide, problem, as I learned after my own car, and several others in my apartment complex, were broken into, and thousands of dollars worth of property stolen from my and my neighbor's cars.

View attachment 294359 View attachment 294357

Isn't there a rule in California that if it's under $950 it's not a problem?
Yep. You just get a ticket IF they bother stopping you.
Oracle’s OpenWorld conference, one of the biggest annual technology events in San Francisco, is moving to Las Vegas in 2020 and will remain in Sin City for at least three years.

Attendee feedback indicated hotel rates were too high and poor street conditions. I wonder if Pelosi's district is doing so well it didn't need that $64,000,000.

Oracle will move its annual OpenWorld conference to Las Vegas because San Francisco is too expensive

Sad but true, San Francisco is no longer the vacation destination it once was. Somehow people just aren't attracted to open sewers and drugged up junkies staggering around the streets. Never mind the ever present fag and pervert contingents.

Combined with the fact SF's prosecutors office doesn't give a crap if someone breaks your car window and steals your stuff.
SF deserves all the pain they can bring upon themselves!

It would be interesting to hear what the city has to say, maybe even Nancy.

What can they say? Besides it's already been said in actions that got them where they are today. The entire state is going right down the shitter unless they wake up and put another Ronal Regean in charge.
Oracle’s OpenWorld conference, one of the biggest annual technology events in San Francisco, is moving to Las Vegas in 2020 and will remain in Sin City for at least three years.

Attendee feedback indicated hotel rates were too high and poor street conditions. I wonder if Pelosi's district is doing so well it didn't need that $64,000,000.

Oracle will move its annual OpenWorld conference to Las Vegas because San Francisco is too expensive

Sad but true, San Francisco is no longer the vacation destination it once was. Somehow people just aren't attracted to open sewers and drugged up junkies staggering around the streets. Never mind the ever present fag and pervert contingents.

Combined with the fact SF's prosecutors office doesn't give a crap if someone breaks your car window and steals your stuff.
SF deserves all the pain they can bring upon themselves!

It would be interesting to hear what the city has to say, maybe even Nancy.

What can they say? Besides it's already been said in actions that got them where they are today. The entire state is going right down the shitter unless they wake up and put another Ronal Regean in charge.

Won't happen.
They're hypnotized by STOOPID!
A lame point is followed by an even lamer deflection attempt. What, are we gonna play the "I'm too stupid to follow" game now?

Well, it appears we agree on something. Your points are lame and getting lamer lately and everyone here sees it but you.

The Ass-ociation Fallacy would be the concept that "being registered with a political party" somehow imparts some bizzaro set of personality traits. IT DOESN'T. Or that some person's actions --- drunk driving, sex scandal, financial impropriety etc --- somehow in Bizzaroland is a result of what their political party registration is. IT ISN'T.

You're right. The fact that the same political party (which people join because they share like ideas and views) has had complete control of the city government for nearly 50 years plays absolutely no role whatsoever. How silly of anybody to make such an insinuation.



People DON'T join political parties "because they share ideas and views", to quote Captain Obvious. There's ZERO benefit in that. For one thing that would mean people like me with no political party registration, don't have any views at all. It would mean that the entire voting population of the state of Vermont, has no views at all. In Vermont you don't register with a party, you just register period (maybe other states do this too, I don't know, but I know that one does).

People join a political party because that's where their power is likely to manifest. That's why I cited Frank Rizzo, Ray Nagin and Strom Thurmond, to which we could add Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Richard Shelby, Sonny Perdue, both candidates from the 2016 election, Arlen Specter, and the list goes on and on. People stay in a political party simply because they've always done so and their old, which is why I cited Zell Miller and Billy Graham. The sheriff in my town runs some years as a Democrat and other years as a Republican. He's the SAME GUY DOING THE SAME JOB IN THE SAME WAY. He just adopts whichever way he thinks the winds are blowing that year. The party is IRRELEVANT.

And then some people affiliate with a party because it's the only way to have a voice in their community when that community is dominated by one. Or because their state doesn't allow them to vote in a primary unless they're "registered" with that party --- an act which means NOTHING. It means when you register you tick this box or that box. You never hear from the party itself, you don't pay a membership fee or fill out a membership form. It's MEANINGLESS.

Y'all keep fixating on this 'Democrat" and "Republican" shit as if it means something. IT DOESN'T. A political party is a machine to consolidate power --- that's it. A means to an end, where the end is an office. It means NOTHING about personality traits, it means NOTHING about sexual improclivities, it means NOTHING about personal ideologies. It has the same meaning as when you drive to town are you taking the Honda or the Pontiac. They both get you to the same place.

And it means NOTHING about blaming an adjective when you think you have some lame message board Gotcha Moment. You might as well associate what zodiac sign they were born under or what their shoe size is; it would have just as much relevance.

Finally, this thread was about a CITY. Party politics do not play a part in the awesome responsibility decisions of which neighborhood gets its trash picked up on Wednesdays. THAT'S WHY THEIR ELECTIONS ARE NON-PARTISAN.

Don't encourage this fallacious shit. Call it out for what it is --- mendacity.

That's my spiel. Go ahead and try to counter it. Tell us how Arlen Specter the Democrat was one guy, who then became another guy as Arlen Specter the Republican, who then became a third guy as Arlen Specter the Democrat again.

Hell, even as ignorant an entity as the Ku Klux Klan knew this much about political parties, a hundred years ago. When the KKK got involved in electoral politics nationwide in the 1920s it got behind Democrats in places where Democrats had an advantage; it got behind Republicans in places where Republicans had an advantage; and it opposed either Democrats or Republicans depending on each case and which candidate stood to benefit them. Consequently in the "Solid South" where everybody was a Democrat, both the pro-Klan and anti-Klan elements were dominated by Democrats, simply as a coincidental statistic; in a place like Maine which was a solidly Republican as the South was Democratic, both the pro-Klan and anti-Klan forces were predominantly Republican for the same reason. In Kansas you had pro-Klan and anti-Klan governors, both Republicans. In Indiana and Colorado they got behind Republicans for no other reason than that that was the way to win the office. If you were a Bilbo Dildo in Mississippi and you wanted the office, you ran as a Democrat or you lost.

And speaking of the Klan, see also "Duke, David".

ALL of which demonstrates that there is no correlation. If you've got a Honda and a Pontiac, and the Honda is in perfect shape and the Pontiac is on its last legs, which one are you going to drive?

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Just man up and admit I'm right, and we can get outta here. I invited you (or anyone) to counter my argument, and nobody can do it. I get a frickin' Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Meanwhile, see the next post for a demonstration of why that analysis was necessary.
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The California-jealousy runs deep among all conservatives. They understand how bad their states look in co

Plus, we see more of that conservative poop fetish on display. Conservatives just can't stop talking about poop. It appears to be on their minds constantly.

Conservatives, has nobody ever told you that a poop-fetish isn't normal?
The California-jealousy runs deep among all conservatives. They understand how bad their states look in co

Plus, we see more of that conservative poop fetish on display. Conservatives just can't stop talking about poop. It appears to be on their minds constantly.

Conservatives, has nobody ever told you that a poop-fetish isn't normal?

I'm conservative and I live in this shithole you stupid shitforbrains. It is a shit hole and getting shittier every day.
You live in Indiana, haven't got a dog in this fight and you have nothing to say.
Oracle is just one of several companies that has left SF because of the cost, crime, and shit.

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