Leftist vigilantes are sending a message to all of us: You are no longer free

Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
That's human and we are animals.
talk about having no brains.

I wonder if you'd feel that way if you and a loved one had a bear encounter say.
Would you want a loved one to shoot a bear if it was eating your face off?
I'm just trying to find your level of psychosis here so I know where you stand,or whether I shouldnt bother with you.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill unborn masses of unborn babies.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
I'm still trying to figure out what one has to do with the other? False comparisons show just how stupid some people are.
I have been against abortion ever since I read about the Holocaust and saw pictures of bony bodies shoved into mass graves by machines. I don't see how anyon can see that, and still be in favor of abortion.
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
That's human and we are animals.
talk about having no brains.

I wonder if you'd feel that way if you and a loved one had a bear encounter say.
Would you want a loved one to shoot a bear if it was eating your face off?
I'm just trying to find your level of psychosis here so I know where you stand,or whether I shouldnt bother with you.
When did the lion attack anyone? Another dumb false comparison.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill unborn masses of unborn babies.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
I'm still trying to figure out what one has to do with the other? False comparisons show just how stupid some people are.
Killing for no reason is killing for no reason, you're killing.

Get it now, buckwheat?

I'm surprised you have no problem with the wholesale SLAUGHTER of THOUSANDS of BLACK babies, but you've got your TWAT LIPS all tied up because some hunter LEGALLY harvested a lion in AFRICA.

All you progs and your FAKE OUTRAGE over this are the laughing fucking stock of all rational, logical people.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill masses of unborn babies, they can make MONEY off that.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
In many ways it is.
I have been against abortion ever since I read about the Holocaust and saw pictures of bony bodies shoved into mass graves by machines.

I don't know anyone in favor of abortion.
Really? You must have missed the Planned Parenthood people. They're making big bucks on abortion. The entire Democrat party is pro-abortion. Democrats hate blacks and majorities, and want them to die before they become a "problem" for the government.

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.

It's not a "leftist" vigilantism - it's a problem endemic on both sides, right and left, due to the instantanious nature of social media and the internet that spreads truth and fiction virally and worst - personal information about people. People act before thinking and questioning the sources or veracity and it is just as bad amongst the rightwing extremists.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill masses of unborn babies, they can make MONEY off that.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
In many ways it is.
OK, so you admit it. Thanks for your refreshing honesty. Now here's what you do. Go to Africa and poke a lion with a stick until he kills and eats you.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill unborn masses of unborn babies.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
I'm still trying to figure out what one has to do with the other? False comparisons show just how stupid some people are.
Killing for no reason is killing for no reason, you're killing.

Get it now, buckwheat?

I'm surprised you have no problem with the wholesale SLAUGHTER of THOUSANDS of BLACK babies, but you've got your TWAT LIPS all tied up because some hunter LEGALLY harvested a lion in AFRICA.

All you progs and your FAKE OUTRAGE over this are the laughing fucking stock of all rational, logical people.
Well no the way he killed the lion was illegal and thats why he is wanted. I'm still trying to figure out how being concerned about a illegal killing is the same as abortion?
I have been against abortion ever since I read about the Holocaust and saw pictures of bony bodies shoved into mass graves by machines.

I don't know anyone in favor of abortion.
Really? You must have missed the Planned Parenthood people. They're making big bucks on abortion. The entire Democrat party is pro-abortion. Democrats hate blacks and majorities, and want them to die before they become a "problem" for the government.
How can they make big bucks when abortion is about 3% of what they do and most of their abortions are in the first trimester?

Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
That's human and we are animals.
talk about having no brains.

I wonder if you'd feel that way if you and a loved one had a bear encounter say.
Would you want a loved one to shoot a bear if it was eating your face off?
I'm just trying to find your level of psychosis here so I know where you stand,or whether I shouldnt bother with you.
Nice fantasy you got there. Been camping since I could walk had many enconters with bears and other wildlife. The only time my life was in danger is when I stepped on a rattlesnake. The comparisons being made in this and all the other lame ass thread's are false
Well, here's one thing we can agree on: liberals are mindless sheep who follow orders to go crazy when told to go crazy by their leaders.
Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
That's human and we are animals.
talk about having no brains.

I wonder if you'd feel that way if you and a loved one had a bear encounter say.
Would you want a loved one to shoot a bear if it was eating your face off?
I'm just trying to find your level of psychosis here so I know where you stand,or whether I shouldnt bother with you.
Nice fantasy you got there. Been camping since I could walk had many enconters with bears and other wildlife. The only time my life was in danger is when I stepped on a rattlesnake. The comparisons being made in this and all the other lame ass thread's are false

I like how you didnt answer the question.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
That's human and we are animals.
talk about having no brains.

I wonder if you'd feel that way if you and a loved one had a bear encounter say.
Would you want a loved one to shoot a bear if it was eating your face off?
I'm just trying to find your level of psychosis here so I know where you stand,or whether I shouldnt bother with you.
Nice fantasy you got there. Been camping since I could walk had many enconters with bears and other wildlife. The only time my life was in danger is when I stepped on a rattlesnake. The comparisons being made in this and all the other lame ass thread's are false

I like how you didnt answer the question.
I like how you asked a retarded question and expected an answer.
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
You mean "human" life. I can't swat at a bug with feeling guilty. A life is a life. Were do you draw the line? Bacteria or viruses, insects, animals or human fetuses, criminals condemned to the death penalty, were do we draw the line here? And why at that specific point?
I have been against abortion ever since I read about the Holocaust and saw pictures of bony bodies shoved into mass graves by machines. I don't see how anyon can see that, and still be in favor of abortion.
The third in a series of false comparison.
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
You base this distinction on what fine point?

Dont know about you but I hold humane life more dear than an animals.
It's really a no brainer.
You mean "human" life. I can't swat at a bug with feeling guilty. A life is a life. Were do you draw the line? Bacteria or viruses, insects, animals or human fetuses, criminals condemned to the death penalty, were do we draw the line here? And why at that specific point?

Oops..good catch.
I guess the ultimate test would be to be given two choices.
You have to make a decision between killing a dog or a human,which would you choose?
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill masses of unborn babies, they can make MONEY off that.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.
In many ways it is.
OK, so you admit it. Thanks for your refreshing honesty. Now here's what you do. Go to Africa and poke a lion with a stick until he kills and eats you.
Been there fact It was far more likely that I would be killed another human than a lion.
Have you and reality ever met?

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