Leftists & morons have succeeded with their drive for spikes in the minimum wage!

We've created a living wage! Now let's just pray some jobs magically reappear...

The way the left is going there won't be very many low skill jobs left. Obviously automation will occur naturally and under normal circumstances the education should reflect that. Sadly the leftist push for "justice" is expediting that process while the education system lags behind.
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.
Right....like that wasn't already coming.
The car is coming down the road too. Depending on who's behind the wheel, an irresponsible person or a measured person, it's speed and the danger it poses is different.
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.

This was inevitable given the progress of technology, but I do think the push to pay non-skilled employees more than they are worth has probably hastened it.
Without a doubt.
When I used to take HUD projects I was required by contract to hire a certain percentage of my employees from within the community and pay them about 30% more than what the same job in the private sector paid. Prevailing wage laws are part of the reason a hammer cost the government 300.00
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
You're not supposed to make it big through a job designed as a stepping stone to adulthood.

you deserve a kid making min wage spitting on your burger right after his boss chewed him out and pissed him off for screwing around like kids do.


Hate to break this to you, Sparky but there's still a kid making your burger behind the scenes...he's probably still screwing around and his boss is probably still chewing him out for it! All you liberals have done is get rid of most of the "counter" positions that young kids used to hold as first jobs. You see it at McDonalds...you see it at Panera Bread...you see it at WalMart. Literally tens of thousands of first jobs have been eliminated just as you were warned would happen.

thats nice ... yawnnnnnnnnn

taken out of chapter one in the RW talking points handbook.

You don't really care about young kids getting jobs...do you, Siete? Since you believe in the whole "Cradle to Grave" entitlement thing...why teach our kids the value of a job when what you really want is to see them dependent on Government!
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
You're not supposed to make it big through a job designed as a stepping stone to adulthood.

you deserve a kid making min wage spitting on your burger right after his boss chewed him out and pissed him off for screwing around like kids do.

I see how you raised your kids. You are the problem America has with its youth. Geez, I taught my son to work hard and respect others. I also did it through my actions. You are proof liberalism is what's wrong with America.
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.
Spikes in the minimum wage?

Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.
Spikes in the minimum wage?

^^^^too dumb to understand the implications
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.

This was inevitable given the progress of technology, but I do think the push to pay non-skilled employees more than they are worth has probably hastened it.
Without a doubt.
When I used to take HUD projects I was required by contract to hire a certain percentage of my employees from within the community and pay them about 30% more than what the same job in the private sector paid. Prevailing wage laws are part of the reason a hammer cost the government 300.00
As a union contractor I payed prevailing wage all the time. Hammers were $25 at the highest. I also hired from the state prisons to facilitate early release for some of them. Not a one of them failed me or the job.
My grand children for their first jobs are computer related as in engineer and programing. A far cry from a burger joint.
Morons tend to be conservative low IQers. How else could rumpy persuade them to vote for him?
Did you vote for Hillary?

In what way is Trump taking the country "DOWN THE TUBES"? The economy is doing better than it has in years...ISIS is getting it's ass handed to it in the Middle East...he's got Congress working on tax reform which is LONG over due...and he's the first President with the balls to address illegal immigration!

Let me guess...your panties are in a bunch because of something he "said"?
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.
Interesting. My first " job"-job was night shift at Dunkin donuts when I was 14 + a week and got my work permit.I assisted the baker putting the jelly and other fillings stuffed stuff.Dusted cimmiminimonon and powdered sugar, made the chili( that was good chile) de calcified the coffee makers and yeah.....cleaned the shitters too. Good honest work. I wanna say I was making ??? 85 cents an hour or so.Not bad. A pack of Sterilborough Reds was 23 cents back then.
Oh. Then I want to school from there.Gain time. Slept from noonish to 3 PM, did my paper route, slept a lil more, went to the donut shop at 1030(early of course). Repeat.
I paid cash for a couple year old GT Mustang fastback with a 390.I paid my " rent" by washing the ol mans cars, cleaning the garage, cutting the lawn and splitting firewood.
I retired at 44
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.

Went into Walmart fairly late tonight, they had zero check out stand open. I asked the guy at the self serve station why no registers were open. I was prepared to tell him to have someone to put the merchandise in my cart back. He checked me out and bagged everything at one of the self serve kiosk. I told him if I wanted to do their job I would put in an application. Our McDonalds remodeled but they still have registers, otherwise I'll go elsewhere.

You right wing nuts will never talk about the reality that the worker hasn't made an increase in over 35 years(dollars per capita) but the rich have gained 950% in their wealth.

How is this fair? Oh'yess, you worship the bastards as they offshore, outsource and sell our country down the river.

Fuck you tiger boy.
Short on time this morning so I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast.

Guess what I didn't see!

No teenage cashiers working for a buck on the weekend and no registers.

Guess what I did see!
4 brand new big screen touch kiosks.

The back of the restaurant appears to still be full of illegals or their children who can barely speak English though.

Congrats lefties! You have taken what used to be a milestone for teenagers, their first job, and destroyed it.

Went into Walmart fairly late tonight, they had zero check out stand open. I asked the guy at the self serve station why no registers were open. I was prepared to tell him to have someone to put the merchandise in my cart back. He checked me out and bagged everything at one of the self serve kiosk. I told him if I wanted to do their job I would put in an application. Our McDonalds remodeled but they still have registers, otherwise I'll go elsewhere.


I think there will be a backlash; especially from us older folks. But what happens when they all do it like self-serve gas stations?
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