Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery — Urinating on Flags —

These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.
You sleazy cronies claim it isn't being investigated.

nobody has claimed it was not being investigated, all anyone has said is that there is no evidence of guilt.

How have I "lost it?" Do leftwing douchebags always interpret any objections to their swill as a sign of mental illness?

You have lost it because you are comparing something seen by a single individual to something that is being experienced by hundreds of thousands and seen on TV by millions.

You have lost it because to defend your fucked up partisan position you had to claim that the videos of a fucking hurricane were faked.

You are so far gone down the partisan highway that you have to resort to such tactics.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

I agree 100%
You sleazy cronies claim it isn't being investigated.

nobody has claimed it was not being investigated, all anyone has said is that there is no evidence of guilt.

How have I "lost it?" Do leftwing douchebags always interpret any objections to their swill as a sign of mental illness?

You have lost it because you are comparing something seen by a single individual to something that is being experienced by hundreds of thousands and seen on TV by millions.

You have lost it because to defend your fucked up partisan position you had to claim that the videos of a fucking hurricane were faked.

You are so far gone down the partisan highway that you have to resort to such tactics.
You said eye witness testimony doesn't prove a thing. Now you appear to be moving the goal posts. Is it proof or not?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

Illogical nonsense.

If you're a Communist, and you love the US, you'd want the US to be a Communist country. It's that simple.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

Illogical nonsense.

If you're a Communist, and you love the US, you'd want the US to be a Communist country. It's that simple.

If you're a communist you don't love the US. You hate it.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.

Really, they are "ran"; odd way to describe Federal Judges.

How many do you known personally? How many Trials have you observed? Have you served on a jury? Or, are you only echoing the meme and have no real experience on Federal Trial Courts.

Same goes for the Court of Appeals, how many decision have you studied? Please give us your "ran down" on the points and authorities which "libtard clowns" penned.

Thanks in advance for proving the details, it will help develop your credibility on this and other matters.


Bats will fly out of your ass sideways before any SANE

person equates libtards like yourself with credibility.


You libtards can blow smoke up each other’s ass all day long,

but at the end of the day We All Know You Are ALL Full Of SHIT.

We all know you libtards legislate through the courts….

You don’t have to know judges personally DUMB ASS…

Just look at their rulings.

I’ve served on a jury 3 times, foreman on one and could have

been the formam on the other two but I didn’t want the headaches,

not that this has anything to do with the price of tea in China,

I just thought I would answer your DUMB ASS question…

I have a question for you…

Are you really this STUPID or is this an act?

Later you libtard Clown……………
You complaining over fox Fox news that has like 2 million people? And name a Murdoch newspaper that publishes anonymous letters to the editor?

The editor page is Holy ground for serious news and opinions ..not anonymous bull shit.

Fox is crap propaganda especially in primetime and all newspapers print Anonymous letters, ignoramus.

Hey Dumb Ass...

The propaganda is all on cnn and msnbctard where

they fake blowing up trucks and doctor 911 tapes to

fit their agenda you Stupid tard.
Hey brainwashed functional moron, so it's also on every respected media in the world every TV Channel and newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch. It's also backed up by our law enforcement, so you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Poor America.

I have shit turds smarter than you....

Your retort didn't relate to anything I said....
It relates to everything you say, you only respect GOP propaganda Outlets LOL! And you think our law enforcement is a conspiracy against you...

Pull your head out of your ass and face the truth.

Your lying ass media makes shit up and omits the truth.

The SANE know RIGHT wing radio and FOX are your best sources for the truth.

You DUMB ASSES will soon RUE THE DAY you started this RUSSIAN BULL SHIT.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

I read the article. There is no evidence as to these people pissing on flags and there is certainly no evidence anywhere that they’re leftists.

This is just another excuse to disparage liberals. Why? Because finger boy is an asshole.

Tick tock finger boy. Mueller’s got Trump’s accountant, his lawyer, and his campaign manager all singing in three part harmony.

After he threw Don Jr. under the bus the other week, maybe Junior might be ready to talk about what was in the file Ms. Velnetsksya gave him. Maybe particulars about her money laundering case. That was some sweet deal Jeff Sessions gave her client.
You sleazy cronies claim it isn't being investigated.

nobody has claimed it was not being investigated, all anyone has said is that there is no evidence of guilt.

How have I "lost it?" Do leftwing douchebags always interpret any objections to their swill as a sign of mental illness?

You have lost it because you are comparing something seen by a single individual to something that is being experienced by hundreds of thousands and seen on TV by millions.

You have lost it because to defend your fucked up partisan position you had to claim that the videos of a fucking hurricane were faked.

You are so far gone down the partisan highway that you have to resort to such tactics.
You said eye witness testimony doesn't prove a thing. Now you appear to be moving the goal posts. Is it proof or not?

Yes, eye witness testimony alone doesn't prove a thing. In the case of this story there is nothing but a single eye witness.

In the case of the hurricane I have 1 individuals eye witness testimony corroborated by 100,000 other people plus we have videos plus we have satellite images plus we have photos from the ISS.

You desperation would be fun to watch if it were not so fucking pathetic.

I truly hope you are not married and have no kids,
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.
A pretty old ploy. Remember the Emails going around during the Iraq war? There was one saying troops couldn't pray before going on a mission, and another, similar to this latest piece of trash, that claimed Democrats were trying to get all crosses removed from military cemeteries. At the time, I had a civilian friend working as a contractor in Iraq, and he was on a conservative Emailing list. He forwarded both to me, and when I challenged the veracity of the notes, he deleted them...and never spoke of them again, nor did I, out of friendship. But I an aware of the crap gong around, and amazed at the people who believe them. My friend is one of the nicest people I know, yet accepts without challenge the most outrageous concoctions of lies because he needs to believe his chosen party is more patriotic, more loyal, more moral. It's a puzzlement!
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
They guy who took the pictures is a witness to the event.

Of course he is. And there's no reason to think he isn't --- I myself am the queen of Belgium, a qualified brain surgeon, and the proud owner of a life-size replica of the Taj Mahal made entirely out of oleomargarine.

I can't prove it, but so what -- it sounds good.
Your desperation to defend the flag pissers is disgraceful.

You have yet to show us any "flag pissers", pissant. Let alone any "leftists".
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.

Really, they are "ran"; odd way to describe Federal Judges.

How many do you known personally? How many Trials have you observed? Have you served on a jury? Or, are you only echoing the meme and have no real experience on Federal Trial Courts.

Same goes for the Court of Appeals, how many decision have you studied? Please give us your "ran down" on the points and authorities which "libtard clowns" penned.

Thanks in advance for proving the details, it will help develop your credibility on this and other matters.


Bats will fly out of your ass sideways before any SANE

person equates libtards like yourself with credibility.


You libtards can blow smoke up each other’s ass all day long,

but at the end of the day We All Know You Are ALL Full Of SHIT.

We all know you libtards legislate through the courts….

You don’t have to know judges personally DUMB ASS…

Just look at their rulings.

I’ve served on a jury 3 times, foreman on one and could have

been the formam on the other two but I didn’t want the headaches,

not that this has anything to do with the price of tea in China,

I just thought I would answer your DUMB ASS question…

I have a question for you…

Are you really this STUPID or is this an act?

Later you libtard Clown……………

You have no credibility. I am retired law enforcement and was an Officer of the Court. I watched many a voir dire examination and you would be excused by either the people or the defense, one you opened your mouth.
Are you fucking stupid? We have 100,000 eye witnesses, we have live TV footage, I watched it via a Webcam offshore yesterday. We have satellite photos of it.

And you think that is the same as pictures of two people walking down the road.

Fuck, some days I just pity you partisan sheep, to go through life and never be allowed to have an original thought or to have honesty or integrity. You have sold your soul to your party and they took your brain with it.
According to you eye witnesses aren't proof of anything. How do you know all the TV coverage isn't faked? Can you prove it? Does that sound stupid to you? Consider how you sound with respect to the snowflake flag pissers
If they could fake the moon landing, 9/11 and Kennedy assassination they can fake a hurricane.

Perhaps BRIPAT9643 is a flat earther that thinks even space is faked.
Won't he be surprised when he takes his hike from one end to the other. He will come around eventually.
Typical Leftwing debate tactic.

Invent a position for their critics that they have never stated, and then ridicule them based on those positions.

This is what passes for "reasoned discourse" among leftists.

That's exactly what you did to me here a couple of hundred posts ago, Fingerboi. Speaking of which, how's that pointless search to back it up going? Did you look I dunno, maybe under those trolley tracks in Wisconsin?
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS



I wonder if it is true.
They guy who took the pictures is a witness to the event.

Of course he is. And there's no reason to think he isn't --- I myself am the queen of Belgium, a qualified brain surgeon, and the proud owner of a life-size replica of the Taj Mahal made entirely out of oleomargarine.

I can't prove it, but so what -- it sounds good.
Your desperation to defend the flag pissers is disgraceful.

You have yet to show us any "flag pissers", pissant. Let alone any "leftists".

First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.

Really, they are "ran"; odd way to describe Federal Judges.

How many do you known personally? How many Trials have you observed? Have you served on a jury? Or, are you only echoing the meme and have no real experience on Federal Trial Courts.

Same goes for the Court of Appeals, how many decision have you studied? Please give us your "ran down" on the points and authorities which "libtard clowns" penned.

Thanks in advance for proving the details, it will help develop your credibility on this and other matters.


Bats will fly out of your ass sideways before any SANE

person equates libtards like yourself with credibility.


You libtards can blow smoke up each other’s ass all day long,

but at the end of the day We All Know You Are ALL Full Of SHIT.

We all know you libtards legislate through the courts….

You don’t have to know judges personally DUMB ASS…

Just look at their rulings.

I’ve served on a jury 3 times, foreman on one and could have

been the formam on the other two but I didn’t want the headaches,

not that this has anything to do with the price of tea in China,

I just thought I would answer your DUMB ASS question…

I have a question for you…

Are you really this STUPID or is this an act?

Later you libtard Clown……………

You have no credibility. I am retired law enforcement and was an Officer of the Court. I watched many a voir dire examination and you would be excused by either the people or the defense, one you opened your mouth.

It figures you were a government employ….

One of my good buds retired from the coast guard

and now he works for Homeland Security.

What the shit does voir dier have to do with anything?

I guess you just wanted to use the word….

Thank you for your service if you are telling the truth..
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




First take on the photos:

The only story they tell is: He's smoking, he's tattooed, his friend is pissed off and he seems to be too. There is no nexus to the flags and the people.

Even if this was an eyewitness account, why didn't he use his cell phone and videotape it?
Still shots prove nothing.
This would not even be admissible evidence in a court run by clowns.


Trump is replacing many of the judges in the courts that are ran by libtard clowns.

Really, they are "ran"; odd way to describe Federal Judges.

How many do you known personally? How many Trials have you observed? Have you served on a jury? Or, are you only echoing the meme and have no real experience on Federal Trial Courts.

Same goes for the Court of Appeals, how many decision have you studied? Please give us your "ran down" on the points and authorities which "libtard clowns" penned.

Thanks in advance for proving the details, it will help develop your credibility on this and other matters.


Bats will fly out of your ass sideways before any SANE

person equates libtards like yourself with credibility.


You libtards can blow smoke up each other’s ass all day long,

but at the end of the day We All Know You Are ALL Full Of SHIT.

We all know you libtards legislate through the courts….

You don’t have to know judges personally DUMB ASS…

Just look at their rulings.

I’ve served on a jury 3 times, foreman on one and could have

been the formam on the other two but I didn’t want the headaches,

not that this has anything to do with the price of tea in China,

I just thought I would answer your DUMB ASS question…

I have a question for you…

Are you really this STUPID or is this an act?

Later you libtard Clown……………
He is that stupid.
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

I read the article. There is no evidence as to these people pissing on flags and there is certainly no evidence anywhere that they’re leftists.

This is just another excuse to disparage liberals. Why? Because finger boy is an asshole.

Tick tock finger boy. Mueller’s got Trump’s accountant, his lawyer, and his campaign manager all singing in three part harmony.

After he threw Don Jr. under the bus the other week, maybe Junior might be ready to talk about what was in the file Ms. Velnetsksya gave him. Maybe particulars about her money laundering case. That was some sweet deal Jeff Sessions gave her client.
I marvel at the morons who claims there is no evidence. We have an eyewitness, we have photos and we have DNA from the piss. That's more evidence than police have in most cases. The snowflakes that defend these flag pissers are like children who stick their fingers in their ears and bleat "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah! . . . . . I can't hear you!"
These are the people who pretend they love America. Every once in a while they get caught showing their true colors. I hope these photos make them famous:

Leftists Caught Uprooting US Flags at Veterans Cemetery -- Urinating on Flags -- HERE ARE THEIR PHOTOS




Perhaps he doesn't see the US flag as representing America, but representing the rich who control America.

You take your symbols and you pretend they represent everything you want them to stand for, then attack people who don't agree with you.
People who piss on the American flag hate America. That's the bottom line.

I read the article. There is no evidence as to these people pissing on flags and there is certainly no evidence anywhere that they’re leftists.

This is just another excuse to disparage liberals. Why? Because finger boy is an asshole.

Tick tock finger boy. Mueller’s got Trump’s accountant, his lawyer, and his campaign manager all singing in three part harmony.

After he threw Don Jr. under the bus the other week, maybe Junior might be ready to talk about what was in the file Ms. Velnetsksya gave him. Maybe particulars about her money laundering case. That was some sweet deal Jeff Sessions gave her client.
I marvel at the morons who claims there is no evidence. We have an eyewitness, we have photos and we have DNA from the piss. That's more evidence than police have in most cases. The snowflakes that defend these flag pissers are like children who stick their fingers in their ears and bleat "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah! . . . . . I can't hear you!"

You have a stranger who CLAIMS to be an "eyewitness" --- to an 'event' nobody else saw. You have photos of two random people who could be anybody anywhere. As for your "DNA" --- if you believe a local cop shop is going to, if it even has the resources, send a lab out to a cemetery at the very least hours AFTER it's been photographed and reported during which time it evaporated ---- then you probably also believe the Democratic Party holds a political convention on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December.

BESIDES WHICH, even if they pissed away lab resources on extracting DNA from the scene ----- it does not demonstrate how that DNA got there.

"Eyewitness" my ass. In order to have an eyewitness you first need an event. If you encounter two smashed-up cars in an intersection you know there was an event. If you then find a bystander who saw the whole thing, THEN you have an 'eyewitness'. You can't have an 'eyewitness' to an event for which there's no evidence it happened.

If all it took to arrest somebody was an ipse dixit accusation of an event nobody can prove even happened, we'd all be imprisoned on charges of witchcraft.

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