Leftist Liberals, 'eat your heart out' HA! HA!

How many separate threads are going to be generated in desperation to make a point that can't stand up?

From one of the previous ones:..

"Trust" for this application means "loyalty". And Loyalty is something commercial broadcasting continuously works on. After all it's what pays the bulls bills. "We'll be right back to tell you how the Democrats are going to plant chips in your brain to herd you into death camps, right after this word for foam rubber face lacerations you can paste on" sets up the entire point of watching the telescreen, and that is advertising. So you sit through the foam rubber face lacerations ad awaiting the big story (which is of course bullshit) but the deed has been done -- planting the seed that you need this foam rubber face laceration. And that means money for the TV channel.

You build loyalty through suspense (usually derived from fear, but always emotion) and personal connection. And the emotional relationship Fox viewers have with a TV channel is strikingly obvious in reading these pages. One does the math, and it would be strange if Fox did not come out as the most "trusted" (read: emotionally-barnacled) "news" channel.

Are the responses referring to straight news in the dead-audience zones, or the spinmeisters in prime time?

Indeed it has to refer to the latter, because they're the only ones who deal in emotion. News -- straight unbiased news, to the extent there even is such a thing --- has no emotion. It's simple statement of fact. There's no emotion in the statement "it's 28 degrees right now" (as opposed to "it's fucking cold!"). If you're talking straight news, then it shouldn't matter which outlet you're getting it from -- it's going to be identical. If you're talking emotion, that's engineered in psychologically. And that psychological engineering is where the competition comes in. It becomes a question of which outlet more effectively mines its viewers' emotions.

So in effect, if you score big on being a "trusted" outlet, where that applies usefully is to the ad buyer. That buyer knows that by buying on in this case Fox, he's got a more attentive and more pliant viewer to sell foam rubber face lacerations, than he will on another channel. And that of course is going to cost more.

Always look up to see who's pulling the puppet strings. And why.

The chart:


... shows some interesting numbers as regards "trust" and emotional attachment:
  • The term "most trusted" means a whopping 29% overall (or counting the independent sector, 25%) -- pity the poll didn't offer a choice of "I don't trust TV";
  • Republicans 58% versus Democrats 3% -- obviously heavily polarized -- again, emotion;
  • Significant gender gap
  • Significant age gap as you read from left to right
All of which bear out that it's all about engineered (targeted) emotional appeal.

Indeed it's encapsulted in the title of this latest thread, which seems to think TV ratings are some kind of football score rather than a metric to set advertising rates.

I rest my case.
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Being proud of Fox News being watched the most out of all news sources is like being proud that Marlboro cigarettes are smoked the most.

Fox News: We Brainwash More Rubes Than Everyone Else!
Being proud of Fox News being watched the most out of all news sources is like being proud that Marlboro cigarettes are smoked the most.

Fox News: We Brainwash More Brain Cells Than Everyone Else!

Out of TV, not all news sources.

Which considering the intellectuascape of TV is like being asked "what kind of turd would you like your sandwich on?"
Being proud of Fox News being watched the most out of all news sources is like being proud that Marlboro cigarettes are smoked the most.

Fox News: We Brainwash More Rubes Than Everyone Else!

Classic demonstration of the perverse reasoning which concludes that deviant sexuality is normal sexuality and that murdering your pre-born child because it is inconvenient, IS A RIGHT!

LOL! It's the same deviant cognition that determines that IF YA PAY PEOPLE TO NOT WORK... The reasonable thing to expect is that those people will GO TO WORK! And that "EVERYONE DESERVES TO OWN THEIR OWN HOME!" (LMAO! Remember how well THAT ONE worked out?)
Fox News Mushrooms: The Moonie Strain . . .

Fox News grows a special genetically altered strain called “The Moonie Strain”. They are naturally kept in the dark, like one would expect, and fed a special diet of Slanted Halfwit Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.). Each mushroom is fed 40 pounds of S.H.I.T. per day to match its IQ. The Moonie Strain thrives on this special diet.
Fox News Mushrooms: The Moonie Strain . . .

Fox News grows a special genetically altered strain called “The Moonie Strain”. They are naturally kept in the dark, like one would expect, and fed a special diet of Slanted Halfwit Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.). Each mushroom is fed 40 pounds of S.H.I.T. per day to match its IQ. The Moonie Strain thrives on this special diet.

-0.5/10 :lame2:
They are also the network that lies the most.

FOX s file PunditFact

The fact that people trust lying Fox is prophetic. Proof that the USA is going down the tubes.

Believe the lies!

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