Leftists can't differentiate between their personal interests, and the common good.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"In 2012 and 2013, the campaign spent $31,267 purchasing gifts from the company, which is owned by Reid’s granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid. All told, she took in nearly seven times more cash than all vendors of donor gifts combined during that period of time."

"This was not the first time that Reid had mixed family and politics -- or potentially run afoul of ethics rules."

"David Damore -- a University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor whose research focuses on Silver State politics -- has closely followed Reid for years. He said that the balance between helping family and constituents is a common tension for powerful politicians. “I’m going to put this politely: Their personal interests, they seem to see, represent the common good. They don’t differentiate those two.”

Read more: Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power & Wealth | RealClearPolitics
KG, Republicans and other Patriots know that dimocraps are thieving, lying corrupt scum.

dimocraps don't care that they are and that we know they don't care and that we know that they know that we know and don't care..... Gets kinda circular after a while.

Here it is, girl. dimocraps are scum. Top to bottom, inside out out, the fat the skinny the tall the short, the female the genetically confused, the young, the old, the elected and the unelected.

They're scum.

Unfortunately, there's more of them than there is of us.

Just the way it is.

They're perfectly happy with a stalled economy, failing Foreign Policy, Zero job growth (in fact, NEGATIVE job growth), high taxes and -- The Big Deal...... No hope for the future.

They just don't care. They're perfectly happy sitting home, feeding and breeding like rats, watching TV and getting fat while living their pathetic lives vicariously through the TV (a mental illness, BTW), and watching as their children become Wards of The State in one fashion or another.

What does it say about a Culture, a Society, a Country when its populace has given up all hope?

That maybe it's time for that Society, that Culture, that Country........

To fail.

And it will.

We have one last chance. In 2016. If another dimocrap scumbag gets elected POTUS, we're done as a Country, as a culture and as a society.

And the greatest experiment in the History of Man will have come to an end.

Remember something..... This is IMPORTANT!

People, especially politicians, like to talk about how the natural State of Man is Freedom.......

Nothing could be further from the truth. Anybody you hear that from is a blithering idiot.

The Natural State of Man is Servitude. Slavery, if you will. Iron-fisted rule from above.

Since Egypt, Sumeria, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Chin Dynasty, the Huns, the Vikings, even Charlemagne -- All the world has been ruled by Totalitarian dictators of one form or another.

IOW, Statists.

dimocraps have a 'slave mentality'. They can't help it. Like the drones they are, like the worker ants they are, their instincts are to return to the collective way of life.

Either we stop them or they take all of us with them
what Cliven Bundy said about blacks.., "Negros" ! can be equally applied to demoscum, they wouldn't be the high and mighty they feeeeeeel they are if they had picked a few rows of cotton and tobacco. :up:

BTW, that is something i did as a kid living in the South.
Been there, done that

"In 2012 and 2013, the campaign spent $31,267 purchasing gifts from the company, which is owned by Reid’s granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid. All told, she took in nearly seven times more cash than all vendors of donor gifts combined during that period of time."

"This was not the first time that Reid had mixed family and politics -- or potentially run afoul of ethics rules."

"David Damore -- a University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor whose research focuses on Silver State politics -- has closely followed Reid for years. He said that the balance between helping family and constituents is a common tension for powerful politicians. “I’m going to put this politely: Their personal interests, they seem to see, represent the common good. They don’t differentiate those two.”

Read more: Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power & Wealth | RealClearPolitics

Based on the above it sure as hell looks like nepotism.

But FYI Reid is no more a leftist than you are, sweetie

He's a DEM, not a leftest.

There's only one lefty in Congress and that's Bernie Sanders.
Leftists can't differentiate between their personal interests, and the common good.
Dim wit cons can't figure out they are the same thing, that's why the cons are such losers.
Progressive pukes will eternally lie about who they are, what they are, and everything else.

I know what a leftist is. I know what today's democrats are. And I didn't make a mistake.
what Cliven Bundy said about blacks.., "Negros" ! can be equally applied to demoscum, they wouldn't be the high and mighty they feeeeeeel they are if they had picked a few rows of cotton and tobacco. :up:

BTW, that is something i did as a kid living in the South.

More than once I've worked fields for free either driving a John Deere or pulling turnips or picking oranges. Work is good for the soul. It provides a sense of accomplishment which is a reward in and of itself.
But..why on earth for free?????

Work is good for the soul, but so is earning money for your labor.
But..why on earth for free?????

Work is good for the soul, but so is earning money for your labor.

In some areas of the Country, people help others simply because.... They need the help.

It often works its way around

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