Leftist protesters swarm mall of America

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

I really despise KKK demonstrations. I really hate the KKK types, white aryan nation supremacist Westboro babtist scum. With their racist and misspelled signs, the tee potties protests are downright embarrassing.

But, I would defend their right to demonstrate and protest.

But, all we read here is that CERTAIN protesters should not have the same right to protest as other Americans.

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

I really despise KKK demonstrations. I really hate the KKK types, white aryan nation supremacist Westboro babtist scum. With their racist and misspelled signs, the tee potties protests are downright embarrassing.

But, I would defend their right to demonstrate and protest.

But, all we read here is that CERTAIN protesters should not have the same right to protest as other Americans.

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
Like the far left hijacked the democrat party the far right hijacked the republican party. What I was getting at is the dems started out as the conservative party and the pubs as the liberal party, obviously they've changed political places but that's to be expected, what was once considered liberal is now considered conservative. Who knows, in a hundred years (if we're still around as a nation) the poles will probably reverse again.
These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
Like the far left hijacked the democrat party the far right hijacked the republican party. What I was getting at is the dems started out as the conservative party and the pubs as the liberal party, obviously they've changed political places but that's to be expected, what was once considered liberal is now considered conservative. Who knows, in a hundred years (if we're still around as a nation) the poles will probably reverse again.

Once again your take on history is very distorted..

Saying the far right has hijacked the (R) party is not accurate except to a far left drone.

Then again if you hold to such labels that would make Obama far right!
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
Like the far left hijacked the democrat party the far right hijacked the republican party. What I was getting at is the dems started out as the conservative party and the pubs as the liberal party, obviously they've changed political places but that's to be expected, what was once considered liberal is now considered conservative. Who knows, in a hundred years (if we're still around as a nation) the poles will probably reverse again.

Once again your take on history is very distorted..

Saying the far right has hijacked the (R) party is not accurate except to a far left drone.

Then again if you hold to such labels that would make Obama far right!
Far left drone.........? Typical response from a political extremist....... Guess that's why the Obama bots call me a wingnut........ :lmao:
Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

I really despise KKK demonstrations. I really hate the KKK types, white aryan nation supremacist Westboro babtist scum. With their racist and misspelled signs, the tee potties protests are downright embarrassing.

But, I would defend their right to demonstrate and protest.

But, all we read here is that CERTAIN protesters should not have the same right to protest as other Americans.

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
The far left wing pukes think they're hiding their Socialism and Communist tactics while accusing the right of the very things they're guilty of.
Oh and I seriously doubt my view of history is in anyway distorted. Maybe you should actually pick up a book on the political history of this nation and read it....... You can read, right?
These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
The far left wing pukes think they're hiding their Socialism and Communist tactics while accusing the right of the very things they're guilty of.
And what makes you think the far right isn't using the same tactics? Hell, it's obvious each side is just as guilty as the other if one chooses to have a critical eye and not be blinded by the rhetoric.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
The far left wing pukes think they're hiding their Socialism and Communist tactics while accusing the right of the very things they're guilty of.
And what makes you think the far right isn't using the same tactics? Hell, it's obvious each side is just as guilty as the other if one chooses to have a critical eye and not be blinded by the rhetoric.
The left has an affinity for the teachings of Sol Alinsky that the right doesn't have.That's one difference.
Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

Not really the far left Hijacked the (D) party and try and hide many things, but not much has changed other than the sales pitch..
The far left wing pukes think they're hiding their Socialism and Communist tactics while accusing the right of the very things they're guilty of.
And what makes you think the far right isn't using the same tactics? Hell, it's obvious each side is just as guilty as the other if one chooses to have a critical eye and not be blinded by the rhetoric.
The left has an affinity for the teachings of Sol Alinsky that the right doesn't have.That's one difference.
Yet they've both learned well how to stereotype, generalize, marginalize, character assassinate, sell their souls and utilize many other Machiavellian tactics equally well.
Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

I really despise KKK demonstrations. I really hate the KKK types, white aryan nation supremacist Westboro babtist scum. With their racist and misspelled signs, the tee potties protests are downright embarrassing.

But, I would defend their right to demonstrate and protest.

But, all we read here is that CERTAIN protesters should not have the same right to protest as other Americans.

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?
Why do rabbid leftwingers feel they have to disrupt innocent businesses & shoppers to spout their useless, nonsensical bullshit?
How do you know they are all left wingers?

And since when are basic rights "useless, nonsensical bullshit"?

Who gets to decide which rights are worth protesting for?

Who gets to decide which Americans have the right to protest?

do you stand up 4 anti-abortion protesters?
Why do rabbid leftwingers feel they have to disrupt innocent businesses & shoppers to spout their useless, nonsensical bullshit?
Because they tried doing it outside last time. But their pussy asses couldn't handle the cold so they all slinked home.
How many protests by Tea Partiers and the like have infested the National Mall in DC over the years?

I don't remember you RWnuts complaining about that,

in fact, I remember you clowns repeatedly trying to inflate the size of the infestations.
These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Oppressive taxation=My right to hijack your freedom of movement.

Only in Libtardsville.
How many protests by Tea Partiers and the like have infested the National Mall in DC over the years?

I don't remember you RWnuts complaining about that,

in fact, I remember you clowns repeatedly trying to inflate the size of the infestations.
Peaceful assembly is a right. But you must not take someone else's rights when you exercise your own. Rallies at the National Mall aren't quite the same as blocking city streets and sidewalks. Liberals like you have no discernment, you can only make determinations based on what you want.
How many protests by Tea Partiers and the like have infested the National Mall in DC over the years?

I don't remember you RWnuts complaining about that,

in fact, I remember you clowns repeatedly trying to inflate the size of the infestations.
Peaceful assembly is a right. But you must not take someone else's rights when you exercise your own. Rallies at the National Mall aren't quite the same as blocking city streets and sidewalks. Liberals like you have no discernment, you can only make determinations based on what you want.

And having to run a gauntlet of crazed anti-abortion protestors to get into a clinic, which category does that fall into?
And having to run a gauntlet of crazed anti-abortion protestors to get into a clinic, which category does that fall into?
I'll help you think, that's why I'm here. You see, if a woman's freedom of movement is blocked, her rights are violated and arrests can (and do) happen. You see, when little Johnny smears shit on a wall, it is not OK for little Freddy to smear shit on a wall too. Does this help?
Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

I really despise KKK demonstrations. I really hate the KKK types, white aryan nation supremacist Westboro babtist scum. With their racist and misspelled signs, the tee potties protests are downright embarrassing.

But, I would defend their right to demonstrate and protest.

But, all we read here is that CERTAIN protesters should not have the same right to protest as other Americans.

Why do rabid RWs hate the Constitution?

These right wingers are such pro authoritarian types, they would have been criticizing the American patriots that tossed tea in Boston harbor that belonged to the East India tea company back during the revolution. Probably they'd be snitching on the patriots to the British soldiers. Informing of their whereabouts, where they lived, etc.
Hell, Benjamin Franklin criticized the Boston Tea Party. Americans considered themselves loyal British subjects and initially the founding fathers weren't trying to separate from England, they were trying to redress what they saw as wrongs committed on the American colonies by Parliament. The Crowns refusal to negotiate ultimately drove the founding fathers to declaring independence, not everyone went along with it.
Before you start erroneously declaring anyone authoritarian types by making such comparisons you might actually want to know the subject matter.
A more proper comparison would be comparing the far right authoritarian types with the far left authoritarian types.

Didn't the Tories turn into the democrat party? :wine::wine::wine:
Different era, different mind set besides what the Democrat party was initially is not what they are today. What the Republican party was in the mid 1800s is the opposite of what it is today, pretty much both have switched political positions.

These turds. When not protesting capitalism they are chanting about killing cops.

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