Leftists, pro-rape?

It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm

I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reasons? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.
And this is why Joe , no one believes you, because it is all party first and women be damned.... You are too funny , just like Harvey Weinstein....Do you have a War on Women, Joe?

I'm sort of indifferent on party, I go on facts.

For the record, I also thought Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap, based on one fact. If Clarence Thomas was harassing her or was just a shitty boss in general, there's no good reason why she would have followed him from Department of Education to EEOC.
Anita Hill was a liar.

So looking at the only credible cases of abuse (not even rape) by Clinton. Not some list of names like the woman in England who only appears on this list and nowhere else. But the three women who got up in front of a camera and said, "Clinton did a nasty to me!"

Paula Jones said Clinton's penis had a distinguishing characteristic. His medical doctors and women he actually had sex with said he didn't. (Yes, this is the level of classy we had in the 1990's, talking about the President's wang.)
Paula Jones is a liar.

Kathleen Willey said that Clinton groped her. Yet they have records of her sending letters and phone calls to the White House looking for a job afterwards and saying nice things about Clinton. Furthermore, she engaged in various fraud and even Charles Ray (the guy who had to come in and clean up Ken Starr's Mess when he quit) said she made false statement.
Kathleen Willey is a liar.

Juanita Brodderick said Clinton raped her in a hotel room in Little Rock in the 1970's. Except she can't remember the room number. Or the date it happened. And the hotel has no record of either her or Clinton being there. Furthermore, she later accepted an appointment to a commission from Clinton. Finally, she filed TWO sworn affidavits denying she ever had any sexual contact with Clinton.
Juanita Brodderick is a liar.

Now, it might turn out that some of the women accusing Trump are liars. And if someone presents evidence, I'll be the first one to say so.
It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm

I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.

They already did all those things. Nice try though.
It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Trump bragged that he could, because he was a celebrity. A little different than one of the leaders of your party sticking a cigar in one. Yet you still support him.
It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm

I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.

They already did all those things. Nice try though.

You asked for why we don't see them anymore, I gave you 3. In the end my original position stands. This OP is trying to make the case that the left is hypocritical. I'm not saying it isn't true because I know for a fact that hypocrisy is a sin that we all commit on occasions. But using the Weinstein case as an example is the height of irony considering who you elected as president.
If what Trump did was so bad, why didn't the women, step forward and have him arrested?

Seriously? Why wouldn't women step forward and fight a billionaire who has enough money to crush them?

Bill Clinton actually raped women and your crooked vagina candidate had to stop the bimbo eruptions by claiming those women were trailer trash.

except Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove that, and couldn't. The only thing he could prove was that Clinton lied about getting a consensual blow job from an intern.

Don't try to chastise US after what Bill did...with Hillary standing behind her man....

again, when we have a 70 million dollar investigation into trump's sex life, and it comes up with nothing, then we won't chastise you, okay? Sounds reasonable to me.
Just think if Clinton told the truth to begin with. It would've saved us 70 million dollars. So you support Clinton's 70 million dollar lie?
It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Trump bragged that he could, because he was a celebrity. A little different than one of the leaders of your party sticking a cigar in one. Yet you still support him.

Lewinsky never contented it was non-consensual. The Trump tape was worded that it did and people afterwards stepped forwards to confirm the non-consensual nature of his sexual advances.
Just think if Clinton told the truth to begin with. It would've saved us 70 million dollars. So you support Clinton's 70 million dollar lie?

I think that it wasn't really anyone's business.

Heck, I thought he was lying when he said it and so did most people. (At the time, I was one of you right wing nuts, though. Then Bush showed how badly you can fuck up people's lives.)
It sure seems so, their Weiner's have sexually abused women for years and years while at the same time they have lectured everyone about the dangers of rape culture on college campuses. Just a other perfect leftist projection, college campuses are one of the safest environment for women in the planet, unlike Weinstein's circles.

What is the excuse for not holding Weinstein accountable the first time his behavior was known, and not letting him assault more women? Let's hear that one... These people are worth millions and yet don't have the courage to not be rape enablers.

I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.

Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm

I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.

They already did all those things. Nice try though.

You asked for why we don't see them anymore, I gave you 3. In the end my original position stands. This OP is trying to make the case that the left is hypocritical. I'm not saying it isn't true because I know for a fact that hypocrisy is a sin that we all commit on occasions. But using the Weinstein case as an example is the height of irony considering who you elected as president.

They did speak up. They did get on tv. One of them tried to press charges. Fact is, there is only one logical explanation for why they disappeared. It was bullshit.
IDC about the rest. I was only commenting on the ridiculousness of what you said about trump.
I love these the left are hypocrites treads. Weinstein is a democratic donor who used his celebrity status to get away with sexual assault. In the meantime Trump is the elected president who admitted to the same thing, on tape no less, woman stepped forward confirming this confession and you guys just excused it and elected him anyway. Who is the worst? Those who after the fact have sexual predators in their ranks, or those who elect those who are known to be sexual predators and STILL elect them? If I were you I'd stay as far as possible from this whole affair.
Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm
I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.
They already did all those things. Nice try though.
You asked for why we don't see them anymore, I gave you 3. In the end my original position stands. This OP is trying to make the case that the left is hypocritical. I'm not saying it isn't true because I know for a fact that hypocrisy is a sin that we all commit on occasions. But using the Weinstein case as an example is the height of irony considering who you elected as president.
They did speak up. They did get on tv. One of them tried to press charges. Fact is, there is only one logical explanation for why they disappeared. It was bullshit.
IDC about the rest. I was only commenting on the ridiculousness of what you said about trump.
No there's plenty of logical explanations, there's only one explanation you are willing to accept, there's a difference. Like Trump said he can shoot somebody and his base would still accept him. The tape amounted to a confession of sexual assault, people confirmed he did it, just like girls stepped forward confirming he did step into the pageants dressing rooms like he said he did. It's not his word against theirs, it's his word against his word AND theirs. This all points to someone who has no sense of sexual boundaries. And you still elected him.

Wonder why they just disappeared? Figured they would be all over the tele considering the newly elected president sexually assaulted them.. Hmmmmmm
I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.
They already did all those things. Nice try though.
You asked for why we don't see them anymore, I gave you 3. In the end my original position stands. This OP is trying to make the case that the left is hypocritical. I'm not saying it isn't true because I know for a fact that hypocrisy is a sin that we all commit on occasions. But using the Weinstein case as an example is the height of irony considering who you elected as president.
They did speak up. They did get on tv. One of them tried to press charges. Fact is, there is only one logical explanation for why they disappeared. It was bullshit.
IDC about the rest. I was only commenting on the ridiculousness of what you said about trump.
No there's plenty of logical explanations, there's only one explanation you are willing to accept, there's a difference. Like Trump said he can shoot somebody and his base would still accept him. The tape amounted to a confession of sexual assault, people confirmed he did it, just like girls stepped forward confirming he did step into the pageants dressing rooms like he said he did. It's not his word against theirs, it's his word against his word AND theirs. This all points to someone who has no sense of sexual boundaries. And you still elected him.

LOL you are nuts
Have a good day
I wonder why indeed? Let me think if I can come up with a few reason? I didn't press charges because attacking a celebrity billionaire would be to traumatic. Attacking the president will be way more traumatic?
I didn't want my face on the television because I signed a non-disclosure? I don't want my face on television because I want to put this behind me. I spoke up and half the country called me a liar. I signed a non-disclosure. When it comes to sexual assault a lot of woman choose to not speak up. When it's someone in a position of power even less are so inclined. When that position of power entails the power to fire and appoint the attorney general it takes a prohibitively amount of courage.
They already did all those things. Nice try though.
You asked for why we don't see them anymore, I gave you 3. In the end my original position stands. This OP is trying to make the case that the left is hypocritical. I'm not saying it isn't true because I know for a fact that hypocrisy is a sin that we all commit on occasions. But using the Weinstein case as an example is the height of irony considering who you elected as president.
They did speak up. They did get on tv. One of them tried to press charges. Fact is, there is only one logical explanation for why they disappeared. It was bullshit.
IDC about the rest. I was only commenting on the ridiculousness of what you said about trump.
No there's plenty of logical explanations, there's only one explanation you are willing to accept, there's a difference. Like Trump said he can shoot somebody and his base would still accept him. The tape amounted to a confession of sexual assault, people confirmed he did it, just like girls stepped forward confirming he did step into the pageants dressing rooms like he said he did. It's not his word against theirs, it's his word against his word AND theirs. This all points to someone who has no sense of sexual boundaries. And you still elected him.

LOL you are nuts
Have a good day

You too.

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