Leftist vigilantes are sending a message to all of us: You are no longer free


Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.
Screw this man, and screw you that agree with him. This

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.
The great white hunter, Walter Mitty living up to Hemingway. This white boy makes me sick as human being. Really. Sick. So sad and pointless.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
Hardy, I have winked..
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
it twas not a hunt it was an act of premeditated murder of a protected animal.....Abortion is not fine with me either, yet that is another issue on another thread...

Does being "free" mean there are no consequences for your actions?
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
How in the world did you relate those 2 entirely different issues? You must be a rightard.
The life of endangered species are protected by the law, and breaking that law has harsh penalties.

The life of unborn is legal to kill without consequences.

It is the death cult left that made this happen.

Next stop, they will legalize killing infants and the elderly.
At least you and most others on the right are consistent at being wrong:

"A 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, legalized abortion by a 7-2 vote. Six of the seven justices in the majority were Republican appointees. The only Democrat [sic] appointee, Byron White, voted against Roe v. Wade."

Roe v. Wade Approved By Republican Appointees - HeraldCourier.com News

And a republican majority again in 1992 reaffirmed the right to privacy with regard to abortion (Planned Parenthood v. Casey), two of whom were Reagan appointees.

So you can stow the nonsense about 'the left.'
Apparently, Planned Parenthood can do whatever the hell they want, and leftists will still support it.

By the way, the sale of human organs is illegal.

But that did not stop Planned Parenthood.
Wrong again:

'The statement explains that Planned Parenthood affiliates can legally receive reimbursement from a tissue donation procedure for the “additional expenses related tissue donation, which can vary based on individual circumstance,” but it does not go to staff members or providers.'

Planned Parenthood Anti-abortion group s video twists facts TheHill

Tissue donations were not being 'sold for profit,' that's a lie propagated by extremists opposed to privacy rights.
They are not selling "tissues" because that word is not repelling to the majority of people who don't know what a tissue is.

They are selling body organs, harvested from aborted fetuses.

This is illegal, and the laws against sale of human body parts is illegal for a reason that has nothing to do with abortion.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Abortion is not 'murder.'

Planned Parenthood's practices were legal and ethical.

You and others on the right succeed in only making yourselves look ignorant, extreme, and ridiculous.

I see our dumb ni$$er is weighing in ..............

So when does life start then genius.

Baby is not a legal term, life is ............

You are really fucking ignorant little black boy aren't you??

You reckon when the sperm makes contact with the embryo a new person is formed.

Life was already there, I know it is way above your pay grade, but life can only come from life.

Nothing dead produces life and life does not start at birth .............
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Abortion is not 'murder.'

Planned Parenthood's practices were legal and ethical.

You and others on the right succeed in only making yourselves look ignorant, extreme, and ridiculous.

I see our dumb ni$$er is weighing in ..............

So when does life start then genius.

Baby is not a legal term, life is ............

You are really fucking ignorant little black boy aren't you??

You reckon when the sperm makes contact with the embryo a new person is formed.

Life was already there, I know it is way above your pay grade, but life can only come from life.

Nothing dead produces life and life does not start at birth .............

So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.
They are not selling "tissues" because that word is not repelling to the majority of people who don't know what a tissue is.

They are selling body organs, harvested from aborted fetuses.

This is illegal, and the laws against sale of human body parts is illegal for a reason that has nothing to do with abortion.
And like most on the right you double-down on being wrong.
So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.

That is your logic, I neither explicitly or implicitly state that.

Is the miscarriage man induced via chemicals or is it an act of God.

Women have miscarriages for many reasons, human bodies are funny things.

The question of morality only falls on one who has some influence on the events that occur.

I mean each circumstance is different but in general a woman who has no causation in her miscarriage has no reason to consider herself a murderer.
So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.

That is your logic, I neither explicitly or implicitly state that.

Is the miscarriage man induced via chemicals or is it an act of God.

Women have miscarriages for many reasons, human bodies are funny things.

The question of morality only falls on one who has some influence on the events that occur.

I mean each circumstance is different but in general a woman who has no causation in her miscarriage has no reason to consider herself a murderer.
Nor is a woman who has had an abortion a 'murder.'

To refer to abortion as 'murder' is ignorant and ridiculous.

As the Supreme Court held in Casey:

'[A]n abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life." [n.2] This has been and, by the Court's holding today, remains a fundamental premise of our constitutional law governing reproductive autonomy.'

As a fact of Constitutional law, abortion is not 'murder,' an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' and a woman's right to privacy is paramount, immune from attack by the state.
So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.

That is your logic, I neither explicitly or implicitly state that.

Is the miscarriage man induced via chemicals or is it an act of God.

Women have miscarriages for many reasons, human bodies are funny things.

The question of morality only falls on one who has some influence on the events that occur.

I mean each circumstance is different but in general a woman who has no causation in her miscarriage has no reason to consider herself a murderer.

Oh no, that is your logic and it's ridiculous.

If life begins before conception, as you stated, then whenever you masturbate or ejaculate into a condom, you are preventing life from it's "natural" course. Additionally, whenever a woman menstruates, she is also preventing life from it's "natural" course. Both examples follow your definition of murder where this particular topic is concerned.

Your argument is flawed.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Abortion is not 'murder.'

Planned Parenthood's practices were legal and ethical.

You and others on the right succeed in only making yourselves look ignorant, extreme, and ridiculous.

I see our dumb ni$$er is weighing in ..............

So when does life start then genius.

Baby is not a legal term, life is ............

You are really fucking ignorant little black boy aren't you??

You reckon when the sperm makes contact with the embryo a new person is formed.

Life was already there, I know it is way above your pay grade, but life can only come from life.

Nothing dead produces life and life does not start at birth .............

So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.

What a pile of Sophistry. A miscarriage is a natural "accident".
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Abortion is not 'murder.'

Planned Parenthood's practices were legal and ethical.

You and others on the right succeed in only making yourselves look ignorant, extreme, and ridiculous.

I see our dumb ni$$er is weighing in ..............

So when does life start then genius.

Baby is not a legal term, life is ............

You are really fucking ignorant little black boy aren't you??

You reckon when the sperm makes contact with the embryo a new person is formed.

Life was already there, I know it is way above your pay grade, but life can only come from life.

Nothing dead produces life and life does not start at birth .............

So, when a woman has a miscarriage she's also involuntarily committing murder?

That's where your "logic" leads.

What a pile of Sophistry. A miscarriage is a natural "accident".

But who gets to decide if said miscarriage was actually an accident? Perhaps she was shoved down a flight of stairs or took a large dose of prescription medication or went out drinking with her girlfriends before she even knew she was pregnant.

Not all miscarriages are natural and normal accidents, some can be induced. Who gets to decide if the miscarriage was induced by behavior and whether that behavior was criminal?

Not that any of this matters, thankfully. Roe v Wade is on the books and the argument is almost pointless, but whatever....

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.

Until all of us are free, none of us is free.
Until all of us are gay, all of us are homophobic.

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.

Until all of us are free, none of us is free.
Until all of us are gay, all of us are homophobic.
Can I shave my ass to show my enslavement?

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