Leftist vigilantes are sending a message to all of us: You are no longer free

You're right this dentist did a great job conserving Cecil's life. And after all Lions, a threatened species, certainly need to be culled.


You're a complete tard.
The guide told the guy he could shoot it. And yes lions sometimes need to be culled.
Lions culled at South African park - Telegraph

Over population forces lion culling GulfNews.com

Stupid tard ass liberals would rather see them starve to death and wipe out their food source.
The guy broke the law

Think the GPS on its neck tipped him off?

Not intentionally. It's a $5'000.00 dollar fine.
Here's a list of fines for poaching. Which helps indicate just how low the lion is on the extinction list.
I highly suggest you not shoot a black rino.....
Rhinoceros (Black) US$120 000, Rhinoceros (Square lipped) US$120 000, Pangolin US$500, Monkey US$300, Lion US$5 000, Kudu US$5 000, Elephant US$20 000, Fish Eagle US$100, Guinea Fowl US$50, Water Buck US$500, Zebra US$1000, Buffalo US$6000, Sable US$2000, Ostrich (egg) US$500, All Fish (dried/smoked per kg) US$3, Springbok US$500. The Zimbabwean
At those prices, he should have bagged a monkey while he was at it

Hell,he should have taken a guide or two.
It may have quelled all the liberal rage.
They were the ones who put him on the lion after all.
that statement reminds me of the book the most dangerous game.
I 'd have no problem hunting down murders, rapists, child molesters, and evangelicals (for the humorless) the last one is a joke.
Number of Abortions - Abortion Counters
Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

In United States today

US since 1973: Roe vs Wade

By Planned Parenthood since 1970

By Planned Parenthood this year
United States this Year

US this Year after
16 weeks gestation

US this Year due to rape
or incest

Black babies since '73 in US
Worldwide since 1980

Worldwide this Year

WW since you loaded this page

Worldwide Today
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Below are the sources for the statistics used and rationale for the number of abortions used in the abortion counters. Each abortion counter is a real-time estimate of the number of abortion in the US and the number of abortions worldwide based on the very latest data of the actual number of abortions performed in past years. Most of the abortions reported in these numbers are surgically induced. The eleven abortion counters include: number of abortions in the US today, number of abortions in the US since Roe versus Wade (1973), number of abortions in the US this year, number of abortions in the US this year due to rape or incest, number of abortions in the US this year after 16 weeks gestation, number of abortions by Planned Parenthood since 1970, and the number of aborions by planned Parenthood this year, number of abortions worldwide since 1980, number of abortions worldwide this year, and number of abortions worldwide today.* The Guttmacher Institute, formed as a division of Planned Parenthood of America, reported 42 million abortions World-Wide in 2003 which was down from 46 million in 1995. The study was funded by the World Health Organization, an agency of the UN and the World Bank.* In January 2014, the Guttmacher Institute reported: * 1.05 million abortions in the US in 2012; * 4.8% of abortions in the US occurred from week 16 of pregnancy to week 32. US 2014 STUDY on abortions: Induced Abortion in the United States

World Wide STUDY on abortions: http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_IAW.pdf

* The National Right to Life Committee reported on their 2/2014 fact sheet (http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf ) that the total of US abortions since 1973 (RVW) through 2013 was 56,405,766 based on state government health organization data & the Guttmacher Institute data including factoring in the possible 3% undercount cited by GI for their own figures.

* The number of abortions executed by Planned Parenthood shown in the counters come from PP's Annual Reports. They reported 329,445 in 2010, 333,924 in 2011 and 327,166 in 2012.Their latest annual report.

* The World Wide abortion counters uses one of the more conservative estimates on the number of abortions world-wide since 1980 (40 Million per year for 30years) and this equals 1,200,000 Billion (from Lifesitenews.com: New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed Pro-Life Activists News LifeSite )

* All the US abortion counters show results with one decimal place displayed. This was originally done to show that these abortion counters are active and not a static count. If you look at abortion procedures like Dilation & Evacuation or Partial-Birth abortion (http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS04AbortionTechniques.pdf), you realize that the abortion takes place in pieces over time so the decimal places do represent some reality.

* Why is there a "After 16 weeks gestation" abortion counter? There is a lot of argument about "When does life begin" ? It would seem to be pretty hard for anyone to argue that a baby at 16 weeks gestation "is just a blob of tissue" based on what the scientific community knows today about the development of a baby at 16 weeks:
- The body is fully formed, the fingers and toes have fingerprints & nails.

- Is about 5 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces.

- The baby is moving about: may grasp for the umbilical cord , suck it?s thumb, and make facial expressions

- The heart & circulatory system and the urinary tract are fully functioning. and the blood is pumping through these tiny veins

- The baby is inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid through the lungs.

-The eyes are in the proper position, and the baby can see straight ahead & blink his/her eyelids.

- The genitals have formed. In the case of a girl, the uterus has already developed and the ovaries are in the proper place.

- Umberto Castiello, University of Padova, Italy reported unborn babies have the ability to interact as early as 14 weeks into the pregnancy: "We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin fetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin."

* Planned Parenthood reports the number of abortions performed each year in their annual report: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/AR08_vFinal.pdf and 2009-2010 annual report. Planned Parenthood’s 2005-2006 annual report states that they committed 264,943 abortions in the USA in 2005 and from 1977 through 2005, Planned Parenthood performed 4,068,749 abortions in the USA. More recent PP annual reports show they committed 289,750 in 2006, 305,310 in 2007, 324,008 in 2008, 331796 in 2009, and 329,445 in 2010.

* This site is also accessible by www.usabortionclock.org. The original idea a page of abortion counters came from the site www.usdebtclock.org is a very interesting perspective on the magnitude of the US debt obligations.

To view the active count of the number of abortions in the US and the numbers of abortions worldwide return to www.abortioncounters.com web page.
So you admit comparing a lion killing to an abortion is retarded? Thanks for agreeing with me.

I never did you retard. I told you to go play in the street! The adults are talking here.

Hey retard, this is the thread you stupidly responded to. Who the fuck
mentioned abortion moron? Nobody you stupid asshole.
black root post # 10
"Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane."

Different conversation. Look at the thread accompanying this, look at the line posted in red. First mention was by the racist retard.
nope been over the thread a couple of times and post #10 is the first mention.

Well then I can't help you, I can't fix stupid.
I never did you retard. I told you to go play in the street! The adults are talking here.

Hey retard, this is the thread you stupidly responded to. Who the fuck
mentioned abortion moron? Nobody you stupid asshole.
black root post # 10
"Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane."

Different conversation. Look at the thread accompanying this, look at the line posted in red. First mention was by the racist retard.
nope been over the thread a couple of times and post #10 is the first mention.
I can't fix stupid.
We've all noticed. You've been stupid all your life and have made no headway in fixing the problem.
"Leftist vigilantes are sending a message to all of us: You are no longer free"

What's interesting about this lie is that as the social right seeks to ban abortion, they also seek to take from citizens their civil rights, by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
How will this thread help me get through the grieving process over Cecil the lion ?

All I can think of.....
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
Reducing the excess population by randomly killing off innocent living creatures that aren't a direct threat. Culling isn't the same as abortion? You base this distinction on what fine point?
Last edited:
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
Reducing the excess population by randomly killing off innocent living creatures that aren't a direct threat. Culling isn't the same as abortion? You base this distinction on what fine point?

Why yes culling is necessary, even helpful to animal populations where it applies.

Did this particular instance meet any of the criteria for culling??

Was this an elderly lion who enjoyed human contact from repeated exposure to contact through the park??

So how exactly does this fit into your rosey world scenario??

Was this lion culled, did he die because the area was too crowded or he was a menace to the local human populace.

Culling is a program that destroys starving, aging, sick, or overcrowded animals.

Which of these criteria did Cecil meet??

Why no outrage over the thousands of human lives being culled??

You believe the black race is defective and should be selectively weeded out??

Is that what planned parent hood is, the culling of unwanted blacks??
Return to Life Matters TV

Below are the sources for the statistics used and rationale for the number of abortions used in the abortion counters. Each abortion counter is a real-time estimate of the number of abortion in the US and the number of abortions worldwide based on the very latest data of the actual number of abortions performed in past years. Most of the abortions reported in these numbers are surgically induced. The eleven abortion counters include: number of abortions in the US today, number of abortions in the US since Roe versus Wade (1973), number of abortions in the US this year, number of abortions in the US this year due to rape or incest, number of abortions in the US this year after 16 weeks gestation, number of abortions by Planned Parenthood since 1970, and the number of aborions by planned Parenthood this year, number of abortions worldwide since 1980, number of abortions worldwide this year, and number of abortions worldwide today.* The Guttmacher Institute, formed as a division of Planned Parenthood of America, reported 42 million abortions World-Wide in 2003 which was down from 46 million in 1995. The study was funded by the World Health Organization, an agency of the UN and the World Bank.* In January 2014, the Guttmacher Institute reported: * 1.05 million abortions in the US in 2012; * 4.8% of abortions in the US occurred from week 16 of pregnancy to week 32. US 2014 STUDY on abortions: Induced Abortion in the United States

World Wide STUDY on abortions: http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_IAW.pdf

* The National Right to Life Committee reported on their 2/2014 fact sheet (http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf ) that the total of US abortions since 1973 (RVW) through 2013 was 56,405,766 based on state government health organization data & the Guttmacher Institute data including factoring in the possible 3% undercount cited by GI for their own figures.

* The number of abortions executed by Planned Parenthood shown in the counters come from PP's Annual Reports. They reported 329,445 in 2010, 333,924 in 2011 and 327,166 in 2012.Their latest annual report.

* The World Wide abortion counters uses one of the more conservative estimates on the number of abortions world-wide since 1980 (40 Million per year for 30years) and this equals 1,200,000 Billion (from Lifesitenews.com: New Report Suggests Over 1 Billion Abortions Committed Pro-Life Activists News LifeSite )

* All the US abortion counters show results with one decimal place displayed. This was originally done to show that these abortion counters are active and not a static count. If you look at abortion procedures like Dilation & Evacuation or Partial-Birth abortion (http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS04AbortionTechniques.pdf), you realize that the abortion takes place in pieces over time so the decimal places do represent some reality.

* Why is there a "After 16 weeks gestation" abortion counter? There is a lot of argument about "When does life begin" ? It would seem to be pretty hard for anyone to argue that a baby at 16 weeks gestation "is just a blob of tissue" based on what the scientific community knows today about the development of a baby at 16 weeks:
- The body is fully formed, the fingers and toes have fingerprints & nails.

- Is about 5 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces.

- The baby is moving about: may grasp for the umbilical cord , suck it?s thumb, and make facial expressions

- The heart & circulatory system and the urinary tract are fully functioning. and the blood is pumping through these tiny veins

- The baby is inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid through the lungs.

-The eyes are in the proper position, and the baby can see straight ahead & blink his/her eyelids.

- The genitals have formed. In the case of a girl, the uterus has already developed and the ovaries are in the proper place.

- Umberto Castiello, University of Padova, Italy reported unborn babies have the ability to interact as early as 14 weeks into the pregnancy: "We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin fetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin."

* Planned Parenthood reports the number of abortions performed each year in their annual report: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/AR08_vFinal.pdf and 2009-2010 annual report. Planned Parenthood’s 2005-2006 annual report states that they committed 264,943 abortions in the USA in 2005 and from 1977 through 2005, Planned Parenthood performed 4,068,749 abortions in the USA. More recent PP annual reports show they committed 289,750 in 2006, 305,310 in 2007, 324,008 in 2008, 331796 in 2009, and 329,445 in 2010.

* This site is also accessible by www.usabortionclock.org. The original idea a page of abortion counters came from the site www.usdebtclock.org is a very interesting perspective on the magnitude of the US debt obligations.

To view the active count of the number of abortions in the US and the numbers of abortions worldwide return to www.abortioncounters.com web page.
Extreme bias alert.
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
Reducing the excess population by randomly killing off innocent living creatures that aren't a direct threat. Culling isn't the same as abortion? You base this distinction on what fine point?

Why yes culling is necessary, even helpful to animal populations where it applies.

Did this particular instance meet any of the criteria for culling??

Was this an elderly lion who enjoyed human contact from repeated exposure to contact through the park??

So how exactly does this fit into your rosey world scenario??

Was this lion culled, did he die because the area was too crowded or he was a menace to the local human populace.

Culling is a program that destroys starving, aging, sick, or overcrowded animals.

Which of these criteria did Cecil meet??

Why no outrage over the thousands of human lives being culled??

You believe the black race is defective and should be selectively weeded out??

Is that what planned parent hood is, the culling of unwanted blacks??
Is culling and abortion morally/ethically the same thing? Split hairs all you want...

Not even close.
Reducing the excess population by randomly killing off innocent living creatures that aren't a direct threat. Culling isn't the same as abortion? You base this distinction on what fine point?

Why yes culling is necessary, even helpful to animal populations where it applies.

Did this particular instance meet any of the criteria for culling??

Was this an elderly lion who enjoyed human contact from repeated exposure to contact through the park??

So how exactly does this fit into your rosey world scenario??

Was this lion culled, did he die because the area was too crowded or he was a menace to the local human populace.

Culling is a program that destroys starving, aging, sick, or overcrowded animals.

Which of these criteria did Cecil meet??

Why no outrage over the thousands of human lives being culled??

You believe the black race is defective and should be selectively weeded out??

Is that what planned parent hood is, the culling of unwanted blacks??
Funny the nazi and even americans have used the same"logic" you are.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
That's because they like to kill masses of unborn babies, they can make MONEY off that.

Now a lion... hooooo boy... a lion is FAR more important than an unborn HUMAN.

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