Leftists Are Reaping What They’ve Sown

Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.


That doesn't actually prove to be true.....if you don't want armed conflict then you have no choice but to support a strong central police force because if you do not have one all you will have left is armed conflict.

I don't care how unfed you think your philosophy is...it is still a human element. The human element is notoriously lacing in self discipline. This means that without authority and enforcement your neighbor will set up his grill on your lawn and have all of his friends over for a BBQ and you, being smaller and weaker will only get your face punched in if you object. You will then seek some kind of personal assistance.... probably a gun....if you use it successfully your neighbors will come back with guns looking for you....yes....and all democrats too. Move a bunch of highly educated self described democrats into a neighborhood together with no police presence and watch all the fun unfold. That neighborhood will go up in flames in a matter of a few months sporting all of the social dysfunctions they claim to rail against.


Sorry, but it is true that Democrats do not want armed conflict in the city streets.

I don't know who this Larry Correa nut-case is but we Democrats are not hoping the barrel-stroking freaks will come "save" us.

Stay in your basements, please.
“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

Well no.

Conservatives are definitely not more socially aware than liberals, just look at their party leadership.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Militia groups don't support criminals who use protest as a ruse for looting and killing police.

“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
View attachment 345433

The polic killed McAtee dumb shit.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Militia groups don't support criminals who use protest as a ruse for looting and killing police.

Three fucking idiots as opposed to thousands of anarchic communist marching in the streets advocating the death of police officers. You are one simple ignorant bitch.
“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

Well no.

Conservatives are definitely not more socially aware than liberals, just look at their party leadership.
Yes look at it compared to the idiots running the Democratic Party who showed their ignorance at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

Well no.

Conservatives are definitely not more socially aware than liberals, just look at their party leadership.
Yes look at it compared to the idiots running the Democratic Party who showed their ignorance at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
Lol, you mean when the idiots running the Bart O'kavenaugh confirmation appointed a lying rapist to the supreme court?
“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

Well no.

Conservatives are definitely not more socially aware than liberals, just look at their party leadership.
Yes look at it compared to the idiots running the Democratic Party who showed their ignorance at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
Lol, you mean when the idiots running the Bart O'kavenaugh confirmation appointed a lying rapist to the supreme court?
/——-/ If only you had a credible witness. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
“And the American right is not like the American left. For the left, violence is a knob that can be adjusted up and down. For the majority of the right, it is an on and off switch. That goes between Vote and Fucking Kill Everyone. So be super careful what you're wishing for there.“
Violence is what blob supporters crave. This is why there is almost daily talk of civil war, mowing people down in the streets, on the border and the famous "2nd Amendment Solutions". "When the looting starts, the shooting starts".... Pure hate is all that is consistent from the right.
Yeah, the 15,000 armed protesters for the 2A in Richmond a few months ago even picked up their own trash, not even a name called let alone assassinations and burning horses that you Leftards conduct.

Yeah, they were also surrounded by thousands of cops and troops and kept in a confined area. I remember giving you guys props for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know that was hard for you.
True, the cops were out in full force at the Richmond 2A protest.
View attachment 345404
As is their right. I applaud gun nuts for acting like civilized people for 5 minutes. I know you were disappointed that there was no bloodshed.
Unlike you violent uncivilized Leftists.
You're right, the lack of bloodshed didn't upset me. Just you.
Just like 156 years ago Democrats turn to violence to keep blacks suppressed on the plantations.
And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.
/——-/ And DemocRATs like you pine for the USSR. Daily ( Two can play your stupid game)
Well that's a lie.
/——-/ And so is this “And now the Republicans like yourself pine for civil war. Daily.”
Except that observing the board proves republicans like you pine for civil war daily.

Search results for "civil war" right here on this board.


All you have done is to emphasize the fact that social awareness is much sharper among conservatives than it is among progressives. The term Civil war is well applied to our time and should be copious in its application. We don't have to have two opposing armies to see that it is blazing even as we speak. The sad reality of this disgusting situation is the fact that the major political parties who foster it care nothing about their constituent's quality of life as this war rages on but only about gaining and keeping power and authority. What we really need more than ever is the appearance of a large centrist party that will draw the reasonable people ( that would be the majority IMO ) out of both parties to work together. The democrats seem to fear this more than anyone....they are the ones that will not allow racism and class warfare to die because it keeps them in power and they know it.

Well no.

Conservatives are definitely not more socially aware than liberals, just look at their party leadership.
Yes look at it compared to the idiots running the Democratic Party who showed their ignorance at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
Lol, you mean when the idiots running the Bart O'kavenaugh confirmation appointed a lying rapist to the supreme court?
/——-/ If only you had a credible witness. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
We had one. Republicans just didn't care. They are all dishonest liars who are only interested in power.

Fortunately they are going to be losing it in November.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.

/———/ Oh, so we can harp on slavery that ended in 1864 but not the white soldiers who died making it happen.
Yet, we still wait, while you fuckers burn cities and do violence to people. Keep pushing bitch, your time is short..

Uh, buddy, there aren't enough old angry white people to keep you all in power. It's sooner than you think.

Hopefully, after Trump has totally fucked this up, people will finally realize you don't put the GOP in power, because they just fuck it up.
Youre blaming trump for democrat rioting and murders?
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

So, the NRA fed gun nuts are racist & don't care how the governmrent puts them down. I get it.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.

/———/ Oh, so we can harp on slavery that ended in 1864 but not the white soldiers who died making it happen.

Some of the white people. The rest were fighting to keep them slaves.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Personally, we gun owners will side with those law enforcement that truly believe in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, including and especially in the case of the Second Amendment. When the lawless rioters and looters roam the streets, we are on the law enforcement's side. We won't be on the side of the rioters and looters. You lawless elements (rioters and looters) are trying to divide this nation, so that Marxism/Leninism can conquer. We'll let the cops and National Guard do their jobs and as far as I'm concerned, they can bash in your heads. After all, you are the ones throwing rocks and bricks. Look at the Constitution, you can only peacefully protest.
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.

/———/ Oh, so we can harp on slavery that ended in 1864 but not the white soldiers who died making it happen.

I'm not "harping" (whatever that means) on anything.

You do remember that the parties have switched sides on the race debate, right?
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.

/———/ Oh, so we can harp on slavery that ended in 1864 but not the white soldiers who died making it happen.

I'm not "harping" (whatever that means) on anything.

You do remember that the parties have switched sides on the race debate, right?

/——/ I’m always happy to educate public school educated libtards. Libs “harp” on slavery that ended 156 years ago.
harp on (about sth)

— phrasal verb with harp verb

to talk or complain about something many times:
He's always harping on about lack of discipline.
I know you want to go to Paris. Don't keep harping on (about it)!
Larry Correia nails it.

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!”

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA. :D

But I’ve seen this sentiment a lot too over the last few days, so please if you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.

Hypothetical Liberal “Ally” Who Lives in the Suburbs Which Aren’t On Fire – “Hey, gun owners! Here is some civil unrest! Why won’t you come and help us?”
Snort. Fuck off. :D
“Pussies! Why not?”

Well, every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys.

In Hollywood, we’re always evil, stupid, violent, malicious, redneck, racist, murderers. That’s so ingrained in the liberal religion that when “ally” Harvey Weinstein was trying to get out of being a sleazy rapist, his repentance consisted of promising to make more movies about how the NRA is bad.

In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours.

And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity. You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite.
When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)

“Stupid racist rednecks! We live in a civilized society! Don’t you realize the police will protect us?” until when your democrat cities are on fire, and you call 911 and the operator tells you sorry, the police can’t come to your house right now, please try not to get murdered… How is that strict gun control working out for you?

Then you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there.

But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?
How fucking gullible do you think we are? :D Like holy shit. Damn dude!

Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.

Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter.

Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent).

Liberal “allies” are quick to call gun nuts the bad guys, but we’re not trying to disarm people. We want everybody to be able to defend themselves. It’s a common thing to see some meme on the internet, showing a black family shooting or posing with their guns, with some caption like “bet this offends the NRA”, which is liberal projection, because in reality in my social circles everybody is like, “fuck yeah, good for them”. And the harshest complaints I’ve seen have been about trigger finger discipline or lack of eye protection.

My side isn’t the one that wants the state to have a monopoly on force. We know the 2nd is for everybody, regardless of skin color or where you live. You fuckers are the ones who keep declaring we can’t fight the government with AR-15s because they have tanks and nukes, but then you bumbling fuckheads try it by throwing rocks?

So not only no, but hell no.

Wow, no idea who Larry Correa is but he seems about as nuts as you are.

By and large the last thing any democrat wants is you gun waving nut-bars in the middle of this mess making it worse.

We do NOT want armed conflict in our cities.

Yeah, we can tell the Left doesn’t want violence. The body count says so.

Lol, you wanna start comparing body counts?

Oklahoma City.

You lose.

Gettysburg, Shiloh, Petersburg, Antietam.

You lose.

Lol, civil war battles?


Fuckin get real.

/———/ Oh, so we can harp on slavery that ended in 1864 but not the white soldiers who died making it happen.

I'm not "harping" (whatever that means) on anything.

You do remember that the parties have switched sides on the race debate, right?

/——/ I’m always happy to educate public school educated libtards. Libs “harp” on slavery that ended 156 years ago.
harp on (about sth)

— phrasal verb with harp verb

to talk or complain about something many times:
He's always harping on about lack of discipline.
I know you want to go to Paris. Don't keep harping on (about it)!

How nice for you.

Now harp on this:


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